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Marco Adelfio CMSC 828N – Spring 2009 General Game Playing (GGP)

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1 Marco Adelfio CMSC 828N – Spring 2009 General Game Playing (GGP)

2 Classic Game Playing AI Deep Blue TD-Gammon Poki

3 General Game Playing AI GGP Agent

4 General Game Playing GGP Goals: Create systems to play arbitrary games (given formal game definitions) Eliminate game-specific strategies Emphasize generic strategy formulation Competition created by Stanford Logic Group Hosted during AAAI conference since 2005 $10,000 Grand Prize

5 General Game Playing Questions: What additional challenges arise for GGP agents? How should a GGP agent evaluate game states? Can a GGP agent transfer knowledge between games?

6 General Game Playing Finitely many players, states Game play controlled by Game Manager over network Players act synchronously (noops allowed) Time limits enforced Basic agent must: Understand rule specification Respond to game states with legal actions Recognize a terminal state and its payoffs

7 Game Definition Language A game definition must logically define: Set of states in the game Legal actions for each player from a given game state Transition function Initial state Terminal states and their payoffs

8 Game Definition Language - Example (role p1) (role p2) (init (cell 1 1 b)) (init (cell 1 2 b)) … (init (control p1) … (<= (legal ?w (mark ?x ?y)) (true (cell ?x ?y b)) (true (control ?w))) … (<= (next (cell ?m ?n x)) (does p1 (mark ?m ?n)) (true (cell ?m ?n b))) … (<= (row ?m ?x) (true (cell ?m 1 ?x)) (true (cell ?m 2 ?x)) (true (cell ?m 3 ?x))) … (<= (line ?x) (row ?m ?x)) (<= (line ?x) (column ?m ?x)) (<= (line ?x) (diagonal ?x)) … (<= (goal p1 100) (line x)) (<= (goal p1 0) (line o) … (<= terminal (line x))

9 Game Communication Game Manager MessageGame Player Response (START MATCH.435 WHITE description 90 30)READY (PLAY MATCH.435 (NIL NIL))(MARK 2 2) (PLAY MATCH.435 ((MARK 2 2) NOOP)))NOOP (PLAY MATCH.435 (NOOP (MARK 1 3))(MARK 1 2) (PLAY MATCH.435 ((MARK 1 2) NOOP))NOOP... (STOP MATCH.435 ((MARK 3 3) NOOP)DONE

10 General Game Playing Design Challenges: Indeterminacy Size Multi-game Commonalities Opponent Recognition

11 AAAI Competition – Past Winners 2005 - ClunePlayer (UCLA) 2006 - FluxPlayer (Technical University of Dresden) 2007 - CADIA (Reykjavik University) 2008 - CADIA (Reykjavik University)

12 Agent 1: ClunePlayer Approach: Minimax Problem: Needs to assign values to intermediate game states in arbitrary games. Solution: 1. Calculate a vector of generic features at each node 2. Simulate games to determine which features are “stable” and correlated with either payoff or control 3. When running minimax, use a combination of those scores as the evaluation heuristic

13 Agent 2: CADIA-Player Approach: UCT (Variant of Monte Carlo simulation) Monte Carlo: Pick random actions for each player to descend the tree After reaching a terminal state, update expected payoff Q(s,a) for each visited state s and action a Introduces explore/exploit tradeoff

14 Agent 2: CADIA-Player UCT (Upper Confidence bound for Trees) Balance exploration and exploitation Give “bonus” to less travelled paths

15 Agent 3: UTexas LARG Approach: Knowledge Transfer Uses lessons from past games to improve play in new games War Games! Determines whether a new game is isomorphic or similar to a previous game. If so, transfer estimated rewards

16 Summary General Game Playing introduces a different set of challenges than designing game-specific AI Biggest challenge is evaluating states in a novel game Better understanding of general strategy formation has many applications

17 References GGP Website: Hilmar Finnson. CADIA-Player: A General Game Playing Agent. MSc Thesis, School of Computer Science, Reykjavik University. 2007.CADIA-Player: A General Game Playing Agent Kuhlmann, Gregory and Peter Stone. Graph-Based Domain Mapping for Transfer Learning in General Games. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4701/2007.Graph-Based Domain Mapping for Transfer Learning in General Games

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