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Computer Systems for Finance and Investment Management An course that examines the between finance/investment management and information technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Systems for Finance and Investment Management An course that examines the between finance/investment management and information technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Systems for Finance and Investment Management An course that examines the between finance/investment management and information technology.

2 This is NOT a finance course. – This is a Management course (MANGT 566) I am not a finance instructor. – I am a Management instructor who teaches in the Information Technology for Business area (computers and computer technology) I do have the expertise to show you how information technology is used and integrated into the world of finance and investment management – What are some of the IT tools that you might use and how might they be used? – We will look at how you can integrate IT and finance/investment management on both the professional and personal levels

3 What is an investment? The definition from economics – The In everyday language, most people think of an investment as: – The acquisition of Any vehicle into which funds can be placed with the expectation that it will generate positive income and/or preserve or increase its value The rewards from investing – Current – Increased

4 What is an Investment? (and what can you invest in?)

5 Specific Investment Categories


7 What is diversification? and how might it be achieved?

8 Clients are coming to you wanting investment advice (what should they invest their money in? You need to have a sample of investments that you actively track and can refer to when clients ask you for investment advice (note: it is NOT a list of items that pays you the biggest commission). You have decided to track 10 items – 2 Bond funds – 1 Lifecycle/Target Retirement fund – 1 actual company stock – 1 real estate fund – 1 stock index fund – 1 international stock fund – 1 actively managed (non-index) stock fund – 2 other stocks/funds that are your personal choice

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