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S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college.

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1 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering chemical & biomolecular engineering mechanical engineering The College of Engineering Homepage Since 1969

2 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering 27 Ricci Hall (R) Engineering School Office R514 Electronic Engineering Office R710 Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering Office R521 Mechanical Engineering Office R618 26 Adam Shall Hall (AS) Computer Science and Engineering Office AS910 24 Ricci Hall Annex (RA) Machine shop RA111 21 Teilhard Hall (TE) Academic-industrial collaboration Location of Engineering Buildings

3 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Engineering Departments Electronic Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering RF & Communications Semi-conductor design Information & Systems Computers/Embedded Systems & Internet Fundamentals & Applications of computers Knowledge-based systems System architecture Hardware design Design & Mechanics Thermal, Fluids & Energy engineering Control, Vibration & Robotics Manufacturing engineering Professor : 25 BS student : 516 MS student : 123 PhD student : 18 Professor : 21 BS student : 516 MS student : 42 PhD student : 16 Professor : 21 BS student : 331 MS student: 55 PhD student : 21 Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering Professor : 19 BS student : 458 MS student: 63 PhD student : 32 1969197619811993 Established in Area Professo r Student2013 Homepage Energy & Environments Process Systems Advanced materials Bioengineering

4 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Department of Electronic Engineering Name Areas of Interest Education Gil Cho Ahn Low-voltage, low-power and high speed mixed-mode integrated circuit Oregon State University Jinwook Burm High speed/RF circuits Cornell University Woo Young Choi Semiconductor device/process, NEMS Seoul National University Yong Choi Bio-Medical Engineering University of California, Los Angeles Daehyoung Hong Mobile/wireless communication systems State University of New York at Stony Brook SunYoung Hwang Embedded System Hardware/Software Stanford University Ju-Wook Jang Mobile networks University of Southern California Jinho Jeong MMICs and RF Power Amplifiers Seoul National University Okhyun Jeong Mobile Device, Mobile Convergence Technology Sogang University Yong Jee Electronic system packaging The University of Texas at Austin Gyeonghwan Kim Pattern recognition, image processing, hardware implementation of algorithms State University of New York at Buffalo Hongseok Kim IT Convergence, Communication Network Resource Management and Optim. University of Texas at Austin Kwangsoo Kim Power Semiconductor Device & Process, SiC power Semiconductor Sogang University Younglok Kim Digital signal processing for communication systems, VLSI design New York University Haeng Seon Lee Antenna, EMI/EMC, EM simulation Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Kwae Hi Lee Control engineering University of Southern California Seung-Hoon Lee Data converters, mixed-mode I.C.'s University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Hyung-Min Park Speech enhancement and recognition, audio processing, multimedia processing Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Rae-Hong Park Digital image processing, computer vision, video coding, pattern recognition Stanford University Jaewoo So Mobile communications, communication networks Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Tai-Kyong Song DSP system design, medical imaging system, bio-nano imaging Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Wonjin Sung Mobile Wireless communications University of Michigan Yangmo Yoo Medical imaging, image-guided therapy, signal processing and system design University of Washington Kwang-Seok Yun MEMS/NEMS, sensors & actuators, lab-on-a-chip Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Sang Won Yun Microwave and millimeterwave devices University of Texas at Austin

5 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Department of Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering Name Area of Interests Education Jeong-Woo Choi Nanobiochip, Biomemory, Stem Cell Chip Rutgers Jin Hoon Choi Computational Neuroscience & Neuroeconomics University of California, Los Angeles Tae Wook Kang Nanoplasmonics, Optofluidics, Biophysics, Integrated Bioplatform Seoul National University Choong Ik Kim Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Electronics, Printed Electronics Northwestern University Hyuncheol Kim Nanomedicine, Theragnosis, Tissue Engineering University of Maryland, College Park Jung Wook Kim Soft Materials based Micro-Systems University of Massachusetts Kee Kahb Koo Crystallization on energetic materials, Pharmaceuticals Rensselaer Polytechnic. Inst., Kwang Soon Lee Process Modeling and Simulation, Process Control, System Identification, CO2 Recovery by Adsorption KAIST Jae Wook Lee Advanced Extrusion System, Polymer Nanocomposites, Polymer Processing with High Intensity Ultrasound and ScCO2 Seoul National University JinWon Lee Metabolic Engineering, Bioenergy, Industrial Biotechnology, Systems Biotechnology Carnegie Mellon University Won Bo Lee Block copolymer, Polymer dynamics University of California, Santa Barbara Jong Sung Lim Supercritical Extraction, Fabrication of Nano-Particle, DDS, Measurement of VLE etc. Korea University Jun Hyuk Moon Nanoparticle self-assembly, Holographic Lithography, Photonic Crystals KAIST Byung-Keun Oh Biosensors and Biochips, Gene therapy Sogang University Se Yong Oh Organic Thin Film Transistor, Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED), Self Assembled Monolayer (SAM), Organic Solar Cell University of Tsukuba Hyung Sang Park Catalytic Reaction Engineering, TiO2- Nano Particle Production Institute National Polytechnique de Toulouse (France) Hung Mok Park Microfluidics, Fuel Cells Yale University Hee-Woo Rhee Polymer Electrolyte Membrane, Fuel Cell, Ultra-Low Dielectrics for Semiconductors, Photovoltaic Cells University of Connecticut Hang Duk Roh BioMaterials Northwestern University

