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Minnesota’s New Accountability System “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”

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1 Minnesota’s New Accountability System “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”

2 ALL schools will be given an annual Multiple Measurements Rating (MMR) MMR consists of four measurements: –Proficiency –Student Growth –Achievement Gap Closure –Graduation Rate 2 Multiple Measurements

3 Each domain is worth 25 points. The MMR is generated by dividing the total number of points earned by the total number of points possible. For most elementary and middle schools, 75 points possible. For most high schools 100 points possible. The MMR is a 0-100 percentage for all schools. Total MMR

4 Total Focus Rating In addition to an MMR, every school gets a Focus Rating The Focus Rating measures proficiency and growth of minority students and students receiving special services (EL, Special Ed, Free and Reduced Price Lunch) Focus Rating combines Achievement Gap reduction and Focused Proficiency Each Domain is worth 25 points, for 50 possible points

5 5 Multiple Measurement System – Results Page Multiple Measurement System – Results - Initial 4/30/2012 AYP Year NCLB ID District Number District Type School Number School Type District Name School Name Title1 2012 SIG SchoolMMRFR MMR Designation INITIAL5000999901001High School EXAMPLEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTTWINS SENIOR HIGHNN 63.96 % 73.46 % INITIAL5001999901002Middle School EXAMPLEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTVIKINGS MIDDLE SCHOOLNN 17.03 % 42.41 % INITIAL5002999901004 Elementary School EXAMPLEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT TIMBERWOLVES ELEMENTARYYN 9.54 % 32.58 % Priority INITIAL5003999901006 Elementary School EXAMPLEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTWILD ELEMENTARYNN 57.63 % 67.28 % Final Multiple Measurement Rating Focus Rating. “How are we doing on the Achievement Gap?” Was the school given a designation?

6 Summary Results - MMR AYP Year School Type District NameSchool Name 2010ElementaryExampleville School District Timberwolves Elementary 2011ElementaryExampleville School District Timberwolves Elementary InitialElementaryExampleville School District Timberwolves Elementary Multiple Measurement Rating MMR Eligible MMR Total Points MMR Poss. Points MMR Y10.24403897513.66% Y4.070109445755.43% Y14.314148351509.54% Did your school have sufficient data to be measured? Which year is being measured, initial is a combination of 2010 and 2011 How many total points did the school earn? How many points could the school have earned?

7 Summary Results – Focus Rate AYP Year School Type District NameSchool Name 2010ElementaryExampleville School District Timberwolves Elementary 2011ElementaryExampleville School District Timberwolves Elementary InitialElementaryExampleville School District Timberwolves Elementary FR Eligible FR Total Points FR Poss. Points FR Y6.9740601935013.95% Y25.602451615051.20% Y32.576511810032.58% Focus Rate Did your school have sufficient data to be measured? How many total points did the school earn? How many points could the school have earned?

8 Proficiency domain uses AYP index model. Schools earn points based on a weighted percentage of subgroups making AYP. Weighting is based on the size of subgroups. Unlike in AYP calculation, in MMR Proficiency, groups can’t make AYP through Safe Harbor. Proficiency

9 Summary Results – Proficiency Domain AYP Year School Name 2010Timberwolves Elementary 2011Timberwolves Elementary Initial Timberwolves Elementary Prof. Max Cell Count Prof. WPC Making AYP Prof. PercentileProf. Points 2380.640170750.3434734518.586836283 2520.53351530.1206509543.01627385 Proficiency Domain How many students were included in the measurement? What was the weighted percentage of subgroups that hit their AYP target? What is the school's percentile rank among other schools in the same grade range? How many MMR points did we earn in this domain? (Percentile Rank x 25)

10 Growth measures ability of schools to get students to exceed predicted growth. Growth predictions based on students’ last assessment result. Predictions generated by looking at two cohorts of students, where they scored one year and where they scored the next year. Student growth score based on being above or below prediction. School growth score is average of student growth scores. Growth

11 Summary Results – Growth Domain Growth Domain AYP Year School Name 2010Timberwolves Elementary 2011Timberwolves Elementary Initial Timberwolves Elementary Unique Growth Student Count Growth Zscore Average Growth PercentileGrowth Points 153-0.2319670.0341317370.853293413 158-0.3654090.017469880.436746988 What is the school's percentile rank among other schools in the same grade range? How many students were included in the measurement? What was the average growth score in the school? How many MMR points did we earn in this domain? (Percentile Rank x 25)

12 Measures the ability of schools to get higher levels of growth from lower-performing subgroups than statewide average growth for higher-performing subgroups. Growth of individual subgroups of students of color compared to growth of white students, Els compared to non-Els, FRPs compared to non-FRPs, SPED compared to non-SPED. Subtract schools’ growth scores for lower- performing groups from statewide averages of higher-performing groups. Negative score indicates success. Achievement Gap Reduction

13 Summary Results – Achievement Gap Domain AYP Year School Name 2010Timberwolves Elementary 2011Timberwolves Elementary Initial Timberwolves Elementary Gap Unique Student Count Gap AGR ScoreGap PercentileGap Points 820.4615640.0321563680.803909206 920.542053870.0246835440.617088608 Achievement Gap Domain What is the school's percentile rank among other schools in the same grade range? How many students were included in the measurement? How many MMR points did we earn in this domain? (Percentile Rank x 25) What was our Achievement Gap reduction score? (Negative score is good.)

