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Published byAllyson Merritt Modified over 9 years ago
School-based Mental Health and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and High Schools Maryland Safe and Supportive Schools Initiative A Collaborative Effort of the MSDE, Sheppard Pratt Health System, and Johns Hopkins University Christina :Who is in the room: counties, roles etc. Intro of ourselves. Susan Barrett Director, PBIS Regional TTAC Sheppard Pratt Health System, Implementer Partner Center on PBIS
Interconnected Systems Framework for School Mental Health
Tier I: Universal/Prevention for All Coordinated Systems, Data, Practices for Promoting Healthy Social and Emotional Development for ALL Students School Improvement team gives priority to social and emotional health Mental Health skill development for students, staff/, families and communities Social Emotional Learning curricula for all students Safe & caring learning environments Partnerships between school, home and the community Decision making framework used to guide and implement best practices that consider unique strengths and challenges of each school community
MDS3 Initiative Funding: U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS) Number of awards: 11 states (of 33 applicants): Arizona, California, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia and Wisconsin are S3 Grantees in the first cohort Amount: 13M Length: 4 years (October ) Partners: MSDE, Sheppard Pratt Health System, Johns Hopkins University A2
MDS3 Goals 1) Assess school climate, student engagement, and the school environment, 2) Implement evidence-based programs (EBPs) to meet student needs, based on survey 3) Improve conditions for learning, 4) Reduce school violence and substance use, and improve student engagement and the school environment to support student learning. A2 This initiative provides the opportunity to formally connect student achievement with the other conditions that we all understand are necessary for learning. As my Asst Sup. Says, this is about the elephant in the room….
Keys to 10 Year Success Commitment of leadership at state, district and school levels Private, public, & university partnership Standards and Protocols developed and implemented INFRASTRUCTURE developed to support state and regional training capacity State-wide impact: 877 schools in all 24 systems trained 740 implementing Tier 1/Universal PBIS with fidelity PBIS Maryland WEBSITE and DATABASE, WIKI (
Keys to 10 Year Success (cont)
Ongoing Technical Assistance-Coaching Capacity (400 trained) Ongoing Evaluation/Progress Monitoring Evaluation Tools Ongoing Data Collection for Decision Making IPI (Implementation Phases Inventory), SETs, SWIS, BOQ Ongoing expansion of Local School System infrastructure as numbers of schools increase—staff designation, coaches for schools, and funding Federal Grants to support Rigorous Randomized Evaluation Activity through JHU
USDOE’s S3 School Climate Model
Engagement Relationships Respect for Diversity School Participation Safety Emotional Safety Physical Safety Substance Use Environment Physical Environment Academic Environment Wellness Disciplinary Environment
Using Lessons Learned to Build Next Phase
Training must be ongoing and connected to previous and upcoming activities. High schools require additional supports to successfully launch PBIS and implement it with fidelity. Adolescent students with unmet social and emotional needs create challenges High schools are often unprepared to implement Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions or to address mental health needs and resources at the local and state level have been ?? Relatively few developmentally appropriate EBPs (Greenberg et al., 2001). Coaching is NECESSARY and supported by evidence (NIRN) School Liaisons need to have a small school to staff person ratio (PBIS Plus-6:1; MDS3 3:1) Need to make the Focus School condition worthwhile for those schools. AA
Planning and Launching MDS3
MSDE , Sheppard Pratt and Johns Hopkins participated in the recruitment of school systems and schools for the Initiative. JHU developed a sustainable statewide, web-based measurement system and administered to assess school safety, student engagement, and the school environment, as reported by students, parents, and school staff. Data from the school climate surveys will be used, in combination with incident data (e.g., suspensions, truancy) from MSDE, to generate a climate (safety) score, which will be posted and used to determine the need for tailored interventions and support services.
