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Student Affairs Learning Collaborative Mission Related Outcomes at Santa Clara University Santa Clara University Campus Visit November 21, 2008.

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1 Student Affairs Learning Collaborative Mission Related Outcomes at Santa Clara University Santa Clara University Campus Visit November 21, 2008

2 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 Santa Clara University requested an analysis of student responses to questions related to the university mission from three years of College Senior Survey data Introduction The analysis of 918 student responses to the College Senior Survey (CSS) completed between 2005 and 2008 was based on an existing 1998 report of CSS data collected from 1995 to 1997 The 2005 to 2008 SCU data was compared with the responses of SCU seniors from 1995 to 1997 to look at differences in the attitudes of graduating students in two time periods separated by a decade The SCU senior data was matched with individual responses to the Survey of Incoming Freshman, allowing for an analysis of change over the course of their college experience for 677 SCU graduating seniors Santa Clara University CSS data was compared with aggregate CSS data from students at all participating private universities and four-year institutions for a benchmark comparison of graduating seniors

3 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 Recent SCU graduates appear to be more satisfied with their college experience than were SCU graduates ten years earlier Eighty-eight percent of 2005-2007 SCU seniors reported that they would probably or definitely enroll in SCU again if they had to make their decision again, compared with 82% in 1995-1997 If you could make the decision again, would you enroll at Santa Clara University? % responding “probably” or “definitely” Introduction

4 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 All three undergraduate areas saw satisfaction of senior students increase over the ten-year period Engineering seniors saw the biggest increase in satisfaction, followed by Business seniors. A&S seniors reported slightly lower satisfaction and a small increase in satisfaction from the previous ten years. If you could make the decision again, would you enroll at Santa Clara University? % responding “probably” or “definitely” SCU College Senior Survey

5 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 Santa Clara University saw a greater increase in satisfaction among senior students than did other private or four-year institutions SCU showed higher satisfaction levels, on average, than comparable institutions in both time periods. SCU also increased its lead over other institutions in the ten year span. If you could make the decision again, would you enroll at Santa Clara University? % responding “probably” or “definitely” 1995-19972005-2007 Percentage Point Change SCU82.1%87.9%+5.8 Private Institutions81.2%83.1%+1.9 4-year Institutions79.2%82.7%+3.5 College Senior Survey Benchmarks

6 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 SCU seniors considered compassionate work to be more important in 2005-2007 than in 1995-1997, but reported less frequent volunteer work Responses to Mission-Related Questions SCU College Senior Survey

7 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 Santa Clara University saw a greater increase in importance given to helping others in difficulty than other private or four-year institutions Compared with students at other institutions, SCU students gave a lower level importance, on average, to this question in 1995-1997, but recorded importance ratings above benchmark schools in 2005-2007 Seniors Reporting that it is “Very Important” or “Essential” to Help Others in Difficulty* 1995-19972005-2007 Percentage Point Change SCU70.8%79.8%+9.0 Private Institutions71.9%74.3%+2.4 4-year Institutions73.5%77.0%+3.5 *Responses were on a five-point scale from “not important” to “essential.” College Senior Survey Benchmarks

8 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 Santa Clara University saw a greater increase in importance given to participating in community action programs than other private or four- year institutions SCU students showed the highest average importance ratings to this question in 1995-1997, and slightly increased its advantage over the benchmark schools in 2005-2007 Seniors Reporting that it is “Very Important” or “Essential” to Participate in Community Action Programs 1995-19972005-2007 Percentage Point Change SCU35.7%41.9%+6.2 Private Institutions33.1%38.9%+5.8 4-year Institutions31.6%35.4%+3.8 *Responses were on a five-point scale from “not important” to “essential.” College Senior Survey Benchmarks

9 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 Santa Clara University saw a greater decline than other institutions in the proportion of students reporting occasional or frequent volunteer work, but still had the highest voluntary service performance rates SCU seniors’ voluntary service rates exceeded benchmark schools’ by approximately five percentage points in 1995-1997, but dropped to a four point difference in 2005-2007. Seniors Reporting that they had “Frequently” or “Occasionally” Performed Volunteer Work During the Previous Year 1995-19972005-2007 Percentage Point Change SCU79.8%70.3%-9.6 Private Institutions72.7%65.9%-6.8 4-year Institutions71.9%65.9%-6.0 *Responses were on a three-point scale from “not at all” to “frequently.” College Senior Survey Benchmarks

