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Consolidation Year7, unit 4.. Checking your homework. A.B., pp. 33-34, ex.5, part 1) A. an encyclopaedia; B. an Internet advertisement; C. a story (Lost.

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Presentation on theme: "Consolidation Year7, unit 4.. Checking your homework. A.B., pp. 33-34, ex.5, part 1) A. an encyclopaedia; B. an Internet advertisement; C. a story (Lost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consolidation Year7, unit 4.

2 Checking your homework. A.B., pp. 33-34, ex.5, part 1) A. an encyclopaedia; B. an Internet advertisement; C. a story (Lost in the Everglades by Tricia Workman). A.B., pp. 33-34, ex.5, part 2) a big alligator — большой аллигатор; different experiences — разные приключения; great wilderness - огромная дикая местность, a great river of grass —, великая река травы; large turtles — большие черепахи; the largest wilderness — самая большая дикая местность; a national park — национальный парк; a strange noise — странный звук

3 Checking your homework. A.B., pp. 33-34, ex.5, part 3) Adjectives: great, large, big, strange, interesting, fun. Adverbs: suddenly, lazily

4 Grammar for revision Countable and uncountable nouns. pdf

5 A.B., pp.53-54. 1. Vocabulary 1) Plastic bottles; 2) Glass bottles; 3) A lot of trees; 4) Greenhouse gases; 5) The litter from our bins; 6) Walking to school; 7) Climate change. 2. Grammar chocolate, a chocolate, a fish, fish, a wood, wood, a paper, paper.

6 Grammar for revision A few/ few, little/a little. Pdf Количественные местоимения Из книги Александра Васильева "Английский: правила произношения и чтения, грамматика, разговорный язык". 12.htm"Английский: правила произношения и чтения, грамматика, разговорный язык" 12.htm

7 A.B., p.55, ex. 3. Grammar 1) fewer, less, fewer, less; 2) less; 3) fewer; 4) less, a little; 5) fewer, a few flowers.

8 Grammar for revision Modal verbs pdf

9 A.B., p.55, ex. 4. Grammar 1) You mustn’t use toxic oven cleaners. 2) You can clean the oven by using lemon juice. 3) You can reuse shopping bags to carry products from the shop. 4) You can choose a paper bag instead of a plastic one at the grocery shop. 5) You shouldn’t throw away old clothes and toys. 6) You can donate your old clothes or toys to people in need. 7) You should choose items that are made from recycled material. 8) You should walk or ride a bicycle to school

10 Grammar for revision Passive voice A.B., p. 56, ex.5. Grammar (1) is collected; (2) is taken; (3) is taken; (4) are called; (5) are made;. (6) is pressed; (7) is covered; (8) causes; (9) are disturbed; (10) stays; (11) don’t change

11 Grammar for revision Префикс re- обычно выражает повторность действия, и иногда ему соответствует русская приставка пере-. В английских глаголах с префиксом re- обычно бывает два ударения: на префиксе и основе, например: to read (читать) - to re(-)read перечитать; to make (делать) - to remake переделывать. Однако, надо помнить, что русская приставка пере- не всегда соответствует английскому префиксу re-, так как часто она передает значение превышения нормы, например, пересолить. Поэтому при переводе слов с префиксом re-используйте слова снова, еще раз, повторно и др. Например: to estimate (оценивать) - to re(-)estimate оценить снова, еще раз (а не: переоценить).

12 A.B., p.56, ex. 6. World building. Words with the prefix re-: reuse, recreate, recycle, redecorate, replace, reread, retell, rethink, rewrite. Words without prefixes: repeat, remember, repair, report, reserve, respect.

13 Great Smoky Mountains Music Video This music video is a bonus feature from Exploring the Smokies DVD and is available on location and from With this full featured DVD, you can visit the park's best-known places, including Cades Cove, Oconaluftee, Roaring Fork, Newfound Gap, Clingmans Dome and more. Journey to lesser- known jewels like Cataloochee and Gregory Bald. See Cable Mill and cantilever barn, and learn park history and the legacy of the mountain people who lived here.


15 Grammar for revision Articles with geographical names pdf A.B., p.57, ex. 7. (1) —; (2) —; (3) —; (4) The; (5) the; (6) —; (7) the; (8) the; (9) —; (10) the

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