Maryland Safe and Supportive Schools (MDS3)
Implementation “develop capacity in schools to improve” Research and evaluation “sustainable system to measure” Administration “disseminate outcomes to stakeholders”
Methodology Participating Schools Design
52 high schools across the state of Maryland 10 districts: Anne Arundel, Baltimore County, Charles, Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset, Washington, Wicomico, Worcester, and Queen Anne’s Second cohort of up to 8 additional schools possible for spring 2012, for a total of 60 schools Design 3 years (spring 2011 through summer 2014) All 52 schools participated in the data collection activities 29 “implementation schools” who are implementing the MDS3 Initiative 23 schools are in the “focus” or control group Schools were randomly assigned to these groups Participating schools were randomly assigned to either the Intervention or Focus condition. Intervention Schools were trained immediately, and Focus schools will participate in annual data collection and receive training at the end of the 4-year grant period. School Climate Specialists are assigned to Intervention schools and provide assistance in using data for decision making, providing ongoing coaching, training, support, and on-site technical assistance in the implementation of a continuum of evidence-based prevention programs (EBPs). Ongoing data collection, SCS intervention, District/Community Supports and State supports will contribute to sustainability. 3/11/2012
Design of MDS3 Observational Study
Funded by William T. Grant Foundation 4 data points, over 3 years 2 data collectors (1 ASSIST and 1 SAfETy) 25 classrooms per school (≈1500 per time point) 30+ non-classroom locations Using handheld devices to collect data Instruments Assessing School Settings: Interactions of Students & Teachers (ASSIST): Rusby et al. (2001); Cash & Debnam Praise, opportunities to respond, punishing statements, transitions, supervision, positive interactions, engagement, aggressive behavior etc. Both event based and global ratings School Assessment for Environmental Typology (SAfETy): Bradshaw, Lindstrom Johnson, Milam, & Furr-Holden Features of the school environment that encourage access control, surveillance, territoriality, physical maintenance, and behavioral management (e.g., disorder, substance use, broken windows)
Menu of Evidence-Based Programs
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS; Sugai & Horner, 2006) 3 tiered prevention model, focused on climate and behavior management Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (Olweus, 2007) Bullying and school climate Botvin’s Life Skills program (Botvin et al., 2006) Substance abuse prevention Check-in/Check-Out (Hawken & Horner, 2003) Mentoring and behavior management Check & Connect (Anderson et al., 2004) Mentoring and truancy prevention Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (Kataoka et al., 2003) Focused on mental health issues (e.g., anxiety, depression) PBIS- Beth Olweus- Rebecca- period of time 6 months or up to 1 year. SW/Universal Botvin’s- Beth- Universal, CICO- Wayne Check and Connect- Rebecca CBITS- Christina- intense intervention lasts for 10 weeks for those who display symptoms of PTSD, Anxiety Depression related to trauma- DV, Nat disasters, violence 10 week session facilitated by a clinical/counselor-school/local MH agency, and student learn of their common ground, and develop coping skills to manage stress to increase their functioning in schools and everyday life.
Center for School Based Mental Health Nancy Lever and Sharon Stephan
Link to EBP resources specific to HS Mobilize student, family, community CBITS Community Resource Mapping Manual Cross train Common Calendar Increase ISF awareness, visibility
MDS3 School Climate Model: % Time Spent on “Valued Outcomes”
Engagement 42% Check and Connect Culturally Responsive Teaching Relationships Respect for Diversity School Participation Safety 9% Olweus Bully Prevention Botvin Life Skills Emotional Safety Physical Safety Substance Use Environment 47% Check in Check Out + Academic Support CBITS & Mental Health Awareness Physical Environment Academic Environment Wellness Disciplinary Environment
Evidence-Based Programs Implemented 2010-2011
These are the numbers of schools who implemented PBIS in the intervention group prior to the initiative 16 out of 29 schools.
Year 1: Foundation: Applying the Tiered Logic
Continuum of EBP Fidelity of Implementation Teaming Structure Data System Universal Screening and Decision Rules for Access Data Base Decision Making Team Problem Solving Continuous Progress Monitoring
Evidence-Based Programs Implemented 2010-2011 and 2011-2012
Current school year, red indicates this schools year and EBPs that schools have been trained in and are planning to implement or are implementing.
