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Presentation on theme: " Note Taking ‘To Take Or Not To Take’ Student Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note Taking ‘To Take Or Not To Take’ Student Learning

2 1)Understand why note taking is actually important 2)Explore what to do before, during and after a lecture 3)Learn different methods of note-taking 4)Try it out! Learning objectives

3 Turn to person next to you - what do you find difficult about note taking? What are the issues?

4 After During Before The key to note taking success

5 Group brainstorm! What could you do before a lecture to get the most out of your note-taking? Before the lecture

6 1)Read previous lecture notes 2)Download & read new lecture notes from Loop. 3)Formulate questions to answer 4)Prepare your note-taking material e.g. use a separate notebook for each module. 5)Arrive 3-5 mins before the lecture. Before the lecture – top 5 tips

7 Several methods of note- taking frequently used; –Annotating powerpoint –Linear/prose style –Mind map –Cornell notes During the lecture

8 Add detail Highlight important slides Annotating powerpoint

9 Linear/prose style

10 Mind map

11 Cornell style

12 Dedicated notebook Date, module etc listed During the lecture – be organised

13 Group brainstorm How can we get the most out of the notes we’ve just taken? After the lecture

14 Review your notes Look for the emergence of themes, main concepts over several lectures Look up previous exam questions and see whether you can apply your learning to them. Make up and answer possible exam questions Periodically

15 Symbols Increase / goes up / rises Decrease / lowering leads to, produces, causes, makes comes from, is the result of Abbreviations experimentexpt Educationed Curriculumcurr Probablyprob supportsupp exerciseexer strategystrat ImportantNB Only in notes, not assignments / exams Abbreviations & Symbols

16 Select your method of note taking and try it out on the following video! Let’s try it out!

17 Understanding Global Warming

18 Further resources

19 Access these slides through loop

20 After During Before The key to note taking success (2)

21 Desrochers, J. 2012. How to take Cornell notes [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 28 August 2014]. Skills4Study Campus 2014. Reading and note-making [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 28 August 2014]. Ward, S. 2009. Why we need global journalism ethics [Online]. Available from: 89E82A&index=17 [Accessed 28 August 2014]. References

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