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Microelectronics User Group Meeting TWEPP 2012, Oxford, UK 19/9/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Microelectronics User Group Meeting TWEPP 2012, Oxford, UK 19/9/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microelectronics User Group Meeting TWEPP 2012, Oxford, UK 19/9/2012

2 Agenda “News on foundry access services via CERN” by Kostas Kloukinas (CERN) (10’) “65nm technology: Design tools and foundry access services plans.” by Sandro Bonacini (CERN) (30’) “Open Discussion with emphasis on 65nm technologies” (1h20’) 19/9/12 2

3 Overview of Technologies CMOS 8RF-LM Low cost technology for Large Digital designs CMOS 8RF-LM Low cost technology for Large Digital designs CMOS 8RF-DM Low cost technology for Analog & RF designs CMOS 8RF-DM Low cost technology for Analog & RF designs BiCMOS 8WL Cost effective technology for Low Power RF designs BiCMOS 8HP High Performance technology for demanding RF designs BiCMOS 8HP High Performance technology for demanding RF designs CMOS 9SF LP/RF High performance technology for dense designs CMOS 9SF LP/RF High performance technology for dense designs 130nm CMOS 90nm CMOS Foundry services & Technology technical support provided by CERN. 19/9/12 CMOS 65nm High performance technology for dense designs CMOS 65nm High performance technology for dense designs 65nm CMOS Legacy technology IBM CMOS6SF (250nm) Mainstream technology IBM CMOS8RF-DM (130nm) Full support: CERN compiled Mixed-Signal design kit BiCMOS variants are not very popular. Advance technology IBM CMOS9LP/RF (90nm) Limited support: Project specific. Future technology (65nm) For LHC upgrade applications. Under evaluation. No user support yet. CMOS 6SF Legacy designs CMOS 6SF Legacy designs 250nm CMOS 3

4 130nm MPW activity CERN participates on all MOSIS MPW runs (4 runs/year) and organizes ad-hoc MPWs with the foundry for high volume and/or area demanding prototyping. CMOS8RF-DM (3-2-3) is the dominant metal stack option. Prototyping and Engineering run costs are kept the same for the last 2 years. 19/9/12 Evolution of the Prototyping activity on CMOS8RF for the last 5 years 4

5 Motivation for using a 65nm process Future vertex detectors for high energy physics experiments can benefit from modern deep submicron technologies  Scaling is necessary to improve the performances of pixel detectors Smaller pixel sizes (pitch) More “intelligence” in each pixel  Faster serializers/deserializers In general, the expected advantages in porting a front-end circuit to a more advanced technology include  A much more compact, faster digital part (reduction in area of ~60% compared to 130nm technology)  Better matching than in 130nm Results of radiation hardness studies are very encouraging  See, “Characterization of a commercial 65 nm CMOS technology for SLHC applications”, also presented in TWEPP 2011  Radiation characterization of the selected technology is nevertheless needed Foundry will be selected with a call for tender 5 Sandro Bonacini - PH/ESE -

6 Technology options & Metal stacks 6 Plenty of device options… but they come at a cost!  Options modulate strongly the manufacturing cost.  Thin metals are expensive because of their fine pitch.  Must be taken into account at early design stages! STI poly M2 M1 M3 M5 M6 M4 M1 W M2 M3 M4 RDL M5 M4 M5 poly M2 M1 M3 M1 W M2 M3 W M6 RDL passivatio n M1 W W mimcap Sandro Bonacini - PH/ESE - Wide choice of standard cell libraries from foundries  tapless/tap-cell (substrate/n-well contacts in each cell or not)  multi-Vt, multi-Vdd  power switches, isolation cells, level translators, …  several pitch sizes 7-, 9-, 10-, 12-tracks, … IP blocks from foundries  SRAMs, PLLs, SerDes, specialty I/O, …  … but radiation tolerance must be verified