Evidence-Based Programs Anticipated Implementation for Year Two
Current year, and upcoming what schools are planning to implement next year, proposed plan.
MDS3 Data Sources Data for Decision-making:
Web-based school climate survey (students, school staff, parents) Site visits - Health and safety of school environment School-level records: referrals, suspensions, attendance, nurse and counselor log, academics School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET), Individual Student Systems Evaluation Tool (ISSET) Rebecca Talk about the project design slide along with…All results are available on-line through a password protected web site Schools and LEAs received a password to access data 3 Report Options Quick Report – all data for all schools you have access to Advanced Report – sorting function Executive Summary - specific items From Spring 2011 Students (n=22,389) ; Staff (n=3,842) ; Parents (n=2,063)
Spring 2011 MSD3 Student Climate Survey Results
Safety ___% feel safe at school ___% reported being bullied during the school year ___% reported that other students try to stop bullying ___% often or very often feel sad ___% reported that substance abuse is a problem at their school Would predicting results increase rate of return?
Spring 2011 MSD3 Student Climate Survey Results
Safety 83.0% feel safe at school 25.0% reported being bullied during the school year 31.7% reported that other students try to stop bullying 20.2% often or very often feel sad 64.9% reported that substance abuse is a problem at their school 3 separate slides and make it disappear and click on it.
Spring 2011 MSD3 Student Climate Survey Results
Engagement ___% feel they belong at school ___% feel their teachers encourage them to work hard ___% feel their parents are informed when they do well ___% feel students of all races are treated equally Beth 3 separate slides and make it disappear and click on it.
Spring 2011 MSD3 Student Climate Survey Results
Engagement 67.5% feel they belong at school 81.2% feel their teachers encourage them to work hard 43.9% feel their parents are informed when they do well 57.9% feel students of all races are treated equally Beth 3 separate slides and make it disappear and click on it.
Spring 2011 MSD3 Student Climate Survey Results
Environment ___% report that disruptions in the classroom get in the way of their learning ___% report the school building is clean and well-maintained ___% report that students who need help with their problems are able to get it at school Rebecca
Spring 2011 MSD3 Student Climate Survey Results
Environment 60.5% report that disruptions in the classroom get in the way of their learning 49.4% report the school building is clean and well-maintained 63.6% report that students who need help with their problems are able to get it at school Rebecca
Stages of Implementation Fixsen
Focus Stage Description Exploration/ Adoption Decision regarding commitment to adopting the program/practices and supporting successful implementation. Installation Set up infrastructure so that successful implementation can take place and be supported. Establish team and data systems, conduct audit, develop plan. Initial Implementation Try out the practices, work out details, learn and improve before expanding to other contexts. Elaboration Expand the program/practices to other locations, individuals, times- adjust from learning in initial implementation. Continuous Improvement/Regeneration Make it easier, more efficient. Embed within current practices. Should we do it Getting it right Implementation is not an event A mission-oriented process involving multiple decisions, actions, and corrections Making it better
Expanding the SWPBS Implementation Blueprint
ISF Leadership Team ISF Implementation Team Systems Coach Content Family Community Implementation Demonstrations
Policy: Shapes Adult Behavior
Equal priority to Social Emotional Health and Wellbeing Academic Achievement Academic Behaviors Organizational Skills Team Problem Solving Study Skills
Training Activity Based Training WIIFM Resource/Continuum Mapping
Inventory current interventions, practices Service Delivery Teams- Who? organization, role and function, communication from case management to systems planning assess skills, competencies across staff Data: Student List, Early Warning Systems, ODR as screening tool Implementation Snapshots and Practice Profiles
WIIFM? Why Am I Here? How can I use this training to benefit the work I do everyday? Prioritize which topics align with your district’s mission With your schools goals Share your thoughts at your table Christina Print these on card stock - Print for all
Before you add one more thing….
We plan for systems to support top two tiers .Creating foundations to support the maintenance of those behaviors.
