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Documenting your progress ICT Creating a Blog LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT Documenting Your Progress Office 365 Documenting Your Progress.

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Presentation on theme: "Documenting your progress ICT Creating a Blog LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT Documenting Your Progress Office 365 Documenting Your Progress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Documenting your progress ICT Creating a Blog LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT Documenting Your Progress Office 365 Documenting Your Progress Office 365 ICT LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT Creating Blogs Describe how you show me what you’ve learnt in ICT? Discuss problems you have in showing your progress in lessons? Devise a better way of showcasing your progress and achievements.

2 Documenting your progress ICT Creating a Blog LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT Knowledge: How to create a blog for ICT How to add posts How to upload and share your work with your teacher Skills Upload and download a range of documents Structure and present your work professionally. Extended Thinking Could you create a blog for yourself to use as a revision tool in another subject? Lesson Objective: Create a blog to document your progress lesson by lesson and showcase your achievements

3 Documenting your progress ICT Creating a Blog LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT 1.Log into the School VLE. 2.Look for the icon in the top right corner for your account. This is your profile pic. 3.Click on About Me 1.On the right hand side of your screen, click on Blog. 2.Click on create a post 3.Give your post a title, add content and publish.

4 Documenting your progress ICT Creating a Blog LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT 1.To share your blog post, click on Share in the top right corner. 2. Type Mrs F. Taylor and select the permission levels. Click share once you’re happy.

5 Documenting your progress ICT Creating a Blog LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT 1.Click on the three dots at the bottom of your post and click edit. Remember to publish your work regularly.

6 Documenting your progress ICT Creating a Blog LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT 1.Click to type in the ‘Body’ 2.Click ‘Upload File’ to add items to your blog such as Word documents or PPTs. 3.Add hyperlinks to research or useful websites by clicking on Link 4.Upload images by clicking on Picture.

7 Documenting your progress ICT Creating a Blog LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT Level 5Level 6Level 7 I am able to use ICT to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences. I can use ICT to organise, store and retrieve information using logical and appropriate structures. I am able to use ICT safely and responsibly. I am able to independently plan and review my work. I can create a portfolio of digital evidence of my learning. I am able to take part in informed discussions about the use of ICT and its impact on society, Self Assessment – are you making progress in this unit?

8 Documenting your progress ICT Creating a Blog LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT Documenting Your Progress Office 365 Documenting Your Progress Office 365 ICT LO: How to showcase your achievements in ICT Creating Blogs Plenary Add a section in today’s post to reflect on your independent application of skills. o What was your objective for today’s lesson? o Have you met that objective; if not why not? o How well did you listen to instructions given to support your learning? o Give three tips to stay safe when using your blog.

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