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Chapter 30 An Era of Protest and Change
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The Counter Culture Section 1
OBJ: Describe the rise of the counterculture List the major characteristics of the counterculture Evaluate the impact of the counter culture on American values and society
Counterculture rises Don’t trust anyone over 30
Hippies- valued youth, spontaneity and freedom of expression. Peace, love, freedom Generation gap?? Why was this generation such a force?
Defining the Counterculture
Drugs, sex, and rock and roll The Beatles- visited in 1964 on Ed Sullivan show Took nation by storm Many songs used as protest songs
Sexual Revolution- rejected old views on sex and sexuality
Communes- small communities of common interest and shared resources Premarital sex??
Haight-Ashbury Hippie district in San Francisco
Drug use was deemed acceptable Different clothing Many began considering different religions- Buddhism and Islam
Counterculture ends By 1980’s, counterculture lost popularity
Drug use and sex led to overdoses and STD’s Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin? Social experiments ended and most hippies joined mainstream America once again.
Section 2 The Women’s Right Movement
Obj: Analyze how a movement for women’s rights arose in the 1960’s Explain the goals and tactics of the women’s movement Assess the impact of the women’s movement on American Society
A Women’s Movement Arises
Feminism- theory of political, social, and economic equality Movement started in 1840’s- DOS at Seneca Falls Convention Right to vote in 1920 Several Factors led to revival of movement
Redefine Roles Sex and Caste- tired of being looked at as second class citizens that were expected to fill certain role Tired of “house wife” stereotype Betty Friedan- Feminine Mystique
Better Work Suppose to fill certain, dead end jobs Sandra Day O’Connor
Example?? Sandra Day O’Connor
Women’s Organizations
NOW??? Goal- true equality for women Break down barriers of the workplace ERA?? Reproductive rights?? Protest- Miss America Pageant
Opposition Phyllis Schlafly- assault on the American family
Without traditional roles, American society would fall apart
Lasting Effects Women’s opportunities expanded Gained legal rights
Title VII- outlawed discrimination based on Sex Why was it added EEOC? Title IX- Higher Education Act made discrimination in education illegal Equal Credit Opportunity Act??
Roe V. Wade- women the legal right to abortion
Women in the workforce has risen Married women working has risen Women salary has risen Still earn less Glass ceiling? Feminization of Poverty?
Section 3 The Rights Revolution Expanded
Obj: Explain how the Latino population grew after WWII Analyze the Latino and Native American rights movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s Describe the expansion of rights for consumers and the disabled.
The Latino Population Grows
Latin American population on the rise while jobs were not America was in need of cheap labor Latinos and Hispanics come in large numbers Mexican American known as Chicanos largest group
Farm labor Bracero Program- granted temporary guest worker status
Many illegals and legal immigrants stayed After WWII more Latino countries like Cuba and Dominican Republic would rise
Pressing for Equal Rights
Most faced discrimination Pay, working conditions, education Cesar Chavez Attempted to unite migrant farmworkers to unionize and demand better conditions UFW?? Strikes and boycotts California passed laws allowing collective bargaining with UFW
Chicano Movement Larger movement for Mexican American pride
Demanded their history and culture be taught Also gain political strength By six Hispanics sat in congress
Native American Movement
Native Americans organize to fight for rights AIM?? Dennis Banks and George Mitchell Alcatraz? Said land belong to them. Why? Siege of Wounded Knee? Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee?
Progress The Indian Self Determination Act- granted tribes greater control over their resources Lawsuits to regain water and land use rights
Asian Americans Japanese American Citizens League- formed to fight discrimination against Asian Americans Fought for lost property taken during WWII
Consumers and Disabled
Ralph Nader and Unsafe at Any Speed National traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act in 1966 OSHA?? Because of disabled vets from Vietnam, handicap accessibility became a much larger issue.
The Environmental Movement Section 4
Obj: assess the causes and effects of the environmental movement Analyze why environmental protection became a controversial issue
Environmental Activist Speak Out
Industrialization taking a toll London 1952?? Toxic Waste Acid Rain Silent Spring- written by Rachel Carson- about? DDT? Cuyahoga River in 1969??
Inaugurating Earth Day
Earth Day created to bring attention of environmental issues to Congress April was first Sierra Club? Wilderness Society? These groups and event got people’s attention
Action Nixon took up Issue Environmental Protection Agency-1970
Clean Air Act- 1970 Clean Water Act- 1973 Endangered Species Act- 1973 Ford also created Nuclear Regulatory Commission- purpose?
Setbacks Love Canal? 3 mile island??
3 mile island?? Environmental regulation drew opposition- conservative groups said stripped individual of their property rights Hurt the economy
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