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International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome

2 Fiona Wager, Ana Zeron & Veronique Johnston Building an Evaluation Approach to Evidence Impact: Edinburgh Napier University’s Graduate Employability Project Experience Presentation objectives:  Present the origins of the Graduate Employability Project (GEP)  Explain the structures to support project internal evaluation  Outline monitoring experience with case studies  Reflect on evaluation outcomes and discuss conclusions

3 Origins of the Graduate Employability Project 2013-2016 – Funded by Scottish Funding Council Key issues to address Falling graduate-level employment rates Wide subject area variations in employability rates Low rates of students entering SMEs Low rates of Scottish students taking study in Study Abroad programmes

4 Project overarching objective: More students into employment Strand 1: Student employability development Strand 2: Curriculum development Strand 3: Employer relations Strand 4: Student mobility Strand 5: Monitoring and Evaluation Project structure

5 Project Steering Group Cross-institutional focus Coherence in structures and mechanisms for project evaluation Collaborative approach to monitoring, evaluation and reporting How to support the project evaluation?

6 Evaluation and monitoring sub-structures

7 Monitoring against key performance indicators Target 1 Percentage of graduates in employmen t or further studies Target 2 Percentage of graduates in managerial employment Target 3 Percentage of graduates in graduate jobs within SMEs Target 4 Percentage of students in mobility programmes

8 Monitoring activity Systematic collection and analysis of data Student participation data Participation in GEP activities (Employer Mentoring Programme, Careers/Confident Futures workshops, Work-placement etc.) Student feedback Specific surveys In-depth data on value and impact of interventions Student panels and ‘Students calling students’ Views of other stakeholders Externally commissioned research on employer engagement and curriculum development

9 Case studies to outline evaluation experience Mature evaluation approach: Employer Mentoring Programme Emerging evaluation approach: Student Mobility Unifying evaluation approach: Tracking educational and employment outcomes

10 Study Abroad Programme: An emerging evaluation approach  Prior to GEP, the Recruitment & Exchanges Team provided students with outgoing mobility opportunities  Very low engagement of students with mobility programmes  Impact of GEP: scale and resourcing of this activity increased significantly

11 Student Mobility: Why ‘an emerging’ evaluation approach?  From minimal existing evaluation base, development of specific evaluation approach:  Develop shared understanding between student mobility team and evaluation team  Creation of ‘Outgoing student journey’ document  Questionnaires to evidence appropriateness of pre- departure support and to gather returning students’ perspectives on the experience

12 Student Mobility:  Ongoing evaluation allowed to evidence that  enhancing future career prospects was key motivation factor  exchange experience prepares for better future employment  Link strengthened between mobility and employability  Future evaluation plans  better comprehend enablers and barriers of mobility  continuing discussions on how to address evaluation

13 Conclusions  Monitoring and evaluation as a separate strand in project structure enabled greater focus on evaluation  Approach characterised by partnership between the evaluation and project stakeholders:  to build inclusivity  to share understanding  to establish baselines  to generate datasets  No ‘one size fits all’ evaluation approach. Bespoke approaches:  To meet differential needs of project strands  To ensure ongoing dialogue about evaluation and outcomes  To develop appropriate structures

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