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The Coming of the Messiah Chapter 3. Jesus: Our Hope and Salvation  “I am a historian. I am not a believer. But I must confess as a historian that this.

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Presentation on theme: "The Coming of the Messiah Chapter 3. Jesus: Our Hope and Salvation  “I am a historian. I am not a believer. But I must confess as a historian that this."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Coming of the Messiah Chapter 3

2 Jesus: Our Hope and Salvation  “I am a historian. I am not a believer. But I must confess as a historian that this penniless preacher from Nazareth is irrevocably the very center of history Jesus Christ is easily the most dominant figure in all history.” H G Wells

3 Gospel Portraits  Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises made throughout the OT to Abraham, Moses, David……  Born in Bethlehem about 4-6 BC  Herod the Great was king  Ceasar Augustus the Roman emperor  Grew up in Nazareth, northern region of Palestine  Father taught him trade of carpentry

4  Baptized as an adult & became preacher  Crucified under Pontius Pilate about 30-33 AD  Resurrected & ascended to Heaven

5 Four Gospel Portraits of Jesus What is a portrait? What does it mean that the gospels are portraits? Gospel – means “good news” 4 written accounts: 3 are synoptic – meaning can be looked at together – Matthew, Mark, Luke Written – Mark (65), Matthew (80), Luke (85), John (90) Each has specific audience, focus, & image of Jesus

6  Not biographies but summaries of faith  Announce the good news of Jesus  Provide an encounter with Jesus  Challenge us to believe in Jesus  Mark is shortest; John is most symbolic

7  Each gospel begins in different way  Mark – begins with John the Baptist & his message that the Messiah is coming  John – Refers back to Creation  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  Word = Jesus  Matthew & Luke – begin with Jesus’ birth, called Infancy Narratives

8  Matthew:  Includes magi  Living in Bethlehem at time of Jesus’ birth  Slaughter of Holy Innocents  Flight to Egypt  Return to Nazareth  Star of Bethlehem  Luke:  Living in Nazareth & go to Bethlehem for census  Born in a manger  Shepherd come to welcome/adore Him  Returned to Nazareth

9  Common points between Mt. & Luke  Angel foretells Jesus’ birth (though to different people)  Jesus is conceived by power of Holy Spirit  Born to virgin Mary  Joseph was of House of David (fulfilled prophecy)  Jesus was born in Bethlehem

10 Matthew’s Infancy Narrative  80 A.D.  Audience – Jewish Christians  Focus – Jesus is fulfillment of God’s promises to Jewish people  Contains more references to OT scriptures than any other gospel  Image – Jesus as new Moses – giver of new law  Genealogy – links Jesus to Abraham & King David; also women; sinners

11  Birth of Jesus:  result of power of Holy Spirit  Joseph plays key role; believes angel; gives Jesus name which means “God saves”; Joseph saves his family like Joseph in OT saved his family & nation  Visit of Magi  Men from other nations – Jesus accepts all people  Gold, frankincense, myrrh  Their role foreshadows role of disciples (and us) to take gospel to all nations

12  Flight into Egypt & Massacre of Innocents  Just as Moses gave Law, Jesus gives New Law to disciples in Sermon on Mount  Moses led his people to freedom; Jesus leads all to freedom from sin and death  Return to Nazareth  Jesus’ family leaves Egypt to go to Nazareth  Reminds audience of Moses leading people from Egypt

13 Infancy Narrative in Luke’s gospel  Often considered a two part work; Acts of Apostles is part 2  Third gospel written  Matthew & Luke both use Mark as a source  Matthew & Luke also use a source not used by Mark which is referred to as Q (quelle- meaning source)  Matthew & Luke also contain material unique to their own gospels – called M & L

14  Announcement of John the Baptist’s Birth  Zechariah & Elizabeth also had angel tell of their son’s birth  Gospel clearly shows Jesus as Messiah  John the Baptist is messenger who tells people to prepare the way; Messiah is coming  Announcement of Jesus’ Birth  Gabriel appears to Mary - Annunciation  “I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”  Mary cooperates with God’s plan even knowing it could bring her great harm

15  Immaculate Conception – teaching of church that Mary was born without Original Sin by virtue of the merits of her son  Mary visits Elizabeth  Cousins – Mary goes to help her older cousin with birth of child  Elizabeth recognizes the Mary is “mother of my Lord”  Mary’s response is called Magnificat – Mary’s prayer of praise to God for all He has done

