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Goal setting.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal setting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal setting

2 Importance of Goal The organization that makes it a priority to develop quality, effective goals will succeed in its performance management, in its business in general, and in developing its employees’ skills and confidence. Goals normally launch annual performance journey You step off in wrong direction, you will never reach the target

3 Goal - meaning An organized process that deconstructs strategies and cascades relevant and measurable elements of those strategies appropriately through the workforce.

4 Goal - effectiveness Builds organizational discipline
Keeps everyone at every level focused on the same destination Allow accurate forecasting of resource needs and their efficient use Avoids costly pitfalls and change in direction Keeps the organization competitive in the marketplace Makes employees to know what is expected of them at work These benefits are critical to the organization!!!!

5 Problem of not having a goal
Goal-less Goal The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.

6 Goal setting Guided by answering the following questions
What is it you would like to focus on? What would you like to achieve? What would you like to happen that is not happening now? How would you know you were being successful if you achieved your goal? How could you break this goal down into manageable chunks? What are all the things that would need to be done to achieve the goal?

7 Review of bottlenecks What is happening at the moment to derail your progress toward the goal? When and how often does this happen? Be precise if possible. What effect does this have? What other factors are relevant? Who else is relevant? What is that person’s perception of the situation? What have you tried so far? What else is conflicting with achieving the goal?

8 Options to be explored What possibilities for action do you see? Don’t worry about how realistic they are at this stage. Who might be able to help? Which options do you like the most? What are the benefits and pitfalls of these options? Which options are of interest to you? Rate from 1 to 10 your assessment of the practicality of each of these options. Would you like to choose an option to act on?

9 Look into the future What are your next steps?
Precisely when will you take them? What might get in the way? What support do you need? Can you see some real benefit coming from this for yourself and others? Are you excited by the prospect?

10 Good goals Goals should be SMART Goals should be manageable in number
Goals should address both business results and personal development

11 SMART goals

12 Cascading and aligning goals

13 Cascading goals This is the process of deconstructing and translating goals from one level of organisation to next Gives the organisation a right direction and a roadmap Aligns the goals of each division, unit and team with organisational goals

14 Discussion point What is the organisational goal ?
How will you align your office goal with organisational goal ?

15 Care to be taken while cascading
The following guidelines to be kept in mind The employee needs to be able to do the work; The employee must have the tools, resources, and access required to get the work done. Expectations must be well-defined, and the employee must have sufficient time and bandwidth to meet milestones. Goals must be reasonable. An impossible target will certainly be frustrating and can be demoralizing. Managers must be prepared to offer guidance and coaching where required

16 Goal setting framework
Cascade organizational goals Align team member goals Manage priorities Address development needs Keep employees engaged

17 Goal setting framework
Periodic follow ups to - Monitor progress against plan Identify challenges and bottlenecks early Address changes Avoid year-end surprises Keep employees engaged

18 Goal setting framework
Frequent advisory and coaching Encourage interaction Recognize positive performance Address negative performance issues as and when they happen Keep employees engaged

19 Goal setting framework
Annual performance review Assess and award performance Discuss readiness for the coming year Keep employees engaged

20 Feedback Formal feedback on performance to be used only for short term pursuits Can be used for day-to-day review and coaching Formal feedback over a period of time becomes stereo typed and so not to be used in the long run For future planning, use forward looking inputs

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