7 65nm Technology Planning To keep manufacturing cost at affordable levels and facilitate the exchange of IP blocks within the community it is proposed to support:  only one metal stack with a well defined set of technology options. Low Power version of the process, with 6 +1 metal layers. 4-thin, 1-thick, 1-UTM, RDL Digital Standard cell Library: 9-tracks, standard-Vt  A second metal stack and library could be made available at a later. CERN is seeking to establish a foundry access contract  Call for Tender is in process The procedure should complete before the end of 2012 CERN plans to offer:  A Mixed Signal Design Kit that integrates the PDK and the Digital Standard Cell libraries and is compatible with the workflows of the 130nm Design Kit.  Provide access to foundry services via Silicon Broker. MPWs, Engineering runs, Production runs. 30/9/11 7

8 130 nm Mixed Signal Kit Distribution US Brookhaven Lab. Columbia University Fermilab Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Rutgers Univ. Univ. of Chicago Univ. of Hawaii Univ. of Pennsylvania Ohio State University SMU,Dallas Santa Cruz Institute US Brookhaven Lab. Columbia University Fermilab Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Rutgers Univ. Univ. of Chicago Univ. of Hawaii Univ. of Pennsylvania Ohio State University SMU,Dallas Santa Cruz Institute Germany Bergische Universität Wuppertal DESY, Hamburg Institut der Universitaet Heidelberg Max-Plank-Institute fur Physik Max-Plank-Institute Halbleiterlabor Forschungszentrum Julich University of Siegen Universität Bonn Germany Bergische Universität Wuppertal DESY, Hamburg Institut der Universitaet Heidelberg Max-Plank-Institute fur Physik Max-Plank-Institute Halbleiterlabor Forschungszentrum Julich University of Siegen Universität Bonn Italy INFN Rome INFN Torino INFN Bologna INFN Bari INFN Cagliari Univ. of Bergamo Univ. of Pisa Univ. of Pavia Polytecnico di Milano Italy INFN Rome INFN Torino INFN Bologna INFN Bari INFN Cagliari Univ. of Bergamo Univ. of Pisa Univ. of Pavia Polytecnico di Milano France CEA SACLAY, Paris IN2P3, Paris LPNHE, Paris IPNL, Lyon IPHC, Strasbourg LAPP, Annecy LPC, Clermont-Ferrand CPPM, Marceille INPG, Grenoble France CEA SACLAY, Paris IN2P3, Paris LPNHE, Paris IPNL, Lyon IPHC, Strasbourg LAPP, Annecy LPC, Clermont-Ferrand CPPM, Marceille INPG, Grenoble UK Rutherford Appleton Lab. Imperial College London University College London UK Rutherford Appleton Lab. Imperial College London University College London Portugal INESC, Porto LIP, Lisbon Portugal INESC, Porto LIP, Lisbon Spain Univ. of Barcelona IFAE, Barcelona IFIC, Valencia Spain Univ. of Barcelona IFAE, Barcelona IFIC, Valencia Netherlands NIKEF, Amsterdam Netherlands NIKEF, Amsterdam Poland AGH Univ. of Science & Tech. Poland AGH Univ. of Science & Tech. CERN 19/9/12 Switzerland Universite de Geneve Switzerland Universite de Geneve 8

9 65nm Design kit distribution & support  The role of the Silicon Broker will include distribution of the package to HEP Institutes and give support Maintenance of the PDK and libraries with updates from foundry  depending on frequency of updates and their complexity Organization of workshop / training courses on the Mixed Signal flow  Reference design given as example Organization of common MPW runs for users 9 Foundry Silicon Broker Physics institutes Cadence VCAD design services CERN Sandro Bonacini - PH/ESE -

10 65nm Foundry Access Services 10 Silicon Broker CERN Physics institutes Foundry Foundry Access  MPW as scheduled from Silicon Broker  Might have to adapt metal stack  Additional runs for HEP  Metal stack 4-thin, 1-thick, 1-UTM  Possibly every 4 months?  Engineering/production runs Physics institutes can send the purchase order via CERN GDS will be submitted directly to Broker Sandro Bonacini - PH/ESE -

11 Open discussion 65nm Technology  Interest in the community Designers have already started or will start very soon to explore a 65nm technology.  Organization of MPWs and Engineering runs  Standard cell libraries.  Repository of IP blocks. 130nm technology  It is proposed that designers should sent to CERN a “bug list” and a “wish list” for the future releases of the CMOS8RF Mixed Signal Design kit.  Submission plans should be communicated to CERN early in advance. (Yearly submission planning). 19/9/12 11

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