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Free radicals and antioxidants
What is „free radical“? Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) Are the RONS always dangerous? Well known term „oxidative stress“ - what is it? Antioxidants - types and appearance Markers of oxidative stress Disorders Associated with Oxidative stress
Free radical - what is it?
Atom: proton, neutron, electronic shell (orbital) Free radical particles with an unpaired electron spinning around the nucleus. (can be atom, ions, molecule). tend to reach equilibrium, plucks an electron from the nearest intact molecule. most of biomoleculs are not radicals
Free radical and „science“
chemist during the thirties - there is superoxide biochemist during the sixties - make a discovery of superoxid dismutase (SOD) doctor free radicals are associated with many disorders
Mechanism of radical reactions
Radicals are highly reactive species Three distinc steps initiation (homolytic covalent bonds cleavage) propagation (chain propagation) termination
ROS (reactive oxygen species)
Free radicals superoxide, O2 · - hydroxyl radical, OH · peroxyl, ROO · alkoxyl, RO · hydroperoxyl, HO2 · Particals, which are not free radicals hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 (Fenton´s reaction) hypochlorous acid, HClO ozone, O3 singlet oxygen, 1O2
RNS (reactive nitrogen species)
Particals, which are not free radicals nitrosyl, NO+ nitrous acid, HONO nitogen(III) oxide, N2O3 peroxynitrite, ONOO - alkylperoxinitrite, ROONO Free radicals nitrogen(II) oxide, NO . nitrogen(IV) oxide, NO2 .
The main sources of free radicals
membranes enzymes and/or coenzymes with flavine structures, hem coenzymes, enzymes containing Cu atom in an active site 1. respiratory chain mitochondria : mainly superoxide and then H2O2 approx 1- 4% O2 entres into resp. chain (mainly complexes I a III)
The main sources of free radicals II
2. Endoplasmic reticulum superoxide creation (by cytochrome P- 450) 3. special cells (leukocytes) superoxide creation by NADP-oxidas 4. hemoglobin to methemoglobin oxidation (erytrocyte is „full“ of antioxidants)
Free radicals physiological function
Used by oxides a oxygenes cytochromoxidase (toxic intermediates, H2O2 and superoxide, are bound to an enzymu) monoxygenases - activate O2 in liver ER or in adrenal gland mitochondria ; hydroxylation
Free radicals physiological function II
ROS a RNS against bacteria enzyme complex NADPH-oxidase of leukocytes myeloperoxidase - catalysis of the following reaction H2O2 + Cl- + H+ = HClO + H2O
Free radicals physiological function III
Signal molecules first messenger second messenger information net This info net function is affected by the redox state of cells redox state : antioxidant capacity, reduction equivalent availlability, RONS rate ROS: second messenger
Immunity vs. regulation
a massive production of ROS as immunity instrument x an induction of the changes low concentration ROS, which are probably regulation mechanism
Antioxidant defence system
3 levels inhibition of production the abundance of RONS capture of radicals (scavengers, trappers, quenchers) correction mechanism of destroyed biomoleculs
Antioxidants and scavengers review
1. Endogennous antioxidants enzymes (cytochrome c,SOD, GSHPx, catalase) nonenzymatic - fixed in membranes ( -tocopherol, -caroten, coenzym Q 10) - out of membranes (ascorbate, transferrin, bilirubin)
Antioxidants and scavengers review II
2. Exogennous antioxidants FR scavengers trace elements drugs and compounds influence to FR metabolism
Enzymes defence mechanism
Superoxid dismutase (EC, SOD) 2O2. - + 2H+ H2O2 + O2
SOD - is present in all oxygen-metabolizing cells, different cofactors (metals) an inducible in case of superoxide overproduction
Superoxid dismutase Mn 2+ SOD (SOD1) tetramer matrix mitochondria
lower stability then Cu, Zn - SOD
Superoxid dismutase Cu 2+/Zn 2+ SOD (SOD 2) dimer, Cu = redox centr
cytosol, intermitochondrial space hepatocyt, brain, erytrocyte high stability, catalysation at pH 4,5-9,5
Glutathion peroxidases
elimination of intracellular hydroperoxides and H2O2 2 GSH + ROOH GSSH + H2O + ROH cytosolic GSH - glutathionperoxidasa (EC , cGPx) extracelullar GSH - glutathionperoxidasa (eGSHPx) phospholipidhydroperoxide GSH - peroxidase (EC , PHGPx)
Catalasa (EC, KAT) 2 H2O2 2 H2O + O2
high affinity to H2O2 : peroxisomes hepatocytes mitochondria, cytoplasm of erytrocytes tetramer with Fe, needs NADPH
High-molecula endogennous antioxidants
transferrin ferritin haptoglobin hemopexin albumin
Low-molecule endogennous antioxidats I
Ascorbate (vitamin C) collagen synthesis dopamine to epinephrine conversion reduction agent Fe absorption antioxidant = reduction O2 · - OH ·, ROO·, HO2 · tocopheryl radical regeneration prooxidant Alfa-tocopherol a vitamin E localise in membranes produces hydroperoxides, which are changes by GSHPx
Ascorbic acid and its metabolites
Low-molecule endogennous antioxidats II
ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) electron carrier in respisratory chain co-operates with tocopheryl carotenoides, -caroten, vitamin A removing the radicals from lipids
Low-molecule endogennous antioxidats III
glutathione (GSH, GSSG) in all mammalian cells (1-10 mmol/l) important redox buffer 2 GSH GSSG + 2e- + 2H+ ROS elimination, stabilisation in reduction form ( SH- groups, tocopheryl and ascorbate regeneration) substrate of glutathione peroxidases
Low-molecule endogennous antioxidats IV
Lipoic acid (lipoate) PDH cofactor tocopheryl and ascorbate regeneration melatonin lipophilic ; hydroxyl radicals scavenger
Low-molecule endogennous antioxidats V
uric acid (urates) bilirubin flavonoids
Trace elements influence to FR metabolism
Selenium influence to vitamin E resorption, part of selenoproteins of Se = insufficient immun. respons, erytrocytes hemolysis, methemoglobin synthesis Zinc cell membrane stabilisation Fe antagonist
Be carefull - this equilibrium can be disbalance in both sides
Oxidative stress Equilibrium failure between creation and a elimination of RONS leads to oxidative stress Be carefull - this equilibrium can be disbalance in both sides
Oxidative damage to lipid
unsaturated bonds loss arising of reactive metabolites (aldehydes) Sequel changes in fluidity and permeability of membranes membranes integral enzymes are influenced
The peroxidation of linoleic acid
Oxidative damage to proteins
agregation, fragmentation and cleveage reaction with hem iron ion functional group modification Sequel changes in: enzymes activity, ions transport proteolysis
Oxidative damage to DNA
saccharide ring cleveage bases modification chain breakeage Sequal mutation translation mistakes protoesynthesis inhibition
Oxidative stress markers
Free radicals detection very difficult, because of chem-phys. properties Oxidative stress products detection more simple, a wide range of techniques
Oxidative stress markers II
Lipoperoxidation markers: malondialdehyde (MDA), conjugated diens, isoprostanes Oxidative damage to protein markers : protein hydroperoxides Oxidative damage to DNA : modified nucleosides
Antioxidants determination
ascorbate tocopheryl SOD GSHPx glutathion
Disorders Associated with Oxidative stress
Neurological Alzheimers Disease Parkinson‘s Disease Endocrine Diabetes Gastrointestinal Acute Pancreatitis
Disorders Associated with Oxidative stress
Others conditions Obesity Air Pollution Toxicity Inflammation
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