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Från idéer till framgångsrika företagFrom ideas to successful businesses.

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Presentation on theme: "Från idéer till framgångsrika företagFrom ideas to successful businesses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Från idéer till framgångsrika företagFrom ideas to successful businesses

2 Almi Företagspartner AB - Sweden 450 employees in total. Head office is owned 100% by state – Ministry of Enterprise 16 regional companies/subsidaries owned by: Head office : 51% County councils : 49% (County Council Västernorrland and Regional Council of Jämtland County) Almi Invest/Saminvest : Venture capital.

3 From ideas to successful businesses Finance and advice … ADVICE FINANCE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES Venture capital Micro credits Export financing Business credits Innovation credits Mentoring Innovation counselling Advice for established companies New businesses Business purchase/ acquisition processes IDEAS Incubation

4 From ideas to successful businesses Effects on growth To increase number of successfully commercialized innovations. To increase number of established sustainable companies. To increase the competetiveness and growth of companies.

5 From ideas to successful businesses Business areas Incubation Venture capital AdviceFinance Financing of Swedish incubators. Early stages and developing businesses Established companies IFS Innovation Mentoring Finance for small and mediumsized companies.

6 From ideas to successful businesses Business advice areas Innovation Start-ups/ IFS Mentoring Established companies - development processes Business acquisitions processes Business Advice

7 From ideas to successful businesses Innovation – financing and funding 2012 214 projects 70 projects Business Advice

8 From ideas to successful businesses Established companies – development processes Business Advice

9 From ideas to successful businesses Almi financing The credit fund holds M€ 550 Close cooperation with commercial banks All lines of businesses. The most important aspects are the potential of the business concept and the capacity of the management Finance

10 From ideas to successful businesses 10. Almis and the financial market Risk Interest rate Bank Almi Venture cap. Finance

11 From ideas to successful businesses Almi Invest / SamInvest 8 Regional funds. 350 portfolio companies. Investments in early stages. 42 Investment Managers. Invested capital M€ 100 miljoner. Seed capital & Expansion capital. Venture capital

12 From ideas to successful businesses Venture capital Business concept Almi Invest/SamInvest creates unique possibilities for entrepreneurial companies to grow by investing capital and knowledge on a regional basis and in cooperation with other actors on the venture capital market. Venture capital

13 From ideas to successful businesses Growth/ New capital Capital to expand Maturity Two of a kind – different stages of financing Early stage capital Venture capital

14 From ideas to successful businesses Incubation BIG Sweden Financing based on results. Focus – quality and quantity follow up. 46 independent incubators/environments. 24 of these financed based on results: 1-7 MSEK / incubator Incubation

15 From ideas to successful businesses Vision Our vision is to create opportunities for all viable ideas and businesses to develop.

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