16  Birth of John the Baptist  Birth of Jesus  Bethlehem – 6 miles south of Jerusalem  Joseph & Mary go because of census – Joseph is from House of David  Born in manger  Swaddling clothes – sign of poverty or royalty (Solomon)  “First-born son” refers to rights first born had under law of Moses

17  Shepherds first to visit because angels announce His birth  Shows Jesus comes for all, especially poor, outcast  Jesus’ presentation in Temple  Circumcision according to Jewish law  Rite of purification – 40 days after birth according to Mosaic law  Offered 2 turtledoves – sign of their poverty  Jesus is recognized as Savior by Simeon & Anna

18  Finding of Jesus in Temple  Luke ends Infancy Narrative with return to Nazareth  Ordinary life living in obedience to his parents  When 12 travels with parents to Jerusalem for Passover  Missing on way home  Found in Temple amazing elders with his teaching  Response: “Didn’t you know I must be in my Father’s hosue?”  Mary & Joseph do not fully understand

19 Summary points of Luke’s Gospel  Audience – Gentiles; Christians with Greek background  Focus – Jesus’ love for outcasts of society  Key people in stories are poor, sick, blind/lame, women  Image – Jesus as Compassionate/Universal Savior – He comes for everyone  Genealogy – Traces back to Adam; “father” of all humanity not just particular race/religion

20 Incarnation in the Prologue to John’s Gospel  Gospel begins before beginning of world  “In the beginning….  Word of God became human in person of Jesus – Incarnation  Literally means _____________________  Is dogma of our faith ; dogma means ____________  Jesus clearly identified as both _______and ________

21 Purpose of Incarnation  To save us by ________________with God  So we might know God’s ___________ (John 3:16)  To be a model of_______________for us  To make us partakers of the _______________  Christ becomes human so we can be adopted into the family of God  Protoevangelium – a descendant of Adam & Eve would destroy the power of Satan

22 Why December 25?  Not until _________that Jesus’ birth officially celebrated on December 25  Romans had a festival at time of winter solstice (Dec. 21) to celebrate sun god  By celebrating Son of God at this time it offers key Christian festival  Also celebrating birth of Light of World at darkest time of year  March 25 already established as _______________; Dec 25 is 9 months later

23 Learning from the life of Christ  Evangelists wanted to share faith – Gospels are ________________________ – not biographies  Jesus life was revelation of ________________– everything he did & said illustrated God’s love for us  Jesus whole life is a mystery of _______________  Incarnation – his willingness to be less helps us _____________  Life as child, obedience to his parents – contrasts with our disobedience  Teaches us ways of God so we can guide our conscience

24  Miracles – he does not leave us when we are suffering, hurting whether physically, spiritually, emotionally  Through death on the cross & resurrection  Every aspect of his life had single purpose – to restore humanity to relationship that God intended for us from beginning

25 Baptism of Jesus  Linked to John the Baptist  John preached message of____________to prepare for God’s coming judgment;  Baptism was a symbol of that  Other ways to show repentance; change of heart  __________________________________  ___________________________________

26  John compared to ___________  Had many followers who wondered if he was _________  John always clear on his role & that the one who came later was the one they were waiting for  He was forceful, charismatic leader  Baptized people in ___________________  Place of entry into Promised Land – symbol of freedom  By being baptized they showed they were willing to follow God way ancestors had

27  Jesus goes to John to be baptized. Why was he?  __________________________  What happens  ______________– God coming to his people  _______________ – Holy Spirit will be with Jesus  Voice – __________________

28  Theological truths revealed by Jesus’ baptism:  Jesus perfectly obeys the Father’s will  Foreshadows Jesus death to “wash away” our sin  Serves as model for necessity of our own baptism

29 Temptations of Jesus  All synoptics say Jesus went into desert immediately after _____________and before his _______________  Stayed there 40 days ____________________  Satan put 3 temptations before Him  This mirrors temptations of Israelites in desert

30  First temptation – _____________________  Israelites were hungry and willing to give up freedom for ________________; struggled to trust God  Temptation to give in to immediate gratification; easy way  Temptation to put physical wants/needs over trust in God  Second temptation – _______________________  Temptation to _________________________  Temptation to give up trust in God when life is difficult

31  Third temptation – ___________________  Temptation to give in to ____________________  Temptation to worship things other than God  Temptations in His public ministry – prefigured by temptations in desert  Give up mission to live life like everyone else  Give up mission because it involves too much suffering  Give up mission and become King like Jews expected

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