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Rogers, A.N. (2010), Human Behavior in Social Environment, 2 nd Ed., New York, Routledge/Taylor and Francis,.

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Presentation on theme: "Rogers, A.N. (2010), Human Behavior in Social Environment, 2 nd Ed., New York, Routledge/Taylor and Francis,."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rogers, A.N. (2010), Human Behavior in Social Environment, 2 nd Ed., New York, Routledge/Taylor and Francis,.

2 Child Maltreatment AbusePhysicalSexualEmotionalNeglect  Child maltreatment includes;  Abuse  Neglect  Abuse: specific and repeated acts of;  Physical  Sexual  Emotional

3  Drug affected babies  Shaken baby syndrome  Medical neglect  Failure to thrive  Abandonment  Mental injury  Threat of harm  Domestic Violence  Child selling

4  753,357 reports of child abuse and/or neglect  59 % were neglect cases  32 % were children under 3 years of age  80% of perpetrators were one or both parents  1,760 deaths  42 % were under the age of 1  76% were under the age of 4

5  Physical Health  Psychological  Behavioral  Societal  Direct costs  Indirect costs

6 The need for power and dominance are at the root Sexual abuse stems from a patriarchal dominance of women Poor parenting skills were learned in childhood Interactions with the environment are perpetuating maltreatment Ecological Theory Social Learning Theory Conflict Theory Feminism

7  Evolution  The Orphan Trains  Removal from family  Family preservation  Alternative/differential response

8  510,000 children in foster care  303,000 entered  289,000 exited  9.8: average age  28.3: average length of stay in months


10 Percent of U.S. Population % in Foster CareDifference All children of color 42%57%+15% African American 15%34%+19% American Indian & Alaskan Native 0.9%2.1%+2.01 All others 58%43%-15%

11  Child Abuse or Religious Freedom? Child Abuse or Religious Freedom?  Does the U.S. value children? Does the U.S. value children?

12  Administration for children and Families (ACF-1): Child Maltreatment 2007  Child Welfare Information Gateway (CWIG-1): Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities: Statistics and Interventions  Child Welfare Information Gateway (CWIG-2): Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect  Administration for children and Families (ACF-2): The AFCARS Report  Administration for children and Families (ACF-3): Trends in Foster Care and Adoption  Casey Family Programs: Policy Brief, Disproportionality: The Overrepresentation of Children of Color in the Foster Care System

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