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Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Environmental Program GMU Center for Air Transportation Systems Research Donna G. Warren,

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Environmental Program GMU Center for Air Transportation Systems Research Donna G. Warren,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Environmental Program GMU Center for Air Transportation Systems Research Donna G. Warren, Environ. Spec., FAA/ATO September 27, 2007

2 Air Traffic Environmental Program 2 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 ATO ENVIRONMENTAL A Short Quiz What is NEPA? What is CEQ? What is 1050? Name FAA’s two major computerized noise models. What is NHPA/Section 106? What is ESA/Section 7? What is Part 150? What is DNL?

3 Air Traffic Environmental Program 3 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AIR TRAFFIC ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM AT Environmental History & Mission AT Challenges FAA National Plans/Reports Noise Reduction and Noise Modeling

4 Air Traffic Environmental Program 4 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AIR TRAFFIC ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY and MISSION Expanded East Coast Plan (EECP) Environmental Programs Group ATO Environmental Responsibility and Coordination Environmental Policies and Guidance Airspace Actions Special Use Airspace Actions

5 Air Traffic Environmental Program 5 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 Expanded East Coast Plan (EECP) The Beginning –Air Traffic Operations above 3,000 ft. AGL are CATEXed –Extraordinary Circumstances – Potential for Controversy Air Traffic Noise Screening Model (ATNS) –DNL >65 dB – 1.5 dB increase (significant) –DNL 60-65 – 3 dB increase –DNL 45-60 – 5 dB increase Noise Integrated Routing System (NIRS)

6 Air Traffic Environmental Program 6 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 Environmental Programs Group The Environmental Programs office is the principal element responsible for all environmental matters as they relate to System Operations for the ATO. This program develops environmental policy and standards for System Operations and provides technical advice to the ATO, FAA headquarters, service areas, and field offices. It also represents System Operations at meetings and conferences on environmental activities that affect air traffic operations and the NAS.

7 Air Traffic Environmental Program 7 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 ATO ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY AND COORDINATION Administrator System Ops. & AIM Technical Operations Service Areas Facilities AEEEnv. Law Commun. & Environ. Environ. Programs Environ. Specialists Environ. Specialists Facilities AEPAGCARP System Operations Environ. Specialists Service Areas ATO System Support Grp. Terminal/ Enroute & Oceanic Service Areas

8 Air Traffic Environmental Program 8 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 ENVIRON. POLICIES AND GUIDANCE National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 40 CFR parts 1500-1508, CEQ Regulations Implementing NEPA DOT Order 5610.1C, Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts FAA Order 1050.1E, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures FAA Order 7400.2F, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters (particularly Chapter 32) FAA Order 7400.8D, Special Use Airspace Airspace Management Handbook, Version 2.1, May 2004 (see App. A and B) Federal Register, Vol. 65, No. 235, Wednesday, December 6, 2000, Notices, p. 76339, “Air Traffic Noise Screen.” Federal Aviation Administration. January 17, 2001. ATA-1 Memorandum, “Change in Air Traffic Noise Screen Policy.” Federal Aviation Administration. September 15, 2003. ATA-300 Memorandum, “Altitude Cut-Off for National Airspace Redesign (NAR) Environmental Analyses.” FAA Advisory Circular 91-36D, September 17, 2004, “Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Flight Near Noise Sensitive Areas” Federal Register, Vol. 72, No. 145, Monday, July 30, 2007, Notices, pp. 41565-41580, “Federal Presumed To Conform (PTC) Actions Under General Conformity” (see Section III.14, page 41578) Federal Interagency Committee on Noise (FICON) Report 14 CFR part 150, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning FAA Order 5050.4B, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Instructions for Airport Actions

9 Air Traffic Environmental Program 9 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AIRSPACE ACTIONS Types of Actions –Class Changes –Procedure Changes (RNP/RNAV, CDA, etc.) –Jet Routes –Airspace Management Program (AMP)/ National Airspace Redesign (NAR)

10 Air Traffic Environmental Program 10 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE ACTIONS Types of Actions –Prohibited Areas –Restricted Areas –Military Operations Areas/Temporary MOAs –Warning Areas –Alert Areas –Controlled Firing Areas –National Security Areas

11 Air Traffic Environmental Program 11 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AIR TRAFFIC CHALLENGES National Traffic National Airspace National Land Use AT Projects w/ Environmental

12 Air Traffic Environmental Program 12 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 National Traffic

13 Air Traffic Environmental Program 13 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 Potomac Terminal Radar Approach Control

