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Copyright Standards This document contains proprietary research, copyrighted materials, and literary property of Gallup, Inc. It is for the guidance of.

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2 Copyright Standards This document contains proprietary research, copyrighted materials, and literary property of Gallup, Inc. It is for the guidance of your company only and is not to be copied, quoted, published, or divulged to others outside of your organization. Gallup ® and The Gallup Poll ® are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This document is of great value to both your organization and Gallup, Inc. Accordingly, international and domestic laws and penalties guaranteeing patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret protection protect the ideas, concepts, and recommendations related within this document. No changes may be made to this document without the express written permission of Gallup, Inc.

3 Overview  How do Americans perceive Jews, Christians, Buddhists and Muslims?  What factors predict prejudice toward Muslim?  What factors predict no prejudice toward Muslims?  Conclusions

4 Why Should USG Care about American Perceptions of Muslims?  Success of People to People Diplomatic Strategy  Risk of Muslim American alienation, important partners in the fight against violent extremism –Among a minority: risk creating possible vulnerability for extremist ideology--especially among youth  Bias may lead to counter productive behavior among law enforcement making the problem worse  Bias may create blind spots in security strategy exploited by violent extremists  Expressed anti-Muslim prejudice exploited by extremists to feed victim narrative

5 Thinking honestly about your feelings, how much prejudice, if any, do you feel toward each of the following religious groups?

6 What is your opinion of each of the following religions?

7 How much knowledge would you say you have about each of the following religions?

8 Do you, yourself, happen to know anyone in the following religious groups, or not?

9 The tone on Islam becomes worse and worse There has been no improvement in reporting about Islam in US TV news, as day-to-day religious life does not play a large role in news selection. As violence was the dominant news value, coverage became significantly more negative since autumn of 2008. Basis: 9,268 statements in 3 US main evening TV news, 01/2007-08/2009 Long-term analysis Islam in US TV news: Tone, 01/2007-08/2009 Source: MediaTenor

10 Christianity: Low volume of reporting in 2009 Coverage of Christianity is volatile as only few events or scandals make for intensive coverage over a protracted period. The uproar about abuse of children in Catholic orphanages in Ireland proves the case. Basis: 8,379 statements in 3 US main evening TV news, 01/2007-08/2009 Long-term analysis Christianity in US TV news: Volume and tone, 01/2007-08/2009 Source: MediaTenor

11 Violence shapes image of Islam While religious organizations and leaders, clerics and believers are the dominant aspects of Christianity, fundamentalist and militant groups account for 2/3 of the coverage of Islam. Islam Christianity Basis: 4,618 / 1,772 statements in 4 US main evening TV news, 01-08/2009 Religion in US TV news, 2009 Islam and Christianity in US TV news: Perspective of reporting Source: MediaTenor

12 Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about Muslims? Most Muslims around the world...

13 Some people have also had discussions about the rights that should be guaranteed to women. Please tell me whether or not you generally agree with each of the following: Women and men should have equal legal rights

14 Variables Associated With Prejudice Toward Muslims (Respondents self-reporting “a great deal” of prejudice toward Muslims)

15 Variables Associated With Non-Prejudice Toward Muslims (Respondents self-reporting “none at all” of prejudice toward Muslims)

16 Variables Associated With Non-Prejudice toward Muslims (Respondents self-reporting “none at all” of prejudice toward Muslims)

17 Conclusions  Of the four faith groups asked about, Americans express the most prejudice toward Muslims  Self-reported prejudice toward Jews is most strongly associated with “a great deal” of prejudice toward Muslims  Frequent religious service attendance is associated with reports of “no prejudice.”  A favorable opinion of Islam is associated with “no prejudice”, whereas personally knowing a Muslim is not.

18 Recommendations If goal is to reduce anti-Muslim prejudice:  Muslim American Community –Offer accurate education on Islam’s teachings, not just personal interaction with Muslims –Coalition building with other minority groups and faith institutions –Increase amount and visibility of community service  Government –Continue framing crimes committed by a Muslim as individual acts, not Islamic acts –Publically condemn anti-Muslim prejudice and incidents –Study and track anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim sentiment together as related phenomena –Continue to recognize Muslim American contributions to security as well as other problems facing America

19 Methodology  Nationally representative  Field dates –Oct. 31 to Nov. 13, 2009  The total number of completed surveys used in the analysis for this report is 1,002  The design effect-adjusted margin of error for the overall study is ±3.4 percentage points  Cumulative response rates –Wave 1 – 7.9%

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