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Presentation on theme: " Colin N. Brooks, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) Christopher Roussi, MTRI Dr. Tim Colling, P.E., Michigan Tech Center for Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colin N. Brooks, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) Christopher Roussi, MTRI Dr. Tim Colling, P.E., Michigan Tech Center for Technology and Training (CTT) Caesar Singh, P.E., US Department of Transportation (USDOT) Research & Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) RITARS-11-H-MTU1 Characterization of Unpaved Road Conditions through the Use of Remote Sensing Friday, May 2 nd, 2013 – 2 nd Technical Advisory Committee meeting

2 Characterization of Unpaved Road Conditions Goal of the Project: Extend available Commercial Remote Sensing & Spatial Information (CRS&SI) tools to enhance & develop an unpaved road assessment system by developing a sensor for, & demonstrating the utility of remote sensing platform(s) for unpaved road assessment. –Commercially viable in that it can measure inventory and distress data at a rate and cost competitive with traditional methods –Rapid ID & characterization of unpaved roads –Inventory level with meaningful metrics –Develop a sensor for, & demonstrate the utility of remote sensing platform(s) for unpaved road assessment –Platform could be a typical manned fixed-wing aircraft, UAV, or both; depends on relative strengths & weaknesses in meeting user community requirements –Simplify mission planning, control of sensor system, & data processing fitting for a commercial entity or large transportation agency –Demonstrate prototype system(s) to stakeholders for potential implementation developed through best engineering practices –Develop a decision support system to aid the user in asset management and planning 2

3 Project web page 3

4 Project Partners Partners: –Michigan Tech Center for Technology & Training: Gravel roads & Decision Support Tool software expertise –Transportation Asset Management Council of Michigan (TAMC) – shared PASER data, provide advice (briefed 1/9/13 on progress, pleased with results –SEMCOG (Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments) – shared aerial imagery, provide advice, inventory needs –RCOC (Road Commission for Oakland County) – provide advice, local expertise on unpaved roads management needs –USDOT-RITA – Program Manager, advice, transportation expertise –Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) – project lead, remote sensing, engineering, UAVs, software coding, image processing 4

5 Assessment Method: Dept. Army Unsurfaced Road Condition Index  Representative Sample Segment (approx.. 100’ long) 2 Part Rating System (per distress)  Density  Percentage of the sample area  Severity  Low  Medium  High  Drawback: typically takes significant time to complete manual assessments by traditional methods

6 Road Characteristics 6 Unpaved roads have common characteristics –Surface type –Surface width Collected every 10', with a precision of +/- 4” –Cross Section (Loss of Crown) Facilitates drainage, typically 2% - 4% (up to 6%) vertical change, sloping away from the centerline to the edge Measure the profile every 10' along the road direction, able to detect a 1% change across a 9'-wide lane –Potholes 3‘ width bins 4” depth bins –Ruts Detect features >5”, >10' in length, precision +/-2” –Corrugations (washboarding) Classify by depth to a precision of +/-1” – 3” Report total area of the reporting segment affected –Roadside Drainage System should be able to measure ditch bottom relative to road surface within +/-2”, if >6” Detect the presence of water, elevation +/-2”, width +/-4” –Float aggregate (berms)

7 Inventory: Surface Type  How many miles of unpaved road are there? Not all counties have this.  Need to able to determine this inventory  c. 43,000 (1984 estimate) – but no up-to-date, accurate state inventory exists  c. 800 miles in Oakland County estimate  We are extracting this from recent, high-resolution aerial imagery, focusing on unincorporated areas – attribute existing state Framework roads layer  Completed Oakland, Monroe Counties – ready to share with SEMCOG; working on Livingston, St. Clair, Macomb, Washtenaw Counties 7

8 Motivation for Phenomenology Approach: Understand how the physical properties of the road surface distresses manifest themselves in observable ways – Color (inc. need for balancing) – Texture – Patterns – profile (inc. 3D structure) – Polarization Sensor Nikon D800 – full-sized (FX) sensor, 36.3 Mp, 4 fps - $3,000; 55 mm prime & 105mm lense, 200 mm planned Sensing Unpaved Road Conditions 8

9 Flight factors for remote control aircraft Forward speed must be low to be able to image with the required scene overlap at the maximum rate of the sensor – Low speed → rotary wing aircraft, since fixed-wing would stall Must be able to loft 5kg of sensor, controller, and batteries Must be able to fly for 20min under full load, we’re staying below 100’, in sight of safety pilot;