14 Air Traffic Environmental Program 14 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 Land Use Map

15 Air Traffic Environmental Program 15 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AT Projects w/ Environmental Chicago Terminal Airspace Project Potomac Consolidated TRACON Phoenix (successfully defended in court) Boston Consolidated TRACON Cincinnati Cleveland-Detroit St. Louis Minneapolis Las Vegas New York/New Jersey/ Philadelphia

16 Air Traffic Environmental Program 16 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 FAA NATIONAL PLANS/REPORTS Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO) – NEXTGEN/NGATS PARTNER COE (Report to Congress on Aviation and Environment) 2008-2012 FAA Flight Plan Operational Evolution Plan (OEP) Aviation Forecast

17 Air Traffic Environmental Program 17 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 JOINT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE (JPDO) –Next Generation Air Transportation System (NEXTGEN/NGATS) –Environmental Working Group (EWG) –Concept of Operations (Conops) –Integrated Work Plan

18 Air Traffic Environmental Program 18 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 PARTNERSHIP for AiR and TRANSPORTATION NOISE and EMISSIONS RESEARCH (PARTNER) CENTER OF EXCELLENCE (COE) Report to Congress on Aviation and Environment A National Vision for Aviation and the Environment “In 2025, community noise and local air quality emissions from aviation that significantly impact human health and welfare will be reduced in absolute terms, notwithstanding the anticipated growth in air traffic.”

19 Air Traffic Environmental Program 19 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 2008 – 2012 FLIGHT PLAN “We are also testing a prototype Continuous Descent Arrival (CDA) at Atlanta Hartsfield Airport, which projects immediate savings in fuel while also decreasing noise. “In short, with NextGen, we’re boosting capacity, increasing safety, and diminishing our impact on the environment while doing so. Aviation accounts for less than three percent of greenhouse gases. In conjunction with plans for alternative, cleaner burning fuels, new procedures and technology are lowering the harmful emissions that are already the lowest of any mode of transportation.”

20 Air Traffic Environmental Program 20 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 OPERATIONAL EVOLUTION PARTNERSHIP (OEP) “This Operational Evolution Partnership will be the mechanism by which we inform our owners, customers, and aviation community of our plans and progress towards the NextGen vision…” -- Marion C. Blakey, FAA Administrator, before the Senate aviation subcommittee, May 2006 /

21 Air Traffic Environmental Program 21 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 2007 AVIATION FORECAST CONFERENCE Ian A. Waitz, Professor, Department of Aeronautical and Astronautics, MIT –Environment may be the dominant constraint on growth of the US air transportation system –Twin negatives: Environmental impacts on people and ecosystems Economic impacts on people through constraining mobility and increasing costs Lynne Pickard, Deputy Director, Office of Environment and Energy, FAA –Environmental Provisions in NextGen Financing Reform Act of 2007Federal Primary Focus Quieter, cleaner, more energy efficient Bring new technologies, operational innovations, and other capabilities on line to reduce aviation environmental impacts.

22 Air Traffic Environmental Program 22 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NOISE REDUCTION AND NOISE MODELING Noise Reduction Airport Noise Models Air Traffic Noise Models Other Noise Models

23 Air Traffic Environmental Program 23 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NOISE REDUCTION Operational Procedures –Noise abatement departure procedures –Optimized Approach Procedures Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) Source Noise –Hush Kits –Stage 3, Stage 4, and beyond Airport Access Restrictions –Curfews

24 Air Traffic Environmental Program 24 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 FAA NOISE MODELS Airport Models –INM - Integrated Noise Model –AEM - Area Equivalent Method Air Traffic Models –NIRS - Noise Integrated Routing System –NST - NIRS Screening Tool

25 Air Traffic Environmental Program 25 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 OTHER NOISE MODELS HNM - Heliport Noise Model (incorporated into INM 7.0) AEDT – Aviation Environmental Design Tool (currently under development) USAF –NOISEMAP –ROUTEMAP TARGETS w/ Noise Screen Capability

26 Air Traffic Environmental Program 26 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AIR TRAFFIC ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM – Conclusion AT Environmental History & Mission AT Challenges FAA National Plans/Reports Noise Reduction and Noise Modeling

27 Air Traffic Environmental Program 27 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 For Further Information: Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Organization System Operations Service Unit Office of System Operations & AIM Environmental Programs Group Edie Parish, Acting Manager 202-267-9239 Donna G. Warren 202-267-9183 Tina Gatewood 202-267-7685

28 Air Traffic Environmental Program 28 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 EXTRA SLIDES

29 Air Traffic Environmental Program 29 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NOISE - A FEW FACTS Defined as Unwanted Sound. The basic unit of measurement of sound is the decibel (dB). Usually measured on the “A” scale, which approximates human hearing (dBA). Measured on a logarithmic scale. –(80 dB + 100 dB = 100 dB) –(100 dB + 100 dB = 103 dB). Most day-to-day sounds are between 30 and 100 dB. Most people perceive 6-10 dB as a doubling of loudness. Normal conversation at 3 feet is about 65 dB.

