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Creating an Excel Spreadsheet Course Tracking Sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating an Excel Spreadsheet Course Tracking Sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating an Excel Spreadsheet Course Tracking Sheet

2 Type of Information to Track Students first spreadsheet will track grades and study habits in most classes Students will track: type of grade (i.e. quiz, daily, major, lab etc.) time of day of class amount of time spent studying time of day spent studying location of seat in class learning styles –styles used in class –styles used in homework activities

3 Course Tracking Previous information tracked in –English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Theology and Foreign Language All information tracked over four weeks

4 Open Excel Either double click the MS Excel icon on the desktop Or select Microsoft Excel by selecting the Start button, then all programs. After moving the mouse over All Programs, locate Microsoft Excel


6 Creating Spreadsheet Create Columns: Date Type of Grade Time of Day of Class Amount of Time Spent Studying Time of Day Studying 6.Location of Seat 7.Learning Styles used in Class 8.Learning Styles used for Homework 9.Grade on Assignment

7 Entering Text Click on cell to highlight Type information


9 Create New Column Use mouse or arrow key and select cell in next column Type text as before and continue until all columns are created




13 Adjust Column Size Now Adjust Column Size to read all text Move mouse between column A and B

14 Adjust Column Size With mouse between desired columns, left click and move mouse to extend or shorten column Repeat for all columns

15 Adjust column B

16 Adjust column C

17 All Columns Adjusted

18 Bold Column Titles Using mouse, select entire row of column titles

19 Bold Column Titles Select “Bold” Toolbar button

20 Copy Worksheet This assignment requires six different worksheets To copy a worksheet move mouse above worksheet title –Default title is “Sheet1” Right Click to open menu Select “Move or Copy”


22 Copy Worksheet 1.Check “Create a Copy” 2.Select “OK”

23 1) 2)

24 Copy Worksheet New Worksheet created, title “Sheet1 (2)” Repeat process unit correct number of sheets, six, created


26 Rename Worksheet Similar with creating a new worksheet Move mouse over current title, right click mouse Select “Rename” Type desired new title –English, Math, Science, etc Repeat process until all worksheets re- titled



29 Entering Data Students will enter applicable data under created columns Students should track all grades for first four weeks for the six prescribed courses

30 Resulting Product

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