Linking to Outcome/Strategic Plan How do we support adults?
Resource Mapping Taking Inventory Linking to Outcome/Strategic Plan How do we support adults? How do we make sure we invest in what works with our students/youth? What data will help keep us on track? Conversation starter: This is not to be completed, just to get them started and then they can take back. Materials: Lamenated triangle poster, removable stickers, list of ebp and resources for identifying ebps
Practices, Initiatives, Programs for a FEW
Triangle Activity: Applying the Three-Tiered Logic to Your School , District or State Tier 3 Practices, Initiatives, Programs for a FEW Tier 2 Practices, Initiatives, Programs for SOME Tier 1 See workbook What do you have in place for behavior interventions for all, some, and a few? Think about this on a school-wide level and maybe think about it around one of the top behaviors in your school. Say disrespect or disruption. Think about kids down the road too-who do not respond to universal. Be sure to make the connections to the pyramid for academics and you will always look to both –the connections. Our work will be looking at what we have, what can we tweak, and what are we missing. What are the EBPs? How are you monitoring effectiveness with data? Are there any that are really getting significant outcomes? How will you take your staff through this process? Practices, Initiatives, Programs for ALL George & Barrett (2011)
Screening & Feedback Essential to developing effective systems
Effective systems allow for high fidelity of implementation Often overlooked
Activity: Student List
Name Grade Level GPA last year Behavior Referrals Core Grades Attendance Credits Jana 9 2.2 4 ref 1 D 1 F 82% On Track Blake 11 1.3 3F 88% -3 Toby 10 2.8 16 ref 1 S 2D 1 F 84% -2 Carlos .7 22 S 3 S 4 F 62% -4 Yvonne 2.7 2 ref 2 D 1 F 86% -1 Lin 2.3 1 F 90% Maria 12 1.9 16 ref 2 S 4 D 1 F 74% Doug 3.1 81% Tyrone 2.9 10 ref 2 D 89% Sam 2.4 13 ref 87% Paul 3.4 1 ref 1 D Tia 3.7 2 C 60% Who gets access to an intervention that integrates academic/behavioral support ? Choose 6 students.
Activity: Student List
Do you have rules for access? Do you need to lower the threshold? Are there other sources of data available? Can you get access to a data dash board? What else should we know about the students? Do any staff in building have relationship with the student? What are some possible political implications of choosing the students you chose? Leads to the integration Reflect on the team dynamics
Decision Rules for Access to Advanced Tiers (and decision rules for prevention-if we can predict the trajectories , then we can prevent it from happening) Youth has 2 Major ODRs Youth has 1 Suspension Youth experiences more than ? minutes out of instruction Youth misses more than ? days unexcused absences Youth drops GPA by more than ?? Youth – benchmark testing- McIntosh Youth- incomplete class work/homework Attendance (look at predictors for drop-out and school completion) Admin Referral Teacher/Staff Referral Family Referral Other: Services and Interventions are available as soon as the student demonstrates a need Flags for discussion Data Dashboard Multiple places to get access data we've used in a couple of districts. As far as academics go, they're not 100% predictors (i.e., not all students with academic deficits end up with behavior challenges), but people have been using them as flags for discussion. So if a student is flagged as "at risk" (aka deficit, tier III, red zone), their name gets raised as a possible student requiring behavior support as well. Because some students have academic problems but won't ever need behavior support, it's ok for a team/teacher to veto the need for behavior support.
Screening: Early Warning Systems
Research is clear that ninth grade is a “make or break” year. More students fail ninth grade than any other grade in high school, and a disproportionate number of students who are held back in ninth grade subsequently drop out (Herlihy, 2007). The most powerful predictors of whether a student will complete high school include course performance and attendance during the first year of high school (Allensworth & Easton, 2005; 2007). Therefore, systematic collection of student attendance and course performance data can be used to develop an effective early warning system that can also be tailored to local contexts.