10 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 SCU students considered helping others and participating in community action programs to be more important as seniors, than they had as freshmen Change in Compassion-Related Responses, Freshman to Seniors Graduating from 2005 to 2007 SCU Value-Added However, for the same cohort of students, performance of volunteer work dropped from 46% of students when they were freshmen, to just 20% as seniors. *Percent responding “very important” or “essential.” * *

11 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 Santa Clara University saw a greater increase in the positive responses to compassion-related questions among students between freshman and senior years than did other institutions Like students at other institutions, SCU seniors showed a decline in volunteer work when compared with their freshman year, but the decline was smaller at SCU than the average at private or 4-year institutions. Percentage Point ChangeSCU Private Institutions 4-year Institutions Importance of helping others in difficulty +12.3%+7.7%+8.7% Importance of participating in community action programs +10.3%+8.4%+7.4% Performed volunteer work in the past year -21.9%-26.7%-24.0% Value-Added Benchmarks Change in Compassion-Related Responses, Freshman to Seniors Graduating from 2005 to 2007

12 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 In 2005-2007, far greater proportions of SCU seniors reported having gained a “much stronger” understanding of community and national problems than had in 1995-1997 Percent of Seniors Reporting a “Much Stronger” Understanding than When they Entered College SCU Value-Added SCU students reporting having gained a much stronger understanding of community and national issues grew by more than 1/3 over the 10 year period. *

13 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 The increase in the proportion of seniors reported having gained a “much stronger” understanding of community problems was much greater at SCU than at other institutions SCU seniors responded positively at similar rates as other students in 1995-1997,but far surpassed their peers at other institutions in 2005-2007. Community Problems 1995-19972005-2007 Percentage Point Change SCU18.7%31.0%+12.3 Private Institutions17.3%24.6%+7.3 4-year Institutions18.5%23.3%+4.8 College Senior Survey Benchmarks Percent of Seniors Reporting a “Much Stronger” Understanding of Problems Facing their Community

14 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 The increase in the proportion of seniors who reported having gained a “much stronger” understanding national problems was much greater at SCU than at other institutions SCU seniors responded positively at similar rates as other students in 1995-1997,but far surpassed their peers at other institutions in 2005-2007. National Problems 1995-19972005-2007 Percentage Point Change SCU23.9%37.1%+13.2 Private Institutions21.8%29.9%+8.1 4-year Institutions23.1%29.0%+5.9 College Senior Survey Benchmarks Percent of Seniors Reporting a “Much Stronger” Understanding of Problems Facing the Nation

15 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 The proportion of SCU seniors reporting having “much stronger” leadership abilities due to their college experience grew between 1995- 1997 and 2005-2007 The increase was greatest for the students in engineering, but business students still showed the greatest proportion of positive responses. SCU School 1995-19972005-2007 Percentage Point Change Arts & Sciences~24%33.9%+9.9 Business27.2%38.9%+11.7 Engineering15.3%31.9%+16.6 SCU College Senior Survey Percentage of SCU Seniors Reporting “Much Stronger” Leadership Abilities than When they Entered College

16 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 The increase in the proportion of SCU seniors who reported having “much stronger” leadership abilities than when they entered college was about the same as that seen at private institutions SCU maintained its above average proportion of seniors reporting much stronger leadership abilities than when they entered college. 1995-19972005-2007 Percentage Point Change SCU24.1%34.4%+10.4 Private Institutions19.7%30.3%+10.6 4-year Institutions22.5%31.3%+8.8 College Senior Survey Benchmarks Percentage of Seniors Reporting “Much Stronger” Leadership Abilities than When they Entered College

17 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 SCU shows consistent gains in positive outcomes for students graduating in 2005-2008 compared with students who graduated from SCU in 1995-1998 SCU improved at a greater rate than did private institutions and four-year institutions, on average SCU has either maintained or established higher rates of positive student outcomes relative to averages seen at private and four-year institutions Conclusion

18 © Eduventures, Inc. 2008 Questions? Please contact: Ingrid Vargas Senior Analyst and Member Advisor 617.532.6083 Contact Information

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