6 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering Name Area of Interests Education Jik Hyun Chang Cryptography Algorithm University of minnesota Hyeong Soo Chang System Modeling and Optimization Purdue University Myungwhan Choi Network Systems and Security University of Massachusetts, Amherst Insung Ihm Computer Graphics Purdue University Sungwon Jung Mobile Computing and Data Engineering Michigan State University sungchum Kim High performance Computing System Wayne State University Saejoon Kim Theoretical Computer Science Cornell University Sungwook Kim Wireless Networks Syracuse University Juho Kim CAD & Security Research University of Minnesota Jihwan Kim Spoken Language Processing University of Cambridge Myungwhan Koo Intellient Speech Interface KAIST Hyukjun Lee Embedded Computing Stanford University Jongho Nang Multimedia System KAIST Kyungwhan Oh Artificial Intelligence Florida State University Seog Park Database KAIST Sungyong Park Distributed & Cloud Computing Syracuse University Sooyong Park Software Engineering George Mason University Unsang Park Computer Vision & Image Processing Michigan State University Chongsuck Rim VLSI Design University of Maryland Jungyun Seo Natural Language Processing University of Texas, Austin Jihoon Yang Data Mining lowa State University

7 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Name Area of Interests Education Bumkyoo Choi Fabrication of micro-sensors, -actuators, and energy harvesting chip Univ. of Wisconsin Bonggeun Chung BioNano Technology California Irvine Univ. Namkeon Hur Development of CFD techniques and optimal design Stevens Inst. Tech. Doyoung Jeon Control, wearable robot, and rehabilitation engineering U.C. Berkeley Hyunyong Jeong Automotive safety, biomechanics, structural analysis, an design of experiments Univ. of Michigan Siyoung Jeong Environment friendly thermodynamic systems, microfludics, and heat exchangers RWTH Aachen Kootae Kang Automotive MVH, Optimum Design, Structural Analysis for Vehicle KAIST Kyoungchul Kong Control Systems and Robotics U.C. Berkeley Seongwon Kang Analysis and control of turbulent flows and combustion Stanford Univ. Daejoong Kim Microfluidics, energy conversion, water technology, and molecular simulation Stanford Univ. Dongchoul Kim Computational analysis of nano/microstructures Univ. of Michigan Naksoo Kim Finite element analysis and design of manufacturing processes U.C. Berkeley Wonjung Kim Bio Fluid Mechanics, Micro Fluid Mechanics and Biomimetics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cheolsoo Lee Machine design and five-axis machining KAIST Jungchul Lee Atomic force microscopy and NEMS bio/chemical sensors Georgia Tech. Hyungyil Lee A 3-D multi-impact finite element analysis MIT Seung-Yop Lee Micro actuator and biomimetic device U.C. Berkeley Tae soo Lee Oxygen concentrators Ohio State Univ. Jungyul Park BioMEMS, Biosensors and micromanipulation Seoul Nat. Univ. Choongsoo Shin Biomechanics, motion analysis, and biomedical device design Stanford Univ. Gihun Son Multiphase flow, heat transfer, and power plant simulation UCLA

8 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Undergraduate –Accredited by ABEEK (Accreditation Board for Engineering of Korea) –Required credits for graduation = 130 min., Liberal arts : Engineering major = 1:3 –English lectures in engineering majors = 25% in 2012 Graduate –English lectures = 31% in 2012 International student exchange (2012) –Out-bound: 8/361 (Engineering students / Total students) –In-bound: 18/325 Education

9 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Researches Electronic Eng. RF and Communications Semi-conductors Information and Systems Computers/Embedded Systems and Internet Computer Sci. & Eng. Computer Sci. & Eng. Fundamentals and the applications of computers Knowledge-based systems System architecture Hardware design Chemical & Bio-mol. Eng. Chemical & Bio-mol. Eng. Energy & Environments Process Systems Advanced materials Bioengineering Mechanical Eng. Design and Mechanics Thermal, Fluids and Energy Engineering Control, Vibration and Robotics Manufacturing Engineering

