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2 Native American Bean Go!
Moving from one place to establish a home in a new place is called MIGRATION.

3 Native American Bean Go!
The cultural region that extends from southern Oregon into Canada is called the NORTHWEST COAST.

4 Native American Bean Go!
The land bridge that once connected Asia & North America is called BERINGIA.

5 Native American Bean Go!
Inuit people in the cold subarctic region adapted their environment by creating GOGGLES for protection.

6 Native American Bean Go!
From Siberia into the Americas, early Native Americans followed the migration of the WOOLY MAMMOTH.

7 Native American Bean Go!
Native Americans of the Plateau region consumed a starchy root related to the lily plant called CAMAS.

8 Native American Bean Go!
An area in which a group of people share a similar culture and language is called a CULTURAL REGION.

9 Native American Bean Go!
All of the physical surroundings, including land, water, animals, plants, & culture, are what make up the ENVIRONMENT.

10 Native American Bean Go!
Alaska and Hawaii are not part of the CONTIGUOUS United States.

11 Native American Bean Go!
Useful materials found in nature, including water, vegetation, animals, & minerals, are called NATURAL RESOURCES.

12 Native American Bean Go!
Because of the mountains trapping Pacific storms, the Northwest Coast gets more RAINFALL than any other cultural region.

13 Native American Bean Go!
Southwest Natives planted fields of corn, beans, & squash on MESAS.

14 Native American Bean Go!
Extending from Oregon to Baja is the cultural region called CALIFORNIA.

15 Native American Bean Go!
People in the Southwest region lived in villages called PUEBLOS.

16 Native American Bean Go!
California natives had access to more species of animals than any other region. The animal they relied on the most was the SHELLFISH.

17 Native American Bean Go!
The region that covers parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, & Utah is called the SOUTHWEST.

18 Native American Bean Go!
Pocahontas belonged to a group of Native American people in the Eastern Woodlands, called the ALGONQUIANS.

19 Native American Bean Go!
The people of the Plateau region relied heavily on SALMON.

20 Native American Bean Go!
A group of people’s way of life, including beliefs, customs, food, dwellings, & clothing, are all part of their CULTURE.

21 Native American Bean Go!
Native Americans of the Southwest made bricks out of sun-baked clay called ADOBE.

22 Native American Bean Go!
Native Americans of the Great Basin wove flat baskets called SEED BEATERS.

23 Native American Bean Go!
The Southeast region is known for its many towns & villages built around MOUNDS.

24 Native American Bean Go!
The flat region known for its two mighty river systems, the Columbia & the Fraser Rivers, is called the PLATEAU.

25 Native American Bean Go!
In the Eastern Woodlands, among members of the IROQUOIS people, women did much of the work.

26 Native American Bean Go!
The region between the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountain ranges is called the GREAT BASIN.

27 Native American Bean Go!
The cultural region named for its vast area of treeless grasslands is the GREAT PLAINS.

28 Native American Bean Go!
The Eastern Woodlands are recognized as the region with the most TREES.

29 Native American Bean Go!
Covering parts of Canada & New England is the region called the EASTERN WOODLANDS.

30 Native American Bean Go!
The region containing many rivers & swamps is called the SOUTHEAST.

31 Native American Bean Go!
Native Americans from the GREAT PLAINS relied heavily on BUFFALO.


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