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DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM. Domain Name System Hostname Resolution DNS Name Lookup with DNS Domain Name Servers DNS Database Reverse Lookups.

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2 Domain Name System Hostname Resolution DNS Name Lookup with DNS Domain Name Servers DNS Database Reverse Lookups

3 Hostname Resolution TCP/IP uses 32 bit address (dotted decimal) Hard for us - we use “ordinary” (canonical) names Host Name Resolution - application must find IP address corresponding to name Lookup routines provided by resolver library (gethostbyname & gethostbyaddr)

4 Solutions: –Local file (/etc/hosts) maintenance problem –Network Information System (NIS) stores host file info in master database OK for small nets (maint & distribution) –Network Information Center (NIC) HOSTS.TXT pre-1984 central site - maint & distribution problems

5 Domain Name System Hierarchy of domains –edu (Mostly US) educational institutions like universities, etc. –com Commercial organizations, companies. –org Non-commercial organizations. –net Gateways and other administrative host on a network –mil US military institutions –gov US government institutions. –Outside USA: fr - france de - Germany au - Australia

6 Name Lookup with DNS Giant distributed database Name Servers provide info on a domain or set of domains Two (or more) name servers per zone (see whois)

7 Sample Lookup Your host needs address of host queries names server at root domain root name server (rns) - not in my domain - domain rns contacts edu zone name server (zns) - list provided to rns rns queries one of the edu zns edu zns knows runs a root of their own & points rns to it rns presents query for slotnik to rns & IP address is returned info (Ipfor slotnick, &.edu) cached for a TTL period (just in case)

8 Domain Name Servers Authoritative (Master name servers) Primary/secondary

9 DNS Database

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