30 Air Traffic Environmental Program 30 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007

31 Air Traffic Environmental Program 31 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007

32 Air Traffic Environmental Program 32 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007

33 Air Traffic Environmental Program 33 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NOISE METRICS - SINGLE EVENT Scale is dBA SEL or SENEL = Sound Exposure Level or Single Event Noise Exposure Level L max = Maximum A-Weighted Sound Level

34 Air Traffic Environmental Program 34 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NOISE METRICS - CUMULATIVE Scale is dBA Leq = Equivalent Sound Level DNL or Ldn = Day-Night Average Sound Level CNEL = Community Noise Equivalent Level (California)

35 Air Traffic Environmental Program 35 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NOISE METRICS - OTHERS TA = Time above a specified level L eqT = Equivalent Sound Level for a specified duration %TA = Percent of time above a specified level EPNL = Effective Perceived Noise Level C-Weighted Sound Level DDOSE = Change in noise exposure associated with aircraft operations TAUD = Time Audible – Amount of time an aircraft is audible

36 Air Traffic Environmental Program 36 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 INTEGRATED NOISE MODEL (INM) Model Specified in FAR Part 150 and FAA Order 1050 Lead Technology for Other Models Wide Distribution –Over 650 Organizations; 300+ Internationally Available in Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, or NT 4.0 operating system User’s Guide and Technical Manual Limited Technical Support Provided

37 Air Traffic Environmental Program 37 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 INTEGRATED NOISE MODEL (INM) - cont. Usually used for a single airport Used within the airport environment (<3,000’ AGL) Over 200 aircraft in database Average annual day configuration Used to determine significant impacts –Increase in number of people above 65 DNL –1.5 dB changes above 65 DNL Produces noise contours Current and Last Version 7.0 Commercial Training Courses Available

38 Air Traffic Environmental Program 38 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 INM CONTOURS

39 Air Traffic Environmental Program 39 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AREA EQUIVALENT METHOD (AEM) Screening Tool - Excel Spreadsheet Based on INM methodology Used for changes in aircraft type and number of operations Produces % change in contour area 17% or more change in contour area is equivalent to a 3dB increase in noise and may signal impact in noise sensitive area. Current Version 6.0c /

40 Air Traffic Environmental Program 40 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AEM EXAMPLE

41 Air Traffic Environmental Program 41 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NOISE INTEGRATED ROUTING SYSTEM (NIRS) Uses INM aircraft database & computation modules Used for large regional airspace changes involving multiple airports Handles multiple airspace design configurations and alternatives For changes at high altitude (>3,000 feet) Analyzes change in noise exposure at population points Used for CTAP, Potomac, & NY/NJ/PHL Current Version 6.1

42 Air Traffic Environmental Program 42 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NIRS SCORING METHODOLOGY EACH POPULATION CENTROID HAS TWO DNL EXPOSURE VALUES FOR: (1) BASELINE SCENARIO, (2) ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO N. CRITERIA TO DETERMINE MINIMUM THRESHOLD OF DNL CHANGE (RELATIVE TO BASELINE DNL): Baseline DNLChange in Exposure (Minimum)References < 45 dB 45 - < 50 dB 50 - < 55 dB 55 - < 60 dB 60 - < 65 dB > 65 dB EECP EIS, Air Traffic Screening Criteria, FICON FAA Order1050.1E and FICON SCENARIOS ARE COMPARED IN TERMS OF POPULATION RECEIVING INCREASES OR DECREASES IN EACH EXPOSURE BAND.  5 dB  3 dB  1.5 dB

43 Air Traffic Environmental Program 43 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NIRS IMPACT MAP

44 Air Traffic Environmental Program 44 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NIRS IMPACT CRITERIA

45 Air Traffic Environmental Program 45 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NIRS SCREENING TOOL (NST) Screening Tool Replaced the Air Traffic Noise Screening Model (ATNS) Based on NIRS methodology Used for small number of route change between 3,000 and 10,000 feet AGL For changes involving: –Aircraft route –Aircraft altitude –Aircraft mix –Number of operations –Time of day –Operational procedures Current Version 6.1

