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Anchor Handling Changes. Basic Idea Barge with HYPACK SURVEY Tug 1 Tug 2 Tug 3 Home Office GPS & HDG WEBIF Or SURVEYVIEWER All vessels can see each other.

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Presentation on theme: "Anchor Handling Changes. Basic Idea Barge with HYPACK SURVEY Tug 1 Tug 2 Tug 3 Home Office GPS & HDG WEBIF Or SURVEYVIEWER All vessels can see each other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anchor Handling Changes

2 Basic Idea Barge with HYPACK SURVEY Tug 1 Tug 2 Tug 3 Home Office GPS & HDG WEBIF Or SURVEYVIEWER All vessels can see each other. Tugs can pick up and drop anchors at targeted positions. Barge master can mark anchor target positions. Home office can view operation. Tugs and home office do not need HYPACK license.

3 Modifications Needed BOAT SHAPE EDITOR – Allow user to name anchors TUGS – Develop program (GPStoWEB.EXE) that reads GPS feed and broadcasts it over the Internet. – Stand-alone program with no external *.DLLs. – Output will be AIS-based message. – Program will accept both RS- 232 and network input. – Need to test WebIF program to eliminate slow drawing and to increase update rate. BARGE – Create device driver (position and heading) to read Tug broadcasts. – Develop AnchorHandling.DLL. – Populates Barge Anchors from Barge Boat Shape file. – Populates Available Anchor positions from Tug Boat Shape Files. – Allows Barge Master to move anchor from Barge to Tug Anchor Position and/or to Bottom. – Area Map – Anchor Target Position icon. – Allows Barge Master to set proposed target position. – Removed automatically when anchor is dropped. – Display distances from all anchors to barge attachment position as default.

4 GPStoWEB.EXE Green, if program has received GGA sentence in last 5 seconds. Red, if not true. Status GPS to Web GPS CONNECTION WEB INFO Exit On receipt of $GPGGA message, sends WGS-84 Lat/Long/Ellipsoid Height and last Heading info out the web. Maximum update rate = 1Hz.

5 AnchorHandling.DLL Available AnchorsAnchor Position Port Forward Port Midship Port Stern Strbd Forward Strbd Midship Strbd Aft (Drop down listing) On Barge On Bottom (Drop) Tug 1 Bow Tug 1 Stern Tug 2 Bow Tug 2 Stern Tug 3 Tug 4 (Drop down listing) Populated from available anchors from Boat Shape file used for Main Vessel. Updates if the user changes the Boat Shape File. Populated from available anchors from Boat Shape files used from all other mobiles. If a boat shape file has no anchors, then the Boat Origin Position is used as an ‘anchor’ and it is named with the Mobile name (see Tug 3 in listing). Barge Master can select an anchor from the list on the left and assign its position from the list on the right.

6 HYPACK SURVEY: Area Map Set Anchor Target Position Icon: Click-and-drag: Displays bearing and distance at mid-point of segment. Double-click: Sets anchor target symbol. Right-click: Removes anchor target symbol.

7 WebIF and SURVEYVIEWER WebIF: – Modify update rate to 1Hz. – Change drawing routine to eliminate white space and slow re-draws. – Add anchor information window. – Test. Test. Test. SURVEYVIEWER: – Modify update rate to 1Hz. – Compile into a single executable. No DLLs needed. – Test. Test. Test.

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