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Providing Affordable Electronic Charts That Are Easy to Use and Fast Partners with: Click on screen for next slide (Power Point Presentation)

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Presentation on theme: "Providing Affordable Electronic Charts That Are Easy to Use and Fast Partners with: Click on screen for next slide (Power Point Presentation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing Affordable Electronic Charts That Are Easy to Use and Fast Partners with: Click on screen for next slide (Power Point Presentation)

2 Mission: To provide an affordable, easy to use, and fast electronic chart/tracking solution

3 FUNCTIONS e-CHECKCHART provides electronic charting,…

4 …tracking, and…

5 …reporting

6 HARDWARE e-CHECKCHART uses a wireless tablet PC (the size of a clipboard) and an electronic pen

7 As fast and easy to use as writing with a pen…...and still creates an electronic medical record

8 ADMINSTRATIVE FUNCTIONS (from any PC) Assign staff on duty Doctors Nurses Mid-levels and/or Residents

9 Add new patients Enter as much or as little info as you want (nothing is required). With an interface to the hospital’s registration system, info can be automatically downloaded

10 TRACK PATIENTS Arrange patient view by room #, arrival time, doctor, or by any of the heading topics

11 Patients highlighted in color haven’t been seen. The color corresponds to their triage acuity level Patients in the treatment area are listed in this panel Patients in the waiting room are listed in this panel

12 Tracking View on the Tablet PC Patients in the treatment area Patients in the waiting room Incomplete charts

13 PICKING UP A NEW PATIENT (physician) 1. Choose a patient 4. Click to begin documenting 2. Assign a doctor (if not already assigned at triage) 3. Confirm that the system chose the template which you want. If not, chose the template from the drop down list.

14 Documentation begins on the HPI page

15 Control buttons take the user to clinical sections of the chart HPI = This is the History of Present Illness section ROS = Review of Systems, PMH, SH and FH sections EXAM = the Physical Exam section of the chart MDM = Medical Decision Making (test results, Tx, Dx) Order 1 = Order sheet for Labs and X-rays Order 2 = written orders for nurses, respiratory therapy, etc. PROC = Procedure templates (36 different procedures) RX / DC = Prescription writing and Discharge Instructions X–T = Extra Typed Note (a blank page for typing) X–N = Extra Note (a blank page for hand writing) PICT = Picture Templates (body diagrams on which to draw findings) DICT = Dictation. This allows the user to document that the chart (or part of it) was dictated

16 Templates contain reminders of documentation requirements

17 Large body diagrams are available for documentation (in addition to the diagrams that are already on the Exam page)

18 There are more than 36 procedure notes

19 Lab and X-ray orders can be sent to the unit secretary

20 Orders can be sent to the nurses

21 Orders are signaled on the tracking board, and the nurse or secretary can indicate when the order is in progress or completed

22 Care can be transferred from one physician to another

23 Prescriptions and discharge instructions can be written (an optional feature)

24 When the chart is signed by the physician (and mid-level/resident), a summary of the pages used for documentation is provided, as well as a warning if key pages have not been completed

25 Nurses can also document electronically

26 Your hospital’s current forms can be used, or customized forms can be created

27 Nursing procedure notes are also available

28 Changes made to the patients’ status are automatically time stamped and recorded

29 REPORTS Are based upon information captured from: Time stamped changes in status Triage (when a patient is added) Doctors, nurses and mid-levels assigned Procedures performed

30 Sample Report Number of patients per hour of the day ( simulated data)

31 Additional time based reports: Depending on if, when and how features of the system are used… Length of time in waiting room Time until seen by nurse and physician Time until disposition decision is made Time to complete the disposition (discharge, admission, etc.) Time for consultants to respond

32 Disposition Reports: Numbers of patients… Seen Admitted Transferred Left AMA or Without Being Seen Died Can be based on time (day, month, year) and by practitioner (doctor, nurse, mid-level)

33 A daily log of patients seen can be created which can be used: To comply with CMS requirements To comply with JCAHO requirements For billing departments to use to confirm that there are charges for all patients who were seen

34 Patient Demographic Reports Based upon… Age Gender Chief complaint Vital signs Mode of arrival

35 Practitioner Reports Based upon… Number of patients seen Time from arrival to disposition decision Kinds of patients seen (triage acuity, chief complaint, age, etc.) Number and kinds of procedures done Number of incomplete charts

36 Meeting the Needs Physician Documentation Templates Tracking System RX and Discharge Instruction Software provided by EXITCARE Triage and Registration Modules Administrative Modules Reporting Package Database for chart retrieval RX and Discharge Instructions by EXIT CARE Registration Module Triage Module Admin Module Analytical Reports Nursing Documentation Physician Documentation Tracking System

37 Customers’ Needs We’re meeting the business needs of healthcare –Affordability –Flexibility –Speed –Ease of use –Service You get it all for a fraction of the price of our competitors! Customer Satisfaction Quality Value Service

38 COST For the cost of any current paper charting system, we can replace it with an electronic charting AND tracking solution! You provide us with the current cost of using a paper system, we will meet or beat that price replacing it with an electronic system- period. It’s that simple. Show us the proof, and we’ll provide you with an electronic solution.

