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Some Key Findings From BPCS Baseline Survey Broadening Participation through Civil Society (BPCS) Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Key Findings From BPCS Baseline Survey Broadening Participation through Civil Society (BPCS) Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Key Findings From BPCS Baseline Survey Broadening Participation through Civil Society (BPCS) Program

2 BASELINE SAMPLING Total Sample Respondent= 5000 A multi-stage cluster sampling was designed based on Population Proportionate to Size (PPS) Northern Region: Dahuk= 169 Erbil= 242 Sulaymaniyah=282 Ninawa=491 Anbar=234 Sala ad Din=211 Kirkuk=208 Central Region:Babel= 272 Diyala= 216 Karbala= 160, Najaf= 193 Wasit= 183 Baghdad= 1058 Southern Region:Basra=380 Maysan= 148 Muthanna=108 Qadisiya= 170 Dhi Qar= 275 Male = 65% (3250); Female= 35% (1750)

3 DEMOGRAPHICS Respondent’s AgePercentage 18 – 2425% 25 – 3124% 32 – 3817% 39 – 5222% 53+12% EducationPercentage Never went school10% Primary school18% Junior high school19% Senior high school21% University/Academy32% EthnicityPercentage Arab77% Kurd19% Turkmen3% Assyrian1% Vulnerable GroupPercentage Widows4% Female Headed15% Ethnic/Religious group2% Other34% Refused10% Do not know35%

4 LOCAL NEWS/INFORMATION SOURCE People say sources most likely they get local news and information Source Percentage 1 st choice2 nd choice3 rd choice Newspaper 7% 12% Radio 5%22%13% Television 73%18%4% Internet 9%18%9% SMS 0%3%4% Rumors/Public places 3%20%26% Mosque 0%2%8%

5 NATIONAL INDICATOR People say how things are going overall these days People say the single biggest problem facing it as a whole in Iraq

6 NATIONAL INDICATOR People say the current economic situation in Iraq People’s opinion on security situation over the last year in Iraq

7 ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY People’s opinion on the list of activities that Civil Society could perform

8 CIVIC KNOWLEDGE Subject Percentage YesNoRefused Aware of the civil society in their community19%70%11% Could give example of CSO advocating for their community needs 15%69%16% Could explain the works CSO performed to advocate their community needs 11%17%72% Know the places where the community groups meet in their community 18%67%15% Heard or learned of association/CSO in the media past six months 45%48%7% Know how to get contact with a representative from their local council 45%50%5% Know how to get contact with a representative from their provincial council 31%63%6% CSOs need to be registered with the government58%27%15% Could tell the name of Iraqi Prime Minister correctly95%3%2% Percentage of people who have a basic level of civic knowledge

9 PARTICIPATION IN CIVIC ACTION Activity Percentage Yes NoRefused Participated in any activity with others to improve his/her community or country 24%72%4% Participated in a civil society-organized activity 17%79%4% Participated in a local or national advocacy campaign 19%76%5% Written a letter to a govt. officials or called him by phone for help solving a problem or to share his/her views 14%84%2% Met with a government official for help solving a problem or to share his/her opinion 14%83%3% Percentage of people who have participated in a collective civic action during past six months

10 PARTICIPATION IN VOLUNTARY SERVICE Activity Percentage Yes NoRefused Done voluntary work in his/her community 31%65%4% Donated money or other assistance to a non-religious civil society organization. 16%79%5% Helped others to understand how to peacefully demonstrate for improved government services. 23%71%6% Percentage of people who have participated in voluntary services during past six months

11 MEMBERSHIP IN GROUPS Type Percentage Official leader Active member Inactive member Not a member Refused Religious group 1.0%2.7%5.2%85.8%5.3% Syndicate or association 0.7%4.5%8.5%81.2%5.1% Professional or business association 0.5%1.6%3.8%88.3%5.8% A community development or self-help association/CSO 1.0%2.9%3.4%86.5%6.1% Percentage of people who are a member of the groups

12 MEMBERSHIP IN GROUPS Position of membership in the past six months of the above Type Percentage YesNoRefused Religious group 2%22%76% Syndicate or association 4%21%75% Professional or business association 2%22%76% A community development or self-help association/CSO 3%20%77%

13 VOICE IN LOCAL GOVT. DECISION Percentage of people who feel they have a voice in local government decision making (On a 1 to 7 scale rating, where 7 being ‘very likely’ and 1 being ‘least likely’) Level /Scale Percentage 1234567 Refused Local government14%11%16%19%15%11%9%5% Provincial government15%13%16%18%16%9%8%5% Federal government26%15%14% 9%6%5%11% Regional government25%11% 12%8%6% 22%

14 PERCEPTION OF CIVIL SOCIETY People’s perception of Civil Society in Iraq (On a 1 to 7 scale rating, where 7 being the best and 1 being the worst)

15 PERCEPTION OF GOVT. RESPONSIVENESS People’s perception of Government Responsiveness (On a 1 to 7 scale rating, where 7 being the best and 1 being the worst) Subject/Scale Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 They are honest and fair with the Iraqi people 30%18%24%13%6%2%3% Are available to me if I want to express my opinion or solve a problem 31%22%19%12%6%2% Are actively working to solve problems and meet needs of people and community 29%21%22%13%6%3%2% Are aware of the issues of most concern to people 24%18%20%15%8%5%4% Try their best to listen to what people like me have to say 31%20%18%12%7%3% Are competent and professional in performing their jobs. 23%21%23%13%8%3% Are accountable to the public for the quality of their job performance and the decisions that they take. 24%19%21%13%7%4% Are open and honest about their work and the decisions that they take. 27%20%21%13%7%3% Are willing to share information about their work with the media and/or public 20%15%20%15%10%5%

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