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1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cervical cancer Aim of The Present Study Lactobacilli Cervical cancer 8.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cervical cancer Aim of The Present Study Lactobacilli Cervical cancer 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7 Cervical cancer

8 Aim of The Present Study Lactobacilli Cervical cancer 8

9 9

10 Experimental Procedures 10

11 11

12 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 12

13 13

14 Lactobacilli Molecular Identification, Primer Design For Multiplex PCR Jensenii F crispatus F crispatus R gasseri R acidophilus F gasseri F Jen, acid R 16S rRNA 23S rRNA paracasei R rhamnosus R para, rham F salivarius F reuteri F fermentum F salivarius R plantarum F plantarum R reuteri R fermentum R ISR 14

15 Cell wall & Cytoplasmic Extract Separation Extract Separation

16 16

17 17

18 18


20 20

21 21

22 Number Nugent score 54Grade I (Normal) 60Grade II (Intermediate) 64Grade III (BV infected) 178Total 22

23 Group I 450 bp Group II 300 bp Group III 400 bp Group IV 350 bp Multiplex PCR Results for Lactobacilli Identification Group III L. paracasei 312bp L. rhamnosus 113bp 23

24 The Prevalence of Lactobacilli in Different Grades

25 MTT Results (Hela cell) 25 OD Cell Number

26 MTT Results (HNCF cell) 26 OD Cell Number

27 5% Lactic acid + MRS pH= 4 HCl + MRS pH= 4 27 Supernatants of: LGS: L.gasseri, LCS: L.crispatus, LGSN: LGS + NaOH, LCSN: LCS + NaOH, MRH: MRS + HCl, MRL: MRS + Lactic Acid, MRS :lactobacilli Media 5% HNCF cell Hela cell viability Concentration (%)

28 Vaginal Lactobacilli & Commercial Probiotics Supernatant MTT Result Supernatants of: LGS: L.gasseri LCS: L.crispatus LRS: L.rhamnosus LPS: L.paracasei LHS: L.helveticus LNS: L.acidophilus NCFM LAS: L.acidophilus candisis and MRS :lactobacilli Media as control Commercial Probiotics 28 pH=4pH=5 pH=6.5 Hela cell HNCF cell viability Concentration (%) viability Concentration (%)

29 29 Hela cell viability Concentration (%)

30 30

31 31

32 LDH Assay; Apoptotis & Necrosis Ratio 32 Hela cell HNCF cell

33 Real-time PCR Results (Quality Controls) HPRT MP=78°C Bcl2 MP=87°C Fas MP=81°C Bax MP=87°C Caspase3 MP=81°C 33

34 34 P= 0.35 P= 0.66 P= 0.39 P= 0.73 P= 0.67P= 0.39

35 35 P= 0.35P= 0.34 P= 0.84

36 36 P= 0.001 P= 0.31

37 Biomarker Assay; Expression Analysis of hCGb by ReaL-Time PCR 37 hCGb MP= 89°C TissueCgb expression placenta+ Cervical cancer+ Hela+ Uterine myometrium- Normal cervix-

38 38 P= 0.29P= 0.04 P= 0.001 P= 0.04 P= 0.29 P= 0.001 P= 0.31

39 Caspase3 & cgb Expression, (Cytoplasmic Extract & Cell Wall) 39

40 40

41 Snapshot of Results 41

42 Prevalence of Vaginal Lactobacilli of Healthy Women; Similarities Between Our Study & Recent Findings 42

43 Comparison of Healthy Vaginal Flora With BV Infected in Different Studies & Our Study 43

44 Most Potent Cytotoxic Component 44

45 45

46 Choi et al., 2006: L. acidophilus inhibits cancer cell proliferation but less effect on normal cells 46

47 Anti-apoptotic Effect of Lactobacilli Supernatants 47

48 Lactobacilli supernatant MKP1 Autophagy TGF β receptor Cell death 48 (Brion et al., 2011) (Iles, 2007)

49 49

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