46 Air Traffic Environmental Program 46 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NST IMPACT MAP

47 Air Traffic Environmental Program 47 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NST IMPACT CRITERIA

48 Air Traffic Environmental Program 48 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 NST RESULTS REPORT

49 Air Traffic Environmental Program 49 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 ATO-SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES AND GUIDANCE FAA Order 1050.1E, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures (particularly Chapter 3 and Appendix A) FAA Order 7400.2F, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters (particularly Chapter 32 and Appendices 1-10) FAA Order 7400.8D, Special Use Airspace Airspace Management Handbook, Ver. 2.1, May 2004 (see App. A & B) Federal Register, Vol. 65, No. 235, Wednesday, December 6, 2000, Notices, p. 76339, “Air Traffic Noise Screen.” Federal Aviation Administration. January 17, 2001. ATA-1 Memorandum, “Change in Air Traffic Noise Screen Policy.” Federal Aviation Administration. September 15, 2003. ATA-300 Memo, “Altitude Cut-Off for National Airspace Redesign (NAR) Environmental Analyses.” FAA Advisory Circular 91-36D, September 17, 2004, “Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Flight Near Noise Sensitive Areas” Federal Register, Vol. 72, No. 145, Monday, July 30, 2007, Notices, pp. 41565-41580, “Federal Presumed To Conform (PTC) Actions Under General Conformity” (see Section III.14, page 41578)

50 Air Traffic Environmental Program 50 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AIRSPACE ACTIONS Types of Actions Guidance Responsibilities Documentation

51 Air Traffic Environmental Program 51 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AIRSPACE ACTIONS Guidance –1050.1E, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures Paragraph 311 – Categorical Exclusions for Procedural Actions Chapter 4 – Environmental Assessments and Findings of No Significant Impact Chapter 5 – Environmental Impact Statements and Records of Decision –7400.2F, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters Chapter 32, Environmental Matters Appendix 1, Environmental Study Process Flow Chart Appendix 5, Initial Environmental Review (Checklist) Appendix 6, Sample CATEX Declaration –Airspace Management Handbook, Version 2.1, May 2004 Section 2.3.4, Initiate Preliminary Environmental Review Section 2.4.6, Conduct Environmental Study in Parallel Section 3.3.10, Environmental Impact Metrics Appendix A, Environmental Analysis Appendix B, NAR Initial Environmental Checklist

52 Air Traffic Environmental Program 52 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 AIRSPACE ACTIONS Responsibilities –Headquarters –Service Area Documentation –Memo to the File (VERY RARE) ATO/AGC decision regarding usage is pending –CATEX Declaration –EA/FONSI or EA and FONSI-ROD –EIS/ROD (Note: FAA may prepare EAs and EISs, with or without contractor assistance, or adopt them, in whole or in part, from another Federal government agency)

53 Air Traffic Environmental Program 53 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE FAA Guidance Responsibilities FAA Documentation

54 Air Traffic Environmental Program 54 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE FAA Guidance –7400.2F, “Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters” (February 16, 2006, as amended) Chapter 32, “Environmental Matters,” Section 32-2-3 “Special Use Airspace (SUA)” Appendix 2, SUA environmental process flow chart Appendix 3, SUA aeronautical process flow chart Appendix 4, SUA aeronautical and environmental processing summary table Appendix 7, FAA/DOD Memorandum of Understanding (October 4, 2005) Appendix 8, SUA environmental processing procedures

55 Air Traffic Environmental Program 55 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE FAA Guidance (Cont.) –1050.1E, “Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures” (June 8, 2004, as amended) Paragraph 311 – Categorical Exclusions for Procedural Actions Chapter 4 – Environmental Assessments and Findings of No Significant Impact Chapter 5 – Environmental Impact Statements and Records of Decision Appendix A, Section 14 Noise, Page A-60, Paragraph 14.2b - noise modeling tools for use by Department of Defense (DOD)

56 Air Traffic Environmental Program 56 Federal Aviation Administration September 27, 2007 SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE Responsibilities –Requesting Federal Agency responsible for preparation of NEPA Documentation –FAA retains responsibility under NEPA to ensure that adequate environmental documentation (prepared or adopted by FAA) supports SUA actions it implements. FAA Documentation –Memo to the File (VERY RARE) ATO/AGC decision regarding usage is pending –CATEX or CATEX-ROD –Adoption –EA-FONSI or EA and FONSI-ROD –EIS-ROD (Note: FAA may prepare EAs and EISs, with or without contractor assistance, or adopt them, in whole or in part, from another Federal government agency)

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