10 Selected initial aircraft: Bergen Tazer 800 10

11 Flight Safety & Effectiveness Inspection Evaluate site for safe flight operations, suitable for aerial collection –High-voltage towers, restricted airspace, visual obstructions Manned vs. unmanned: –Manned: licensed pilot review, FAA regs followed, safety margins included –Unmanned: more possible instructions 11

12 Flight trajectory planning Ground Station Control program / tool – create flight trajectory Includes ability to automatically take off, fly, auto-land; operator has joystick control at all times Includes Google Earth / Maps information 12 Typical view of opening screen in Ground Station program

13 Data Collection – unmanned helicopter Totally autonomous flight. Flight time for a 200 m section: 4 minutes During collects helicopter is flown at 2 m/s and at an altitude of 25 m (82’) and 30 m (98’) – FAA ceiling of 400’ 13 Example flight at

14 Piotter Rd. and Garno Collect November 8, 2012

15 Helicopter Data – Piotter Rd. 25 m Altitude

16 Other Example Image Taken from 25m altitude, 2m/s (1 st photo); 30m (2 nd )

17 Ground data being collected for all roads being flown for assessment 17

18 Fixed-wing Choice FAA restrictions on fixed-wing flight – >500ft altitude – Sensor cannot be attached to aircraft without FAA review Any small aircraft meet SWAP and flight requirements While charter costs can be up to $1600-$2500/hr, we flew last fall in a Cessna 172 for $280 for 1.2 hours of flight time – Fly to site, collect data, and fly back Trial flight 2012; more planned for 2013 after we consulted with President of Professional Aerial Photographers Association, Chuck Boyle – Recommended John Sullivan of AAP Inc. at Ann Arbor Airport

19 Aerial Collect

20 Software Architecture Because we are incorporating legacy code, third- party tools, and custom code, we need a flexible architecture Developed in C, C++, Python, bash Flexible control, with tools calling each other as needed

21 Algorithm Use Structure from Motion (SIFT+ Bundler + PVMS) to turn 2D images into 3D point- cloud reconstruction –SIFT = scale-invariant feature transform –PVMS = patch-based multi-view stereo Form a surface from the 3D point-cloud –Form grid, Fourier Filter, Marching Cubes to triangulate Find the depth/height map of the surface –Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) –Rotate so z-axis is “up” (depth)

22 Algorithm Find and select the road in the scene –Image entropy measure (road is “smoother”) Rotate extracted road into new coordinate system –Makes it easier to take cuts along and across road Analyze for features of interest –Gabor Filtering, Circular Hough Transform, Cuts for profiles of road and drainage Convert to PASER-like metrics (Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating System) Generate XML output suitable for RoadSoft GIS decision support processing

23 Example 3D Reconstruction 15 images use to form point cloud Bundler outputDensified point cloud 3D surface from point cloud Height-field from surface

24 3D data examples Important to categorizing distresses by severity Obtaining 0.9 cm ground sample distance 24

25 Input to Crown Measurement Across Road Along Road Example crossection plot (vert meters

26 URCI Density, Severity, Deduct 26 Distress TypeDensitySeverityDeduct Value Improper Cross Section5.6L13 Corrugations50.0M29 DustNAM4 Potholes1.44M34 Ruts65H44 Total Deduct Value = 124 q = # of deduct values = or > 5 q = 4

27 URCI Assigned Distress ID & Ranking in the RoadSoft GIS DSS 27

28 Where next with the project? Larger set of field deployments along rural roads (Del. 7-A) –Both unmanned RC helicopter and Cessna flights –Demonstrate hexacopter capability vs. single rotor helicopter –Cessna flights shooting at nadir (we have the door that can hold the camera internally) –Integrating of results into RoadSoft GIS Write up formal Performance Evaluation (Del. 7-B) –How well did we do? How capable is the system? Useful metric generated… Where is technology going towards practical deployment & usage, inc. cost? Avenues for practical usage by transportation agencies –in-house model (buy equipment, software) –Contracted services model (company performs data collections & analysis for transportation agency; end-to-end system licensed to company) 28

29 29 Contact Info Colin Brooks Desk: 734-913-6858, Mobile: 734-604-4196 Michigan Tech Research Institute, MTRI 3600 Green Court, Suite 100 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Tim Colling, Ph.D., P.E. Chris Roussi Rick Dobson David Dean DISCLAIMER: The views, opinions, findings and conclusions reflected in this presentation are the responsibility of the authors only and do not represent the official policy or position of the USDOT/RITA, or any State or other entity.

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