Early Warning Indicators Office Discipline Referrals
Course Performance in Core Subjects GPA Credits FCAT/ Concordance Scores Attendance Office Discipline Referrals Additional Factors On-Track Indicators On-Track Meeting all graduation requirements Cs or better in all areas 2.5 or more Meeting credit graduation requirement for grad plan year Level 3 or Above or concordant scores within the same school year 4% or less absences per quarter or semester 3 or less Level I and/or minor referrals Disengagement No extra curricular involvement Substance Abuse High Mobility Depression Anxiety Free/Reduced lunch Foster/group home Transient/Homeles s Parent unemployment Student employment Changes in behavior/ appearance More recent traumatic event Missed guidance appointments No show for yearbook picture At-Risk for Off Track Lacking 1 graduation requirement 2.0 to 2.49 Behind 1 Credits Level 2 on FCAT 5% or more absences per quarter or semester 4 or less Level I and/or minor referrals Level II ODRs per semester Off-Track Lacking 2 graduation requirements Failing 1-3 classes Less than 2.0 Behind 3 credits Not passed both sections of 10th grade FCAT or retakes No concordant scores 10% absences per quarter or semester 5 or more Level I and/or Level II ODRs per semester Highly Off-Track Lacking 2 or more graduation requirements Currently failing 3 or more classes Less than or equal to 1.5 Behind 4 or more credits Not passed 10th grade FCAT or retakes 15% or more absences per quarter or semester 5 or more Level II ODRs for fighting/ profanity/ disruption per semester Extremely Meeting no graduation requirements 2-3 Years Behind Less than or equal to 1.0 Not meeting cohort graduation plan 20% or more absences per quarter or semester Established pattern of severe behavior Level II & III ODRs Relationship Expansion of community data with GPS
Critical Features for Implementing Advanced Tiers of Support:
Establish decision rules for access to the intervention Explore data and “look” for students in need **Refrain from grouping students with similar life circumstance (divorce/bully etc) Group based on demonstrated need- response to the life circumstance and the coping skills required Interventions are linked directly to the SW expectations and/or academic goals Interventions are always available to students Monitor progress of student- (outcome with data in and data out) Staff are trained, receive ongoing support, and are provided feedback. This is innovation neutral. It could be for academic or behavior – or the two combined.
Office referral as a universal screener
Types of Coaching: Selection and Recruitment for the “Right Fit”
Coaching for Individual Change: focus on skill development, support and performance feedback (content specific: academic, behavior) Coaching for Team/Group Change: focus on collaboration and facilitation, group dynamics Coaching for Systems Change: focus on organizational change
Development of the Team/Staff
Level 4 – High Competence, High Commitment – Fluent and experienced with innovation, and comfortable with their own ability to do it well. May even be more skilled than the coach . Level 3 – High Competence, Variable Commitment – Experienced and capable, but may lack the confidence to go it alone, or the motivation to do it well / quickly. Level 2 – Some Competence, Low Commitment – May have some relevant skills, but won’t be able to do the job without help. The task or the situation may be new to them. Level 1 – Low Competence, High Commitment – Generally lacking the specific skills required for the job in hand, but has the confidence and / or motivation to tackle it.
Systems Coach Skill Coach for Practitioners Support to Leadership
Systems Change Coach (Facilitator/ Communicator) Organizational/Systems Change OR The Development of Effective, Productive, Collaborative Systems that create optimal Conditions for Learning Rebecca
Support To Leadership Listen, model
Advocate for School-Wide Support through data Broker Resources to Include EBPs Be a “New Pair of Eyes” Provide an Objective View of a Situation Lead in the Direction of Sustainability These are all skills we model in the school even though we are not an appointed leader
Skill/Coach for Practitioners
Provide Direct Training, recruit next trainer Serve as the System Level Interventionist Promote Common Language That’s Productive Provide Scaffolding Model Active Listening : think FBA language that teachers are not trained in—more integrated approach and overlapping their language and getting on same page with programs
Develop Effective Communication Systems Facilitate Sharing Different Views and Perspectives Guide Through: a. Self-Assessment of Efficiency Evaluation Needs Assessment Use of Data Critical Features of Systems and Programs Wayne/Beth
Coaching: % Of Time Spent w/ Each Group
% of time across al visits
Coaching: % Of Time Spent On Each
Type Of Coaching
Percentage Of Time Spent On…
Top Small Group Hours
Challenges What is a School Climate Specialist? School leadership opposition Staff buy-in Lack of systems structure “B.D.T.R.B. Syndrome” Been Down This Road Before Involvement of whole staff
School Climate Specialists’ School Visits
Wayne/Beth Don’t get into general situations of support SST etc…just go over the fact that we start where schools are and build from there.