10 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Researches Electronic Eng. Chemical & Bio-mol. Eng. Computer Sci- & Eng. Mechanical Eng. ICT Bio-medical Materials

11 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Researches 1. Paper (SCI(E)) 2009 : 204 total, 3.00 per professor 2010 : 209 total, 2.82 per professor 2011 : 253 total, 3.20 per professor 2. Research grants from outside (1 $ = 1,126 \) 2009 : $ 19,725,226 2010 : $ 28,168,139 2011 : $ 24,745,876 total, $288,000 per professor 3. Patent 2009 : registration 30, application 86 2010 : registration 17, application 155 2011 : registration 60, application 148 4. Technology transfer 2009 : cases 23, income $ 599,226 2010 : cases 19, income $ 371,583 2011 : cases 37, income $ 589,189

12 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Personalized human resource education program After Track Program, Ensure getting a job Support graduate school (entrance, living expenses) Track: Samsung Semiconductor Track Program Subject : Electronics/Chemical/Bio/Computer/ Mechanics Contents : - Train top-level human resources (Master/Ph.D) Samsung Semiconductor Track : Samsung Talent Program Subject : Electronics/Chemical/Bio/Computer/ Mechanics Contents: - STP Scholarship - Train top-level human resources (Master/Ph.D) Samsung Electronics Track : SK Hynix Semiconductor Track Program (SoHy) Subject: Electronics/Chemical/Computer/Phy sics Contents : -Train top-level human resources (Master/Ph.D) -Supports scholarship - Support Internship Program SK hynix Program linked between Academic and Industry(1)

13 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Program linked between Academic and Industry(2) Subject : Electronics / Computer Contents : - Train top-level human resources (Master/Ph.D) - Supports scholarship Mtekvision Binggre grocery research center Subject: Chemical & Bio- molecular Contents : - Basic Acknowledge associate with grocery - Applied Research Center Binggre Track : LG Innotek track program Subject : Electronics Contents : - Train top-level human resources (Master/Ph.D) - Supports scholarship LG Innotek Track : Samsung SEC High Technology Major Program Subject : Mechanics Contents: - Train top-level human resources (Master/Ph.D) - Supports scholarship and recruitment Samsung Electronics Track: LG Electronic track program Subject : Electronics Contents : - Train top-level human resources (Master/Ph.D) LG Electronics Co-work research & personalized human resources Subject : Mechanics Contents : - Train top-level human resources (Master/Ph.D) Various Venture company

14 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering - Top Talent emissions through the elite education - MEST employment rate result, the best employment rate among Major Universities - Reputable contractor of private universities graduate 1th (Chosun Daily Newspaper) - Great Achievement in Major company & Regular job Employment rate division - Ensure getting a Job through various track between academic and industry Employment

15 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Employment RankUniversity Employme nt rate Entrance rate etc 1SOGANG70.217.5 2SungKyunKwan68.714.2 3Ajou68.413.7 4Yonsei66.521.4 5Korea64.921.7 6Hanyang64.415.7 7University of Seoul62.99.6 8 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 62.08.5 9Chun Ang61.610.4 10Hong Ik61.68.3 11Kun Kuk60.710.6 12SNU59.831.1National 13KNU57.810.7National 14Pusan54.612.8National 15Kyung Hee54.18.0 16Dong Guk53.39.4 17CHONBUK52.39.1National 18Ewha womans51.420.7 19Chung Nam51.313.2National 20Chon Nam49.610.0National 21Chung Buk49.311.3National ※ 출처 : 2011 대학정보공시 – 건보 DB 기준 24 개 학과 中 공학부 1,2,3 위 달성

16 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering Engineering School Evaluation 2012.10.08 Korea JoongAng Daily. University Evaluation, Sogang University, Processor Research Division third award

17 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering chemical & biomolecular engineering mechanical engineering 여러분이 서강대학교의 미래입니다. Thank you

18 S ogang University the college of Engineering S ogang University the college of Engineering electronic engineering computer science & engineering The college of engineering mechanical engineering SIAT (Sogang Institute of Advanced Technology) Sogang University Domestic Uni. Research Inst. Foreign Uni. Capitals Government Foundation(Tech. A) Tech. transfer(Tech. C) Albatross Investment Co. (AIC) Institute of tech. commercialization Sogang Techno- Holdings Co. (STHC) Sogang Business Incubation Center (SBC) SIAT Invested(Tech D) Tech. Task Fund tech. commercialization SIAT Connects: Government-authority,Press,Finance,Academia,Research-lab,Corporation Investment Foundation(Tech. B) ATI Art and Technology DSI Defense System MIS Medical SCI Software Convergence SE 2 I Energy Environmental STI Semiconductor IPC

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