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Presentation on theme: "Lathe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lathe

2 Parts

3 1. Headstock hollow spindle gear box

4 2. Tailstock handwheel locks

5 3. Bed (ways) carriage made up of saddle and apron
cross slide compound rest (rotates to any angle) & holds tool post half nut lever - used only for cutting threads thread dial feed rod - general turning lead screw (Acme thread) - for threading only

6 4. Base

7 Lathe spindle - internal Morse taper at nose end
centers collet assemblies

8 Outside the spindle nose
threaded nose long taper with drive key camlock

9 Spring cleaner

10 Spindle Tooling

11 1. Independent 4 jaw chuck most precise most difficult to set up
holds work more securely oddly shaped pieces use dial indicator for centering work piece can reverse jaws jaws are removed 3,2,1 and returned in order of 1,2,3

12 2. Universal 3 jaw chuck some 2 or 6 jaws easier to set up
less precise jaws will not reverse so a separate set of jaws must be used chucking normal external internal

13 3. Drive plate used with lathe dog to drive work mounted between centers

14 4. Face plate can mount work directly to face of plate has T-slots

15 5. Collets for small detailed work range only few thousandths of inch
work pieces to be gripped must not vary more than +/- .003” rough or inaccurate work - don’t use with collet never tighten a collet without a workpiece in its jaws rubber flex collets - have a wider range (about .125”)

16 6. Magnetic chuck

17 Tailstock jacobs chuck (drills) taper shank drills centers

18 Operating the machine controls

19 Hand feeding is not used for long cuts
lack of uniformity poor surface finish

20 Using power feed and approaching a shoulder, disengage 1/8” before shoulder

21 Micrometer collar graduations
single depth - tool moves as much as the collar shows you are actually removing twice as much from the diameter turn in .020” , actually moves in .020” removing .040” from dia. some lathes built to compensate - turn in .020”, actually moves in .010” to remove .020” from dia.

22 Operations on the lathe

23 1.) Facing to obtain flat surface on end of work piece

24 Why is facing done? to establish lengths before center drilling
on parts clamped on face plate

25 Tool must be at centerline of work

26 Lock carriage when facing

27 Can feed in either direction when facing
1. feed from center to outside better surface finish difficult to cut on a solid face in the center 2. feed from outside to center (preferred) can take heavier cuts easier to cut to scribed lines on the circumference of the work

28 Feed by hand for small diameters

29 Methods of facing to length
face to layout line less precise turn compound slide parallel to the ways and use micrometer dial most precise

30 2.) Center Drilling also called combination drill and countersink
performed because the hole must have 60 deg angle to clear point of center range from 1/8” to 3/4” body diameter don’t feed drill too fast don’t feed drill too deep

31 3.) Turning between centers (done after facing and center drilling)

32 Adv: can turn without eccentricity can turn more of a shaft

33 Disadv: no parting no boring no drilling

34 Accessories needed tailstock center headstock center drive plate
lathe dog knockout bar

35 Adjust tailstock so the bent tail of the dog moves freely in its slot

36 Lathe dog tail should not rub on the bottom of the slot

37 4.) Turning between chuck and a center

38 Adv: quick setup positive drive

39 Disadvantage: eccentricities on a shaft can be caused by chuck jaw inaccuracies work piece slips endwise into the chuck - come off tailstock center solutions to this 1. make chalk mark at chuck to monitor slipping 2. machine a shoulder on the shaft to contact face of chuck

40 Cutting tools and tool holders

41 General Single Point Turning Tools
HSS Carbide greater rigidity greater material removal rates

42 Tool geometries (shape of tool)
grooving / parting threading knurling boring - boring bar

43 Tool holders and Tool posts
mounted on compound rest and held in T-slot

44 1. Standard type (obsolete)
straight shank left hand right hand

45 2. Quick change

46 Tools should be set on the centerline of the work piece for turning (as well as for facing)
can set this by checking with the center in the tailstock can set this by using a steel rule

47 Checking alignment of lathe centers (4 methods)
points of centers brought together tailstock witness marks test bar - uses dial indicator mounted on tool post cutting and measuring (most accurate)

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