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 Little suitable land, no large flat areas for large-scale farming  No place is farther than 80 miles from the sea  Has always been easier to travel.

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3  Little suitable land, no large flat areas for large-scale farming  No place is farther than 80 miles from the sea  Has always been easier to travel and trade by sea than by land  Geography also encouraged political fragmentation ◦ Own sense of community and identity ◦ Only secondarily shared common culture and language

4  Map Activity ◦ Read the Geography article and complete Part I and II on the question sheet

5  Indo-Europeans settle around 1600 BCE  Leading city of Mycenae  Fortified cities led by a warrior-king

6  Mycenaeans were nomadic Indo-Europeans, settled into towns  Knowledge comes from archaeological excavations and epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey ◦ Iliad and Odyssey  Written by poet Homer  Iliad is the story of Mycenaeans’ war against Troy  Odyssey is story of Odysseus’ journey home after the war  Mycenaeans engaged in extensive internal warfare ◦ Society was based on Monarchy ◦ Fell to the Dorians ◦ Culture was guided by rival Crete (Minoan)

7 Epics: Narrative poems celebrating historic deeds Iliad and Odyssey most famous (750 – 700 B.C.) Arete: Greek ideal of virtue and excellence

8 Ruins of buildings outside the walls of Mycenae ca. 1650 B.C. Ruins of the Lion Gate, the main entrance to the citadel of the ancient Greek city of Mycenae. Built ca. 1250 B.C

9  1200s B.C. Greeks vs. Trojans  Probably caused by Mycenaean trade rivalry with Troy  Reasons? ◦ Legend: Helen of Troy ◦ Reality?: Trade territory  Mycenaeans begin declining in 1200s ◦ Most likely due to kingdom conflicts


11  Trade center of society  More equal between men and women  Athletic events were important to society  Legend of Minotaur ◦ Half man, half bull ◦ Sacrificed youths from the city of Athens  Knossos falls in 1400 B.C. ◦ Palaces is burned and not rebuilt ◦ Don’t know what brought it to an end

12 Bull Leaping in Knossos Coast of Crete Minoan Ship Theseus & the Minotaur

13 The Ruins of Knossos

14  Trade or War Interaction  Value of seaborne trade  Influences in religion & art  The Minoan writing system

15  Cretan Script : 2100 – 1700 B.C.  Linear A: 1700 – 1450 B.C.  Linear B ◦ 1450 – 1200 B.C. ◦ Used by the Mycenaeans

16  Bronze Age (ca. 3000 B.C.): Bronze tools and weapons  Iron Age (ca. 1000 B.C.) Ability to forge iron

17 Heinrich Schliemann -Amateur German archaeologist -Succeeded in locating the site of the ancient city of Troy in 1870 -Uncovered evidence of the civilizations of Mycenae and the Minoans Funerary gold mask found by Schliemann. Assumed it to be the death mask of Agamemnon, leader of the Greek forces during the Trojan War

18 Walls of Troy Ruins Walls of Troy Recreation

19 Modern replica of the Trojan horse, located in present- day Turkey

20 Priam murdered on the Altar of Zeus during the sack of Troy. Achilles binding Patroclus's wounds Achilles dragging the body of Hector of TroyAjax defending Greek ships

21  Attack around 1200 B.C.  Dark Ages then began as culture declined  Iron vs. Bronze  Less advanced ◦ Loss of writing ◦ Oral history ◦ Homer

22 CULTURECONTRIBUTIONMinoans Mycenaean Dorian


24 ◦ Community of adult free persons ◦ Common Life, shared destiny, government policies, and techniques ◦ Independent of each other but viewed themselves as superior family of people called Greeks ◦ Citizenship  Women excluded from political life  Slaves couldn’t be citizens  Only free males 20 yrs or older  Almost as much as 80% of population didn’t have full rights ◦ City-state ◦ Largest (Athens) had 300,000 inhabitants ◦ Greek mainland had 200 poleis

25  Monarchy  Oligarchy  Aristocracy  Democracy

26 AthensSparta




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