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The Top 5 Church Growth Principles... and What They Mean for Your Intergenerational Ministry Dr. Charles Arn.

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Presentation on theme: "The Top 5 Church Growth Principles... and What They Mean for Your Intergenerational Ministry Dr. Charles Arn."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Top 5 Church Growth Principles... and What They Mean for Your Intergenerational Ministry Dr. Charles Arn

2 The natural tendency of a church (and older adult group) is to become increasingly self- centered and self-serving. Therefore… It’s important for leaders to remind all… What was Christ’s purpose? What is our individual purpose? What is our church’s purpose? What is our group’s purpose? The natural tendency of a church (and older adult group) is to become increasingly self- centered and self-serving. Therefore… It’s important for leaders to remind all… What was Christ’s purpose? What is our individual purpose? What is our church’s purpose? What is our group’s purpose? Principle #1: “Disciple-making is the #1 priority”

3 Special Need1 - 2% Walk-In4 - 5% Visitation1 - 2% Church Program2 - 3% Mass Evangelism 1 / 2 % Sunday School3 - 4% Pastor/Staff1 - 6% Friend/Relative75 - 90% Special Need1 - 2% Walk-In4 - 5% Visitation1 - 2% Church Program2 - 3% Mass Evangelism 1 / 2 % Sunday School3 - 4% Pastor/Staff1 - 6% Friend/Relative75 - 90% How do people come to faith and church membership? Principle #2: “Social networks are the vehicle”

4 Acts 16: 12 - 15 Lydia (... she and the members of her household were baptized...) Acts 16: 23 - 31 Philippian jailer (Sirs, what must I do to be saved? They replied, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved — you and your household.) Luke 8: 38 - 39 Demon-possessed man (Go back to your household, Jesus said, and tell them what a wonderful thing God has done for you.) Luke 19: 5 - 9 Zacchaeus (Today salvation has come to this house...) John 4: 49 - 53 Roman Centurion (Your son will live. So he and all his household believed.) Acts 18: 7 - 8 Crispus (Crispus, the synagogue ruler, and his entire household believed in the Lord.) The “household” principle in the N.T. “oikos” It’s been happening for centuries:

5 What are people’s felt needs today? Principle #3: “Felt needs are the connecting point” People feel disconnected and isolated, they are looking for a place to belong and feel part of a family or community.

6 People are feeling the pressure of a busy and stressful world. They are looking for a greater sense of balance and ways to manage priorities. What are people’s felt needs today? Principle #3: “Felt needs are the connecting point”

7 People sense the shallowness of super- ficial encounters with others. They are looking for authentic relationships. What are people’s felt needs today? Principle #3: “Felt needs are the connecting point”

8 People are feeling empty and drained from striving to meet their desires through work, material possessions, or entertainment. They are looking for spiritual answers to their unfulfilled "hunger." What are people’s felt needs today? Principle #3: “Felt needs are the connecting point”

9 People are feeling overwhelmed by the pace of change in every aspect of their world. They are looking for help through transitions. What are people’s felt needs today? Principle #3: “Felt needs are the connecting point”

10 Number of new friends in church New Friendships After Membership Principle #4: “Relationships are the glue” 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0123456789+ Drop-Outs Active Mbrs

11 The typical “convert” made an average of 7 new friends in the church. The typical “drop-out” made an average of 2 new friends in the church. The typical “convert” made an average of 7 new friends in the church. The typical “drop-out” made an average of 2 new friends in the church. Principle #4: “Relationships are the glue” New Friendships After Membership

12 Principle #4: “Relationships are the glue” What makes friendships meaningful? Common (the more common denominators…the better!) AgeAge Marital Status Family Status Interest/RecreationInterest/Recreation NeedNeed Concern/ProblemConcern/Problem Ethnic/CultureEthnic/Culture ????

13 RECEPTIVERECEPTIVERESISTANTRESISTANT Receptivity — Resistance Axis Principle #5: “Transitions provide the window of opportunity” “Turn your eyes to the fields that are white unto harvest!” (John 4:35)

14 Life-Transition Events… Principle #5: “Transitions provide the window of opportunity”

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