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The Cart Program applies to all UMHB Employees, Students and all others authorized to operate carts (i.e. Guests; visitors, contractors) on the UMHB campus.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cart Program applies to all UMHB Employees, Students and all others authorized to operate carts (i.e. Guests; visitors, contractors) on the UMHB campus."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Cart Program applies to all UMHB Employees, Students and all others authorized to operate carts (i.e. Guests; visitors, contractors) on the UMHB campus and owned or leased properties. Carts include golf carts, utility vehicles, and other sub-compact electric and/or gasoline-powered vehicles (i.e. Think, Gem, etc.).

3 All cart operators must  Be a minimum of 18 years of age and possess a valid driver’s license.  Possess a driving record free from charges ▪ Per UMHB Transportation Policy - Attachment A – Section I – Driving Requirements. See next slide. ▪ Motor Vehicle Record checks (3 year driving history) are required to verify eligibility. Student operators must be  employed by the university or serving in a capacity such as Ambassadors, Student Organizations, etc.

4 Drivers will be disqualified for these offenses :  Exceeding the speed limit in excess of 20 mph  Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs  Offenses against a person involving vehicle  i.e. hit & run, etc.  Accumulation of 6 points or more  Moving violations ( i.e. speeding, running stop sign/light, etc.) are 2 points each  3 moving violations = 6 points Important Note: Drivers are responsible for notifying their respective Supervisor and Human Resources if any conditions such as those listed above occur that would disqualify them from driving. Attachment A – Use of University Vehicles Section I – Driving Requirements

5  Employees, volunteers and students who have successfully completed the STARS driving qualification program and are current, authorized University drivers (listed on the active UMHB STARS driver database) are authorized to operate carts without additional training (provided dept. cart orientation is accomplished).  All other personnel desiring to operate carts only must complete STARS cart-specific training.

6 Cart-specific orientation (i.e. controls & accessories) will be conducted for all cart operators by their respective department supervisor for each type of cart to be driven.  Check list will be provided by Safety Department.  Completed check lists will be signed by the operator & the supervisor and provided to the Safety Department for retention.

7 Guests - prior to operating carts on campus  The Safety Department will ▪ Conduct or arrange orientation on university cart policy, and ▪ Verify each operator’s driver’s license. A copy of driver’s licenses and orientation documents will be maintained by Safety.  Cart-specific orientation for drivers must be conducted by a competent member of the guest organization.

8 All cart operators must  Obey all applicable traffic rules, signals, and signs.  Yield to pedestrians and vehicular traffic.  Use turn signals. ▪ On carts not equipped with brake and/or turn signals operators must use hand signals.

9 Cart operators must observe cart capacities:  Passenger capacity - one passenger per seat. ▪ Passengers allowed on seats only - not in cargo spaces. ▪ If deemed necessary ill/injured individuals may be transported utilizing the cargo area of carts with sufficient available space - limbs may not extend beyond the confines of the cart. ▪ Passengers must remain properly seated and keep all limbs within the confines of the cart at all times.  Cargo capacity. ▪ Do not exceed the recommended weight capacity of vehicle. ▪ Cargo should not normally exceed the confines of the cart, but if deemed necessary cargo must not extend beyond 6” from the sides and 36” from the rear of the cart.

10 Carts must be operated primarily on campus streets and properties;  Campus boundaries are public city streets; College St., Crusader Way, University Drive and 9 th Avenue.  Avoid operation on these city streets as much as is possible.

11 Use of sidewalks and grass areas must be avoided with few exceptions;  Physical Plant & Custodial vehicles are authorized to use sidewalks, but only when performing assigned tasks. Otherwise, use of sidewalks should be avoided.  Other departments and/or guests may use sidewalks on a strictly limited basis only – using the shortest, most direct route – i.e. to transport cargo or personnel (injured, handicapped, etc.) to and from buildings and only when absolutely necessary. Park carts in designated parking areas only and always engage the parking brake & remove the key.

12 Prohibitions;  Electronic devices; ▪ Operators may not use electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, radios, etc.) while operating carts. ▪ Unless it is an emergency situation, cart operators should park in a safe location to use communication devices. ▪ Operators may not at any time use headsets with electronic devices such as I-pods, radios or other similar devices.  Smoking or use of tobacco products in carts is prohibited.  Carts may not be parked on sidewalks in such a manner that will block the pedestrian pathway, or park on designated paths and grass areas.  Carts may not be parked within 15 feet of building entrances & exits.  Carts may not be utilized between sunset and sunrise without operational headlights, tail lights & turn signals.

13 Carts must be equipped with lights:  All carts must have operational strobe lights at all times when in use (visible 360 degrees) and installed to operate automatically when cart is running or key is in the on position.  Carts utilized between sunset and sunrise must be equipped with head-lights, tail/stop lights and turn signals. All carts must be equipped with:  horn  rear view mirror(s)  white reflective tape visible 360 degrees

14 Guest carts  Will not be required to be equipped with horns and rear view mirrors.  May be equipped with pole mounted safety flags in lieu of strobe lights at a sufficient height to be visible 360 degrees.  Guests are entirely responsible for owned/rented carts and for providing required equipment.

15 Length of Eligibility  Employees will be valid indefinitely.  Students will be valid through the end of the current school year.  Other operators will be valid for one calendar year unless an earlier expiration is specified.  Guests temporarily on campus will be valid through the last day of the specified visit or completion of a project. Enforcement  Enforcement of the Cart program will be conducted by the UMHB Campus Police.

16 Violations by Employees, Students, & Others:  Violations of cart operation guidelines may result in the issuance of UMHB violations issued by Campus Police and may also result in disciplinary action.  Violations will be reported to Safety Department;  an accumulation of three (3) moving or operational violations, or one serious violation (i.e. traffic accident or injury) will result in operator disqualification.  Disqualified cart operators may be re-instated by  attending and successfully completing a Stars training class  provided that a motor vehicle record check is acceptable.  Operation of a cart by a non-authorized individual will result in  referral of the operator to the respective Supervisor, Assoc. Vice President, and/or Vice President for appropriate disciplinary action.  Student operator violations will also be reported to the Dean of Students. Violations by Guests:  Violations by Guests may result in the revocation of cart operation privileges on campus of an individual operator, or if deemed necessary, of an organization.

17 Accidents  Cart operators must report all accidents involving carts to the Campus Police.  Copies of the reports will be provided to the Director of Safety.  The cart operator’s department or organization may be held responsible for charges related to accident damage. Personal Carts Prohibited  Personally owned, rented, or leased carts may not be utilized on campus.

18 Department Responsibility  Each department’s supervisors (i.e. managers, directors, Assoc. VPs, VPs) will be responsible for ensuring that only qualified personnel operate carts utilized by the department. Eligibility Verification  Verification of cart operators may be accomplished by contacting the Safety Department.

19 To complete Stars Cart training:  Complete the Stars Cart Quiz  Posted on the Safety website  See your Supervisor for cart-specific familiarization  Supervisor will submit  Driver Qualification Request form to initiate qualification  Cart Familiarization form &  Stars Cart Quiz (completed by driver)

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