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By: Will Condo and Justin Barrett.  George Eastman invented it.  Sold for one dollar  15 cents for a roll.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Will Condo and Justin Barrett.  George Eastman invented it.  Sold for one dollar  15 cents for a roll."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Will Condo and Justin Barrett

2  George Eastman invented it.  Sold for one dollar  15 cents for a roll

3  Oskar Barnack  Took 18x24mm stereo pairs  Took the first tabloid pictures in 1916  Published by the Chicago Tribune

4  Erich Salomon is the first to capitalize on this idea by using it to capture natural, unpoised candid photographs of important notables and statesmen without the distraction and inconvenience of a blinding flash. Previously, all portraits of this type had been posed

5  Edwin Land invented it  Sold for $89.94  Fitted with Flashguns  Easily fired electrically  It was powerful, therefore convient

6  George Eastman invented it  Darkens photo  Where three black and white negatives were made

7  Leopold Gowdosky Jr. invented it  Sold for 17.50  First time four bulbs were put into one camera  Took several pictures in small amounts of time  Made negative pictures

8  Print Photos  Edwin Land invented it  Very popular at the time  Buys were lined up for miles for it

9  Produced by Eastman Kodak company  Has no range finder  Automatic winder stop system was added

10  First company to offer the medium format SLR camera  This Swedish camera manufacturing company was founded in 1948 with the launch of the classic single ‐ lens reflex

11  Zeiss Ikon released the Contax camera  It was a ragefinder with through the viewfinder focusing.  Photojournalists were the first to widely use these cameras.

12  These slides give a representation of what some of the history of photography was like from 1900-1950.

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