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1 Title Configuration and data analysis software All right reserved – Content and specifications are subject to change without notice.

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1 1 Title Configuration and data analysis software All right reserved – Content and specifications are subject to change without notice

2 2 eNodView What is eNodView ?  It’s also a powerful measurement acquisition and analysis software.  eNodview offers many tools to facilitate eNod3 implementation.  It allows parameter setting and calibration of eNod3.

3 3 eNodView Which functionnalities ? 1 Set up Automatic detection of all eNod connected to the network eNodView is available in English and french languages

4 4 eNodView Which functionnalities ? 1 Set up Access to all parameters:  Communication  Functionning modes  Digital filters  Logical inputs/outputs Modification, Save and Load functions eNodView is available in English and french language

5 5 eNodView Which functionnalities ? 1 Set up eNodView allows physical or theoretical calibration eNodView is available in English and french language

6 6 eNodView Which functionnalities ? Measurement acquisition Temporal displaying with  Zoom management  Cursors management  Save and Load data acquisition eNodView is available in English and french language 2 Analyse

7 7 eNodView Which functionnalities ? Frequency analysis (FFT) eNodView is available in English and french language 2 Analyse

8 8 eNodView Which functionnalities ? Simulate digital filters integrated into eNod  A/D converter digital filter  Butterworth filter  Auto-adaptative digital filter Complete filters setup before simutation eNodView is available in English and french language 3 Simulation

9 9 eNodView Which functionnalities ? Digital filters simulation and displaying  A/D converter digital filter  Butterworth filter  Auto-adaptative digital filter eNodView is available in English and french language 3 Simulation

10 10 eNodView Which functionnalities ? Timing analysis with cursors management eNod3-C : Displaying of measurement, time and checweigher result between 2 cursors eNodView is available in English and french language 3 Simulation

11 11 eNodView Which functionnalities ? Graphical and Real time displaying of:  Measurement  logical Inputs/Outputs  limit and trigger values eNodView is available in English and french language 4 Real time display eNod3-C : Displaying of result values according to selected mode :  Min/Max values  Checkweigher values

12 12 eNodView Which functionnalities ? eNodView is available in English and french language 4 Real time display eNod3-D : Dosing cycle supervision  Target values  Input/output display

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