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How School Funding Works. DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education.

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Presentation on theme: "How School Funding Works. DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 How School Funding Works

2 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.)

3 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.) ODPM Education Formula Spending is just one part of all the support that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gives to each Local Authority. This money is called Revenue Support Grant, or RSG, and with the authority’s share of business rates is used to pay for a range of services, such as education, health and the police. LEAs Each LEA sets and divides its Education Budget into 2 Blocks; the Schools Budget and the LEA Budget.

4 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.) ODPM Education Formula Spending is just one part of all the support that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gives to each Local Authority. This money is called Revenue Support Grant, or RSG, and with the authority’s share of business rates is used to pay for a range of services, such as education, health and the police. LEAs Each LEA sets and divides its Education Budget into 2 Blocks; the Schools Budget and the LEA Budget. Standards Fund Money for specific initiatives to raise standards in schools and other grants are given directly to LEAs.

5 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.) ODPM Education Formula Spending is just one part of all the support that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gives to each Local Authority. This money is called Revenue Support Grant, or RSG, and with the authority’s share of business rates is used to pay for a range of services, such as education, health and the police. LEAs Each LEA sets and divides its Education Budget into 2 Blocks; the Schools Budget and the LEA Budget. Standards Fund Money for specific initiatives to raise standards in schools and other grants are given directly to LEAs. LSC The Learning and Skills Council funds post-16 education. It gives money to LEAs for schools with 6 th Forms.

6 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.) ODPM Education Formula Spending is just one part of all the support that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gives to each Local Authority. This money is called Revenue Support Grant, or RSG, and with the authority’s share of business rates is used to pay for a range of services, such as education, health and the police. LEAs Each LEA sets and divides its Education Budget into 2 Blocks; the Schools Budget and the LEA Budget. Other revenue Local Authorities raise money through the council tax. Some of this money will support the Education Budget. Standards Fund Money for specific initiatives to raise standards in schools and other grants are given directly to LEAs. LSC The Learning and Skills Council funds post-16 education. It gives money to LEAs for schools with 6 th Forms.

7 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.) ODPM Education Formula Spending is just one part of all the support that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gives to each Local Authority. This money is called Revenue Support Grant, or RSG, and with the authority’s share of business rates is used to pay for a range of services, such as education, health and the police. LEAs Each LEA sets and divides its Education Budget into 2 Blocks; the Schools Budget and the LEA Budget. Other revenue Local Authorities raise money through the council tax. Some of this money will support the Education Budget. Standards Fund Money for specific initiatives to raise standards in schools and other grants are given directly to LEAs. LSC The Learning and Skills Council funds post-16 education. It gives money to LEAs for schools with 6 th Forms.

8 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.) ODPM Education Formula Spending is just one part of all the support that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gives to each Local Authority. This money is called Revenue Support Grant, or RSG, and with the authority’s share of business rates is used to pay for a range of services, such as education, health and the police. LEAs Each LEA sets and divides its Education Budget into 2 Blocks; the Schools Budget and the LEA Budget. Other revenue Local Authorities raise money through the council tax. Some of this money will support the Education Budget. Schools Forums Each LEA must consult its Schools Forum on its Schools Budget plans. Standards Fund Money for specific initiatives to raise standards in schools and other grants are given directly to LEAs. LSC The Learning and Skills Council funds post-16 education. It gives money to LEAs for schools with 6 th Forms.

9 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.) ODPM Education Formula Spending is just one part of all the support that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gives to each Local Authority. This money is called Revenue Support Grant, or RSG, and with the authority’s share of business rates is used to pay for a range of services, such as education, health and the police. LEAs Each LEA sets and divides its Education Budget into 2 Blocks; the Schools Budget and the LEA Budget. Other revenue Local Authorities raise money through the council tax. Some of this money will support the Education Budget. LEA Budget The LEA Budget is spent on areas such as Administration and the Youth Service. Schools Forums Each LEA must consult its Schools Forum on its Schools Budget plans. Standards Fund Money for specific initiatives to raise standards in schools and other grants are given directly to LEAs. LSC The Learning and Skills Council funds post-16 education. It gives money to LEAs for schools with 6 th Forms.

10 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.) ODPM Education Formula Spending is just one part of all the support that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gives to each Local Authority. This money is called Revenue Support Grant, or RSG, and with the authority’s share of business rates is used to pay for a range of services, such as education, health and the police. LEAs Each LEA sets and divides its Education Budget into 2 Blocks; the Schools Budget and the LEA Budget. Other revenue Local Authorities raise money through the council tax. Some of this money will support the Education Budget. LEA Budget The LEA Budget is spent on areas such as Administration and the Youth Service. Schools Budget The Schools Budget covers all pupil provision. Schools Forums Each LEA must consult its Schools Forum on its Schools Budget plans. Standards Fund Money for specific initiatives to raise standards in schools and other grants are given directly to LEAs. LSC The Learning and Skills Council funds post-16 education. It gives money to LEAs for schools with 6 th Forms.

11 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.) ODPM Education Formula Spending is just one part of all the support that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gives to each Local Authority. This money is called Revenue Support Grant, or RSG, and with the authority’s share of business rates is used to pay for a range of services, such as education, health and the police. LEAs Each LEA sets and divides its Education Budget into 2 Blocks; the Schools Budget and the LEA Budget. Other revenue Local Authorities raise money through the council tax. Some of this money will support the Education Budget. LEA Budget The LEA Budget is spent on areas such as Administration and the Youth Service. Schools Budget The Schools Budget covers all pupil provision. Schools Forums Each LEA must consult its Schools Forum on its Schools Budget plans. Central services Some money is kept by the LEA for centrally provided pupil services, such as Special Educational Needs Standards Fund Money for specific initiatives to raise standards in schools and other grants are given directly to LEAs. LSC The Learning and Skills Council funds post-16 education. It gives money to LEAs for schools with 6 th Forms.

12 DfES The Department for Education and Skills allocates resources to each Local Education Authority or LEA. This is called Education Formula Spending or EFS. (The LEA is the part of a Local Authority that is responsible for education. Not all Local Authorities have LEAs.) ODPM Education Formula Spending is just one part of all the support that the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gives to each Local Authority. This money is called Revenue Support Grant, or RSG, and with the authority’s share of business rates is used to pay for a range of services, such as education, health and the police. LEAs Each LEA sets and divides its Education Budget into 2 Blocks; the Schools Budget and the LEA Budget. Other revenue Local Authorities raise money through the council tax. Some of this money will support the Education Budget. LEA Budget The LEA Budget is spent on areas such as Administration and the Youth Service. Schools Budget The Schools Budget covers all pupil provision. Schools Forums Each LEA must consult its Schools Forum on its Schools Budget plans. Central services Some money is kept by the LEA for centrally provided pupil services, such as Special Educational Needs Individual schools Most of the money goes into Individual Schools Budgets, which are decided by LEAs through their local fair funding formula. LEAs also devolve money from the Standards Fund and other grants. Standards Fund Money for specific initiatives to raise standards in schools and other grants are given directly to LEAs. LSC The Learning and Skills Council funds post-16 education. It gives money to LEAs for schools with 6 th Forms.

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