14 Uses same methodology as Proficiency domain. Looks at the percentage of subgroups that made AYP in graduation rate. Current AYP grad rate targets are 85%. Targets are changing next year. Groups can only get credit for meeting the target, not through year-to-year improvements. Graduation Rate

15 Summary Results – Graduation Rate Domain AYP Year School Name 2010Twins Senior High 2011Twins Senior High Initial Twins Senior High Grad Max Cell Count Grad WPC Making AYP Grad PercentileGrad Points 12710.99836065624.95901639 14510.9982993224.95748299 Graduation Rate Domain AYP Year School Name 2010Timberwolves Elementary 2011Timberwolves Elementary Initial Timberwolves Elementary Grad Max Cell Count Grad WPC Making AYP Grad PercentileGrad Points 0000 0000 What is the school's percentile rank among other schools in the same grade range? How many students were included in the measurement? How many MMR points did we earn in this domain? (Percentile Rank x 25) What was the weighted percentage of subgroups that hit their AYP target?

16 Focused Proficiency Like Proficiency Domain, Focused Proficiency uses AYP index model. Schools earn points based on a weighted percentage of subgroups making AYP – but excludes the All Students subgroup and the White subgroup. Weighting is based on the size of subgroups.

17 Focused Proficiency Domain AYP Year School Name 2010Timberwolves Elementary 2011Timberwolves Elementary Initial Timberwolves Elementary Focus Max Cell Count Focus WPC Making AYP Focus PercentileFocus Points 9400.2468060396.170150987 10510.9994145224.985363 Focused Proficiency Domain What is the school's percentile rank among other schools in the same grade range? How many students were included in the measurement? How many MMR points did we earn in this domain? (Percentile Rank x 25) What was the weighted percentage of subgroups measured for AGR that hit their AYP target?

18 18 MMR Designations Multiple Measurement System – Results - Initial 4/30/2012 AYP Year NCLB ID District Number District Type School Number School Type District Name School Name Title1 2012 SIG SchoolMMRFR MMR Designation INITIAL5000999901001High School EXAMPLEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTTWINS SENIOR HIGHNN 63.96 % 73.46 % INITIAL5001999901002Middle School EXAMPLEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTVIKINGS MIDDLE SCHOOLNN 17.03 % 42.41 % INITIAL5002999901004 Elementary School EXAMPLEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT TIMBERWOLVES ELEMENTARYYN 9.54 % 32.58 % Priority INITIAL5003999901006 Elementary School EXAMPLEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTWILD ELEMENTARYNN 57.63 % 67.28 % Was the school given a designation?

19 MMR used to assign Title I schools to two categories: 127 Reward Schools (15 percent of Title I Schools) 42 Priority Schools (5 percent of Title I schools) FR used to assign schools to one category: 85 Focus Schools (10 percent of Title I Schools) 19 Recognition, Accountability and Support

20 Annual reporting of more data than ever before Continued reporting of AYP Two additional categories of Title I schools based on MMR starting in August: –Celebration Schools (“Next 10 percent”) –Continuous Improvement Schools (Bottom 25 percent) 20 What about the “other 70 percent”?

21 Title I Schools Rank Ordered 5 Groups Identified 1- Reward Schools Top 15 % Identified 2- Priority Schools Bottom 5% Identified 3- Focus Schools Middle 10% with Extreme Achievement Gaps 4- Continuous Improvement Bottom 25% Identified 5- Celebration Schools Next 25% Below Reward May Apply 10% of Applicants Selected

22 Exit Criteria Priority Schools: Two consecutive years out of the bottom 25 percent on the MMR (‘13 & ‘14). Focus Schools: Two consecutive years out of the bottom 25 percent on the FR (‘13 & ‘14). SIG Schools: Opportunity to exit at end of grant (‘13) if out of bottom 25 percent on MMR that year. Several current SIG schools above cuts. Priority or Focus: Immediate exit if a Reward School after any year starting in ‘13.

23 Current 25 th Percentiles and Reward Schools Elementary Schools: MMR 33.81%; FR 42.55%; Lowest Reward MMR 73.30% Middle Schools: MMR 18.68%; FR 42.96%; Lowest Reward MMR 79.05% High Schools: MMR 22.05%; FR 31.99%; Lowest Reward MMR 76.15% Numbers will be different every year. This is just an example.

24 MMR 25 th %ileFR 25 %ileReward School Cut Elementary33.81%42.55%73.30% Middle/Jr. High18.68%42.96%79.05% High School22.05%31.99%76.15% Current Exit Points

25 MMR and Designation Release Timeline MDE must run the MMR and designate the first round of Priority, Focus and Reward schools before the end of the school year. The first MMR and designations will be based off of data from 2010 and 2011. There will be no Celebration or Continuous Improvement Schools this year. Data from current year testing will be used in MMR released late this summer.

26 More Information and Help Visit BCT/NCLBWaiver/index.html for FAQ, Glossary, Summaries, etc. BCT/NCLBWaiver/index.html Email with

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