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Jennifer A. Lindholm University of California, Los Angeles Understanding College Students’ Search for Meaning and Purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer A. Lindholm University of California, Los Angeles Understanding College Students’ Search for Meaning and Purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer A. Lindholm University of California, Los Angeles Understanding College Students’ Search for Meaning and Purpose

2 Research Questions What role does spirituality play in the lives of today’s college students? What is the relationship between religiousness and spirituality? How do students’ spiritual qualities change during the college years? What are institutions doing that aids or inhibits students in their spiritual quest?

3 Points to our interiors Is qualitative and affective Involves our values, beliefs, meaning, and purpose Has to do with our connectedness to others and the world around us Refers to those elements of our lives that are difficult to define or put into words (e.g., intuition, creativity, inspiration, and the sacred) What is Spirituality?

4 Who am I? What are my values? Do I have a mission or purpose in life? Why am I in college? What kind of person do I want to become? What sort of world do I want to help create? “Big Questions”

5 Guiding principles The College Students’ Beliefs and Values (CSBV) Survey Assessing Spiritual and Religious Qualities

6 Spring 2003: Surveyed 3,700 juniors Winter 2003: Interviewed 90 students Fall 2004: Surveyed 112,000 freshmen Spring 2007: Followed up 15,000 juniors AY 2004-05: Surveyed 61,000 faculty AY 2008-09: Interviewed 50 students and faculty Summer 2010: Surveyed 750 campuses re. practices Design of the Study

7 Indicators of Spirituality Have an interest in spirituality81% Believe in the sacredness of life84% My spirituality is a source of joy64% Searching for meaning/purpose in life76% Discuss meaning of life with friends74% Spiritual experience: witnessing nature62% Spiritual experience: listening to music58% Seeking opportunities to grow spiritually47%

8 Indicators of Religiousness Attended religious services 81% Discussed religion/spirituality 80% Believe in God 79% Pray 69% Religious beliefs: strength, support, guidance 68% Follow religious teaching in everyday life 40%

9 Expectations for College Encourage personal expression of spirituality48% Enhance self-understanding69% Prepare for responsible citizenship67% Develop personal values67% Provide for emotional development63%

10 Religious Commitment

11 Religious Engagement

12 Religious/Social Conservatism

13 Religious Struggle

14 Religious Skepticism

15 Changes in Religiousness During College Increase in Religious Struggle Decrease in Religious Engagement and Religious/Social Conservatism No change in Religious Commitment or Religious Skepticism

16 Spiritual Quest

17 Equanimity

18 Charitable Involvement

19 Ethic of Caring

20 Ecumenical Worldview

21 How Do We Define Spirituality? Spirituality is a multifaceted quality that involves: an active quest for answers to life’s “big questions”; a global worldview that transcends ethnocentrism and egocentrism; a sense of caring and compassion for others coupled with a lifestyle that includes service to others; and a capacity to maintain one’s sense of calm and centeredness, especially in times of stress.

22 Spiritual Qualities Showing Increases During College Spiritual Quest Equanimity Ethic of Caring Ecumenical Worldview

23 Faculty Effects on Students’ Spiritual Development Direct encouragement Reflective writing and journaling Collaborative group projects Contemplative practices in class

24 Other Positive Influences on Spiritual Growth Service learning Interdisciplinary courses Study abroad programs Leadership training Student organizations Interracial interaction Meditation/contemplation Charitable giving

25 Negative Influences on Spiritual Growth Watching television Playing video games

26 Effects of Major on Spiritual Development POSITIVE: fine arts, health professions, biological sciences, social sciences NEGATIVE: engineering, mathematics, physical science, other technical fields

27 How does spiritual growth affect traditional college outcomes?

28 Academic achievement (GPA) Aspirations for advanced degrees Psychological well-being Leadership self-concept Self-perceived ability to get along with persons from other races and cultures Commitment to promoting racial understanding Satisfaction with college Growth in Spiritual Qualities Promotes:

29 What do these findings mean for campuses?

30 Educator Responses

31 Offering opportunities for spiritual reflection and discussion during student orientation and other programming initiatives Establishing places for reflection and quiet dialogue on campus Incorporating discussions of spirituality in living and learning communities and residence halls Developing guiding principles to facilitate conversations on spirituality Creating professional development programs to prepare faculty, staff, and peer leaders to participate in and facilitate discussions on spiritual issues Considering Possibilities

32 For More Details, Please Visit Our Project Website

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