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By Kateryna Mogan.  Standard 3.0 Technology for Learning and Collaboration: Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration  Standard 4.0.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kateryna Mogan.  Standard 3.0 Technology for Learning and Collaboration: Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration  Standard 4.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Kateryna Mogan

2  Standard 3.0 Technology for Learning and Collaboration: Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration  Standard 4.0 Technology for Communication and Expression: Use technology to communicate information and express ideas using various media formats.

3  Where: The Prince Street Elementary School  When: February-April 2009  Who: Ms. Elisabeth McQuown- a special education teacher (

4  Currently 90 students that have an IEP  2 special education teachers, 1 special education assistant, 2 speech/language therapists, 1 psychologist.  Universal design throughout the entire school (ramps, all bathrooms are handicap accessible, etc.)  Full inclusion with appointed pull outs according to the IEP  Students are grouped according to age and a kind of disability

5  Technology use is faire  Enlarged keyboard stickers and the software that reads text back to the visually impaired students on one of the computers  Regular and oversized calculators  Overhead projector  Inspiration Software

6  Voice recorder and record player for storytelling

7 Ms. McQuown uses interactive and educational games that students can play on a Promethean Board Helps them to pay attention, develops memory and motor skills “Peter Rabbit” interactive game

8  The use of technology with the students with disabilities can foster speech and language development (Skau & Cascella, 2006, p.12)  The use of technology in a special ed. classroom makes students more comfortable with the technology everywhere else  Students like to create things with the help of the technology, and they are very proud and motivated when they succeed

9  Teachers can combine the audio stories that students had recorded and create an audio digital story book.  It is hard to include all the information into 30 minutes that is why special ed. teachers and mainstream teachers have to collaborate  The school has a Inspiration software but children do not use.

10  Cascella, L. S. (2006, July/August). Using Assistive Technology to Foster Speech and Language Skills at Home and in Preschool. Teaching Exceptional Children, 12-17.

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