39 How? 1.On average, a 34,000 ED visit hospital spends approximately $2,000 per month on NCR Carbon Copy Forms. 2.They spend another $1,000 per month on copy machine related expenses. 3.They lose approximately 1% in lost revenue due to lost or incomplete charts. 4.At least 1 FTE is used to copy and stock templates,, to assemble charts, to copy completed charts, for data input to generate reports, and untold time is spent looking for charts in the ED or in Medical Records. 5.There are template licensing fee and/or dictation/transcription costs. 6.Handwritten charts result in lost revenue due to down- coding because they usually don’t meet the documentation guidelines for reimbursement.

40 Real Example – E-mail From Potential Client cost analysis Hi Bill. I received the information regarding the cost of the NCR forms. It is as follows: 1) Nursing Assessment ("A1") Form: $0.269 each. (One form is used on each of the ED's 33,000 annual visits) 2) Nursing E.R.Flowsheet ("continuation form): $0.12 each (One form is used on each of the ED's 33,000 annual visits) 3) ED Order Sheet: $0.12 each (One form is used on each of the ED's 33,000 annual visits) 4) ED Discharge Instructions (contains prescription blanks): $0.255 each (One form is used on each of the approximately 26,400 ED patients who are discharged) Other costs would be the cost of copying the original templates. I don't know how much 32 pound copying paper is (I can find out), but each patient has (at least) one template. Plus, there is the time of the person who makes the copies, checks to see if we need more copies, and re-supplies the folders in which we store the templates. Also, the hospital will be saving the time of the person who is manually entering data into a computer so that we can run statistics and reports which your system will do automatically. I'm sure that at least 50% of his time is dedicated to data entry....I can find out for sure, and also find out what his salary is. Plus, there will be huge time saving for other personnel who have to try to locate charts. In addition, there will be a time savings for people who have to count how many unfinished charts the docs have, and then make a report every week (your system is able to do that at the touch of a button).

41 COSTS OF ED PAPER TEMPLATE CHARTING NCR Paper Equipment, Personnel, etc. ItemCost#VisitsTotal RN Assessment $0.26934,000$9,146 RN Flow Sheet $0.1234,000$4,080 Order Sheet$0.1234,000$4,080 Discharge Instructions $0.25527,200$6,936 Total NCR Paper Cost $24,242 ItemAnnual Cost Copy machine maintenance$ 6,000 Copier paper (for templates)$ 6,000 0.25 FTE @ $10/hr (copy, stack templates, assemble charts, copy charts for PMD’s) $ 5,200 0.6 FTE (data entry/generate reports)$ 12,480 MD, RN, ED secretary, Medical Records clerk (locating charts for return visits, X-ray discrepancies, complaints, QA, etc.) $ 6,000 0.25 FTE (scan charts-make an EMR)$ 5,200 Lost charges (lost charts/late charges) 1% of total @ $100/chart $ 34,000 Shipping charts to billing company$ 3,600 Template licensing fee$ 17,000 Total Annual Costs$71,680 Grand total cost of paper documentation: $ 119,722 $ 3.52 per patient

42 Our Cost for Charting AND Tracking: $2 Per Patient That’s a cost SAVINGS of $50,000 PER YEAR! (or a LOT MORE if you also pay for transcription) And if your documented paper charting costs are less, WE WILL MATCH IT!

43 HOW CAN YOU NOT AFFORD THIS SYSTEM? The system is not an additional expense—at worst it replaces the current cost of paper documentation, and will probably cost LESS than the cost of paper, thereby SAVING you money. YOU CAN’T AFFORD NOT TO USE THIS SOLUTION

44 Pricing Exclusions EXITCARE RX and Discharge Instructions software is sold separately. The cost varies depending on the size of the ED and the number of languages requested. Implementation, training, hardware, interface, and maintenance fees are not included in the price. For more information regarding the CHECKCHART electronic charting and tracking system, Call us toll free at:888-313-1493 E-mail us Visit us on the web

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