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Excerpt from Fleet Policy

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1 Excerpt from Fleet Policy
Dear Driver: It is Biogen Idec’s policy to provide a company vehicle to employees who have and ongoing business need for ground transportation. This policy was designed so that you will know exactly what is expected of you in maintaining your company vehicle. The purpose of this policy is to make the company vehicle plan a success and to assure you a safe and dependable means of transportation. The company vehicle is intended as a “tool” to help you be more effective at your job. Additionally, personal use of the vehicle is permitted and personal use mileage is not restricted. Biogen Idec is committed to promoting a heightened level of safety awareness and responsible driving behavior in its employees. Please understand that Biogen Idec is responsible for the cost of your vehicle’s operation. We ask that you drive and maintain the vehicle in a safe operating condition consistent with keeping costs at a minimum. Our efforts and your commitment will prevent vehicle accidents and reduce personal injury and property loss claims. Failure to comply with the policies stated within will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. This program Requires the full cooperation of each driver to operate their vehicle safely and to adhere to the responsibilities outlined. The best way to begin is to thoroughly read this policy.

2 Safety First Points Program: Overview
Safety First Point Program On an annual basis, Biogen Idec (Fleet Manager, Meegan Heritage) will review each Driver’s history for a minimum period of 12 months and will assign a universal point value to each violation listed on the motor vehicle record check (MVR). MVRs will be submitted and managed via The CEI Group’s MVR automated program, DriverCare™. The total number of points assigned will determine a Driver’s risk level. Biogen Idec reserves the right to review MVRs at any time beyond the 12 month time period and to consider such information in making decisions pursuant to this policy. If a Driver disputes any violation on his/her MVR, he/she must provide Biogen Idec with a written notification setting forth the specific nature of the dispute and the steps the Driver is taking to have the dispute resolved in his/her favor. Biogen Idec may decide how much weight, if any, to assign to such dispute in its determination of Driver’s risk level. Any non-employee authorized drivers (i.e., spouse, domestic partner, etc.) with 5 or more points in a 12 month period are prohibited from driving the company vehicle.

3 Safety First Points Program
A Driver will be assessed a risk level based on his/her point totals as follows: Safe Driver 0 points Low Risk Driver 1 to 4 points Medium Risk Driver 5 to 8 points High Risk Driver 9 or more points Safe Driver A Safe Driver will have no points on his/her annual MVR and has full driving privileges. Low Risk Driver A Low Risk Driver will have less than 5 points on his/her annual MVR and has full driving privileges. Medium Risk Driver A Medium Risk Driver will receive written documentation from Biogen Idec stating why they have been assigned to a Medium Risk Driver level and any corrective action required. The Driver’s manager along with HR will be copied on the communication. The Driver will be assigned an online driver training course (s) related to the specific motor vehicle accident (s), and/or policy infraction (s). Drivers will be required to pass a test. In the event that a Driver fails the test additional training may be assigned. High Risk Driver A High Risk Driver will receive written documentation from Biogen Idec stating why they have been assigned to a High Risk Driver level and any corrective action required. The Driver’s manager along with HR and Legal will be copied on the communication. The Driver will be required to attend behind the wheel training at his/her own expense. High Risk Drivers will be subject to termination of employment.

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