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Linda Brasher Grady High School. Conference Attended Great Idea I can do this - (I’m crazy busy and not very technology savvy)

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Presentation on theme: "Linda Brasher Grady High School. Conference Attended Great Idea I can do this - (I’m crazy busy and not very technology savvy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linda Brasher Grady High School

2 Conference Attended Great Idea I can do this - (I’m crazy busy and not very technology savvy)

3  Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams  The traditional definition of a flipped class is: ◦ Where videos take the place of direct instruction ◦ This then allows students to get individual time in class to work with their teacher on key learning activities. ◦ It is called the flipped class because what used to be classwork (the "lecture" is done at home via teacher-created videos and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in class.

4  A synonym for online videos. When most people hear about the flipped class all they think about are the videos.  It is the the interaction and the meaningful learning activities that occur during the face-to- face time that is most important.  About replacing teachers with videos.  An online course.  Students working without structure.  Students spending the entire class staring at a computer screen.  Students working in isolation.

5  A means to INCREASE interaction and personalized contact time between students and teachers.  An environment where students take responsibility for their own learning.  A classroom where the teacher is not the "sage on the stage", but the "guide on the side".  A blending of direct instruction with constructivist learning.  A classroom where students who are absent due to illness or extra-curricular activities such as athletics or field-trips, don't get left behind.  A class where content is permanently archived for review or remediation.  A class where all students are engaged in their learning.  A place where all students can get a personalized education.

6  Students don’t receive zeros for missed work.  Any and every assignment given can be turned in for full credit.  No more skipping out on content because of missing work.  Students receive weekly grades instead of grades for each piece of work they complete.  Students direct their own learning…including taking “educational tangents” into areas of interest within each unit of study.  Students are not allowed to move on to the next unit of study until they demonstrate mastery of the current unit via some form of assessment.

7  Pros  High retention rates  Higher test performance  Higher student course evaluations  Higher student confidence  Cons  Heavy teacher workload  Administrative difficulties tracking student progress  Varying teacher freedom of instruction

8  I teach Inner City  Low Scio-Economic (Title I School)  Enrollment 1398  Math Common Core ◦ Coordinate Algebra ◦ Coordinate Algebra Support ◦ Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Geometry ◦ Accelerated Math 2  Inclusion Classes  Isolation

9  For students to watch instructional videos for homework  Allow class time to work on real-world application problems, projects, hands-on  Allow More Teacher to Student and Student to Student Interaction  Students will work on problems until they master  Standard Post-Assessments given at the end of each lesson.

10  No Late Work  No Make-up Work  No Gap In Learning When Teacher is Out  Students Responsible for Their Own Learning  Reduce Failure Rate  Allow Differentiation for All Students (mini lectures) ◦ Special Education ◦ Gifted ◦ Advanced Student to Move to Accelerated

11  School Electronic Policy  Students without Internet

12  Classwork/Homework20%  Enrichment Activities20%  Standards Assessment60%

13  What you need:  Writing Tablet  Recording Software ◦ Camtasia ($179 for educators – 30 day Free Trial) ◦ ScreenFlow (Mac Only - $99 30 Day Free Trial) ◦ CamStudio (PC Only Free) ◦ Jing (Free) ◦ Screen-O-Matic (Free 15 minute Videos -$15 year for unlimited and editing) ◦ Screen Flow ScribbleScreen (Free Mac and PC) ◦ Microphone ◦ Webcam

14  Edmodo (no space limit)  YouTube (Initial time 15 minute limit)  (2GB storage)  Vimeo (500MB/week)  Google Site  Moodle  Wikispaces/Blogs

15  Make PowerPoint  Upload to Active Inspire  Record  Upload on Edmodo  Most Lessons about 20 minutes

16  School Electronic Policy ◦ Administration Allowed B.Y.O.T  Students without Internet ◦ Burn CD’s or DVD’s

17  Flipped Classroom is Easy  Mastery is Complicated

18 Regular Classes/Inclusion Classes  Students not doing the work  No concept of time management  Not working for understanding  Moving to Slow  A/B Block  Still Teacher Directed  Not Showing Mastery

19  Accelerated Classes  Working Great  All students performing well  More advanced – give more enrichment activities

20  Follow Along Note Packet (Beginning of each Unit) Lecture notes, Worksheets, References  Assignment vs. Objective based grading  Prove they know it  Student Defined  Focus on Formative assessment for grading

21  One-on-one discussion  Intentional, directed questioning  Group work/Peer tutoring  Instant Feedback  Moodle something that builds a test bank

22  Set Grade Levels  A = Pass Unit 5 Exam (85% or better)  B = Unit 5 Podcast 5.3  C = Pass Unit 4 Exam (85% or better)  F = anything than less than above.

23  Unit Objectives

24  program/graduation-requirements/ program/graduation-requirements/

25  Start with Flipping or Mastery  Next implement the other  Research and adapt to your personality  Get out and observe

26  The Flipped Classroom has its own learning organization  Bergmann and Sams website:  The Flipped Class Manifest ◦  classroom-is-radically-transforming-learning-536.php classroom-is-radically-transforming-learning-536.php  The Blended Classroom – Master Learning at Work

27  The Educator’s PLN  Educational Technology Network casting.html casting.html  The Flipped Class Blog  Book Flip your Classroom

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