Lessons Learned in the School Climate Specialist Role
Support May Look Different From School-to-School Expect Successes and Challenges Healthy Debriefing Among Colleagues is Good Practice Pushback from Schools is not Personal Flexibility is Key in Maintaining Healthy Relationships with School Teams Three Schools Seem to Be the Limit for Successful Implementation of EBPs Serve as a Guide, Facilitate not Direct Celebrate Even the Smallest of Successes Remember… You are a Guest in the School Wayne/Beth
Lessons Learned About Evidence-Based Programs
Let Schools Work Within their Own Timeline For Some Interventions (e.g., Tier 2 and Tier 3), It Is Okay to Start Small and Work the Kinks Out Utilize Data To Make Decisions about Evidence-Based Programs Celebrate Even the Smallest Successes Realize that Program Implementation Will Not Take Place the Day After Training Work With What’s Already in Place To Formalize or Document EBPs Don’t just do “IT” to say “we do IT.” Wayne and Beth #5 some kids have to go down the river. Have a plan and structure. Not going to happen right away. #6 Some schools are already using EBPs, but need more training and/or to formalize and set up criteria- Becky has example. #7 what George was saying this morning about starting slow, small and doing it for right reasons.
Lessons Learned about Stakeholders
Administrator Buy-In is Critical for Success Make Sure Team is Representative of Staff Know Who Has the Power in the School and Work Through Them Gather Student Feedback and Participation For Sustainability, Business/Community Support is Imperative Expect Changes in Team Composition Over Time Recognize school readiness signals in order to advance to next steps Christina 7. “positive nag
Lessons Learned in Implementation Steps
Each school is in a different phase-make sure you are also in that phase. Each stakeholder on the team has a different agenda and perspective about needs. Each member of the team will have the “aha” moment at different times. Implementing step 2 before step 1 will sometimes help you have a stronger team. It is okay to go back. Staff may need training in the program before they can commit and commitment is never assured. Rebecca
Year 2 State Integration Team District and Community Team
Community Resource Mapping GIS (geographic information system) mapping of the locations of the schools in relation to community-based resources (e.g., libraries, churches, hospitals, community centers) and risks (e.g., alcohol outlets, crime). We are also linking the schools with community level census data (e.g., income of surrounding zip codes). This will allow us to examine some macro-level factors related to the survey data and school-based observational data collected in the project. Data will enrich the information available to the schools, as well as the research on community-level correlates of school climate.
Year 2: Capacity RENEW CBITS School based team expansion
Implementation Briefs ISF Facilitation Guides Funding, Tools, Team Readiness Checklist for Integration ISF Consumer Guide A process that utilizes the strengths of the individual, fosters his/her self determination and builds a system of care around the individual so that s/he will more likely be successful in school and other life domains
Share Your Thoughts…Questions?
Acknowledgements “The Elite Eleven” Beth Chatfield, Kim Crawford, Lacey Hentz, Wayne Hickman, Christina Jordan, Christina Knepper, Mike Muempfer, Rebecca Piermattei, Rebecca Philbrick, Morgen Piper, Brian Tureck Patti Hershfeldt, Jerry Bloom, Aniket Joshi, Muriel Smoot Catherine Bradshaw, Katrina Debnam Martha Essenmacher, Mike Ford, Andrea Alexander “No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship." Dr. James Comer Rebecca and all
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