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Concrete Codes and Standards for Nuclear Power Plants (CTG) Chiara Ferraris, NIST Chairperson.

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Presentation on theme: "Concrete Codes and Standards for Nuclear Power Plants (CTG) Chiara Ferraris, NIST Chairperson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concrete Codes and Standards for Nuclear Power Plants (CTG) Chiara Ferraris, NIST Chairperson

2 CTG Concrete Codes and Standards for NPP Created December 2009 Meetings: –Monthly conference calls –in person (March 23, 2010) at the ACI convention in Chicago Final Draft report on NESCC website: –6 ballots to finalize the report –Request specific comments from NESCC

3 Membership - reviewers 37 members from : ACI, AISC, Amec, AmerenUE Callaway Nuclear Plant, AREVA, ASME, ASTM, BASF, Bechtel Power, Carrasquillo Associates, Commision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear, DOE, Dominion Virginia Power, Duke Energy, EPRI, Exelon, FMC Lithium Division, ICA Fluor, INL, J.D. Stevenson, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NCMA, NFPA, NIST, Purdue Univ., Sargent & Lundy, Savannah River Remediation, Southern Company, Unistar, University of Kansas, US-NRC, Westinghouse 34 reviewers from industry, government and SDOs

4 Scope Establish coordination and consistency of safety and non-safety related concrete requirements Identify new design requirements for safety related concrete components, and develop a plan to incorporate these new requirements into codes and standards. Identify and review all U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory documents related to concrete for nuclear power plant

5 Objectives Objective 1: Review NRC documents –Documents considered: Mattson report, NRC NUREG CR 5973, and NRC-regulatory documents –Detailed analysis of the gaps in the concrete standards, specification, and codes for all SDO’s. Objective 2: Categorize and Identify –Discussion of codes and standards –A list of issues and recommendations Objective 3-4: Identify research needs –list of potential areas where research might improve or facilitate the construction

6 Report Table of content 1.Introduction 2.Objectives overview 3.Discussion of Standards Developing Organizations (SDO) and relevant documents 4.Issues unrelated to SDOs 5.Research Needs 6.Summary

7 Goal 2-3: SDO examined ACI – Amer. Concrete Institute AISC – Amer. Inst. of Steel Construction ASME – Amer. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers ANSI – Amer. National Standards Institute ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers EPRI - Electric Power Research Institute NEI- Nuclear Energy Institute NFPA - National Fire Protection Association Foreign standards and code – attempt

8 SDOs Related issues Recommendation to revise not recently ( more than 10 yrs) updated documents List of items that should be addressed in otherwise updated documents. –Each recommendation was structured: Title a) Status today b) What needs to be changed for application to a nuclear power plant? c) Why does it need to be changed? Provide a reference or example

9 Main issues uncovered ACI: –Specific recommendations for 318, 349 & 359 –Update some related ACI documents, i.e., related to Heavyweight concrete –Nuclear inspector certification program AISC/ACI: modular construction Coordination of ACI/ASME

10 Coordination DOE, NRC, SDOs NRC and DOE need to review any new version of SDOs documents before they are accepted for use in NPP Expedite NRC and DOE review of the most used codes and standards Resolve construction requirements in conflict with NRC current technical requirements. Better procedure for NRC to adopt SDOs documents

11 Goal 2-3: Issues unrelated to SDOs 4.1Materials 4.2.Implement new, mature technologies 4.3.Foreign standards and Codes

12 Materials Material selection for concrete mixture designs needs: –to ensure conformity to current standards and codes –sufficient material supply is locally available –commercially available concrete batch mix materials, with adequate records –enable assured concrete service life for over 60 – 75 years.

13 Issues to be considered Supplementary cementitious material (SCM) usage should be encouraged Aggregate sources need to be tested, e.g. ASR High density aggregates characterization Cement characterization, i.e. SCM interaction

14 Implement mature technologies Self consolidating concrete (SCC). There are no references to SCC in any of the NRC documents. Procedure for introduction of new technology in the nuclear construction. Performance based design of concrete Foreign codes and standards adoption

15 Goal 4: Research needs 5.1.High Strength reinforcing steel 5.2.Concrete Radiation Shielding 5.3.Durability of concrete 5.4.Performance based design 5.5Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC) 5.6 Use of lapped Splices in regions of low bixial tension 5.7Temperature loading concrete

16 Summary Main issues –Improve process for NRC, DOE to adopt new technology and standards –Long list of research need: how can they be addressed?

17 What next? March 2011: receive comments from all NESCC members April 2011: publication of the report Dissemination of findings to SDOs, NRC, DOE –Presentation done by Ferraris at ACI Fall 2010 convention to TTAG and ACI 349 –Publication of report –Suggestion for other presentations? Note the TG would be dissolved upon publication of the report

18 Questions for you How to help NRC streamline the adoption of revised/new standards and codes? How can international standards be adopted by SDOs or NRC? How to address research needs? Who and funding? How to use this report?

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