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Investigation of hyperlipidaemia

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1 Investigation of hyperlipidaemia
Dr. S Homathy

2 Properties of lipids Hydrophobic High-energy food
For cell membranes, steroid hormones Some lipids essentially exogenous

3 Lipo-protein structure
Fat globule in water Central hydrophobic core Triglycerides Esterified cholesterol Outer shell Apoproteins Phospholipids Non-esterified cholesterol

4 Types of lipo-proteins
High density (HDL) Low density (LDL) Very low density (VLDL) Intermediate density (IDL) Chylomicrons

5 Primary Functions HDL -Cholesterol from tissue to liver
LDL -Cholesterol to tissue VLDL -Endogenous triglycerides IDL -Transient form Chylomicron -Exogenous triglycerides

6 Broad basedly … HDL = GOOD Cholesterol LDL = BAD Cholesterol

7 Composition of lipoproteins
HDL -50% proteins LDL -55% Cholesterol VLDL -55% Triglycerides Chylomicron -90% Triglycerides

8 Apoproteins in lipoproteins
HDL - A, C, E LDL - B VLDL - B, C, E. Chylomicron - A, B, (C, E.)

9 Electrophoretic mobility of lipoproteins
HDL - alpha LDL - beta VLDL - pre-beta Chylomicron - origin

10 Reference method for measurement of lipoproteins
ULTRA CENTRIFUGATION Lipo protein floatation rate measured in Svedberg units

11 Laboratory investigations
Serum total cholesterol Serum lipid profile Apo lipoprotein levels Lipid electrophoresis Special tests –geno typing

12 Total cholesterol Usually fasting Non-fasting accaptable for screening
<200 mg/dl (5.2 mmol/l) is desirable. >200 mg/dl (5.2 mmol/l) proceed to a lipid profile.

13 Secondary causes of hyperlipidaemia
Diabetes mellitus Hypothyroidism Nephrotic syndrome Obstrucive jaundice Alcohol abuse (Tg)

14 Lipid Profile Fast for 10 – 12 hours.
Normal lipid diet, constant weight Not on drug affecting lipids (OCP) Not on lipid lowering drugs unless being monitored. No stress (3 months after MI) Standardised collection procedure

15 Overnight serum Observe after keeping fasted serum in a test tube at 4C for 18 hours. Milky layer on top -chylomicrons Turbid serum -VLDL Clear -Normal / LDL

16 Lipid profile Measure Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol Triglycerides
Calculate LDL Cholesterol Cardiac risk ratio

17 Friedewald formula Total cholesterol = HDL + LDL + VLDL
VLDL = Tg(in mg/dl) / 5 = Tg (in mmol/l) / 2.2 Formula not valid if Triglycerides are > 400 mg/dl (4.5 mmol/l)

18 Cardiac risk ratio Total cholesterol / HDL cholesterol
> 5 is unfavourable Apo A1 / Apo B ratio

19 Interpretation Total Cholesterol <200 Desirable
Borderline high  High

20 LDL Cholesterol <100 Optimal Near normal or above normal Border line high High 190 Very high

21 HDL Cholesterol <40 Low >60 High

22 Triglicerides <150 Normal Borderline high High  500 Very high

23 Apolipoprotein levels
Apolipoprotein A 1- reflects HDL Apolipoprotein B - reflects LDL Apolipoprotein a - independent risk factor for MI

24 Lipid electrophoresis
Serum electrophoresis is done Stain with a lipid staining dye Fredrickson’s Classification based on this.

25 Fredrickson’s classification of hyperlipidaemia
Type Pattern Lipoproteins I origin chylomicrons II a b-lipoprotein LDL II b pre b & b VLDL + LDL III broad b IDL IV pre-b VLDL V origin & pre b Chylo + VLDL

26 Special tests Apo E genotyping using PCR technique

27 Conversion factors Cholesterol mg/dl / 38.6 = mmol/l
Triglyceride mg/dl / 88.5 = mmol/l

28 Summary Screening test Total Cholesterol Confirming test Lipid profile
Phenotyping Lipid electrophoresis Geno typing PCR technology Monitoring tests Lipid profile

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