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Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Review. What is a pure substance made of two or more elements that are chemically combined?

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Presentation on theme: "Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Review. What is a pure substance made of two or more elements that are chemically combined?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Review

2 What is a pure substance made of two or more elements that are chemically combined?

3 compound

4 If a spoonful of salt is mixed in a glass of water, which part is the water?

5 solvent

6 A mixture where the dispersed particles are not dissolved, but are too light to settle out is called a

7 colloid

8 What is formed when particles of two or more substances are distributed evenly among each other?

9 solution

10 What types of mixtures (there are 2) have particles that are too light to settle out?

11 Solution and colloid

12 In a compound, the individual particles do/do not lose their individual properties

13 do

14 In a mixture, the individual particles do/do not lose their individual properties

15 Do not

16 List 3 ways that you could dissolve a sugar cube more quickly in water

17 Stir, heat, crush

18 Brass, salt water, and air are examples of what type of mixture?

19 solution

20 In a solution, the substance that dissolves is called the

21 solute

22 The ability of a substance to dissolve is called

23 solubility

24 A measure of the amount of solute dissolved in a solvent is

25 concentration

26 What substance is considered the “universal solvent”?

27 water

28 Heterogeneous or homogeneous? Water

29 homogeneous

30 Heterogeneous or homogeneous? Reese’s Puffs Cereal

31 heterogeneous

32 Heterogeneous or homogeneous? salt

33 homogeneous

34 Element, Compound, or mixture? seawater

35 mixture

36 Element, Compound, or mixture? Carbon dioxide

37 compound

38 Element, Compound, or mixture? gold

39 element

40 Element, Compound, or mixture? ice

41 compound

42 Heterogeneous mixture, solution, suspension, or colloid? Garden salad

43 Heterogeneous mixture

44 Heterogeneous mixture, solution, suspension, or colloid? Kool-aid

45 solution

46 Heterogeneous mixture, solution, suspension, or colloid? toothpaste

47 colloid

48 Heterogeneous mixture, solution, suspension, or colloid? Snow globe

49 suspension

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