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W2.3 Pranayama. What is Pranayama? “I take refuge in the breath. Breath is all this, whatever there is, and all that ever will be. I take refuge in the.

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Presentation on theme: "W2.3 Pranayama. What is Pranayama? “I take refuge in the breath. Breath is all this, whatever there is, and all that ever will be. I take refuge in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 W2.3 Pranayama

2 What is Pranayama? “I take refuge in the breath. Breath is all this, whatever there is, and all that ever will be. I take refuge in the breath” Chandogya Upanishad

3 Definition Pranayama Prana = energy Ayama = control or restraint So pranayama is a technique to control, direct and increase prana

4 Basic Breathing leads to Pranayama Basic breathing and ujjayiPranayama practices

5 Characteristics Mostly in and out through the nose Spine upright Eyes usually closed – pratyahara Mudra and bandha used Early morning or after asana

6 Stages of the Breath Inhalation – Puraka Exhalation – Rechaka Retaining the breath – Kumbhaka Holding after inhalation – Antar Kumbhaka Holding after exhalation – Bahya Kumbhaka

7 Purpose of Pranayama Remove blockages in the energy body – pranaymaya kosha Purify the Nadis Increase the amount of prana and raise kundalini Final 3 limbs of Raja Yoga – dharana, dhyana and samadhi

8 Refer to Classic Texts Patanjali’s sutras Hatha Yoga Pradipika Bhagavad Gita Upanishads Light on Yoga The Heart of Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha

9 Breathing Ratios used in Pranayama Four stages of the breath Inhalation Internal retention Exhalation External retention A value is given for each stage, so always four numbers. Normal breathing is 1:0:1:0

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