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SAMBA e-learning PROJECT Presented by Faraj S. Al-Monajam.

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Presentation on theme: "SAMBA e-learning PROJECT Presented by Faraj S. Al-Monajam."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAMBA e-learning PROJECT Presented by Faraj S. Al-Monajam

2 Content Need for new way of training The Project The Accomplishment

3 Training in Samba 2600 employees kingdom wide Strong Saudazation drive/200+ new graduate hire yearly “State of the Art” training center facility with training statistics: Mission Statement: Training to be viewed as competitive advantage of Samba Year No. of training sessions Total no. of Trainees Training Days/staff member Participants Training Days 200425424154.711545

4 Project 2: Need to restructure training delivery Strong Product innovations + many new regulations. A lot of simple/basic training courses 2 regional centers + 26 branches outside of Riyadh A lot of training travels Key staff spend 20 days/year in class-room Major burden on working resources Lots of present-slides + materials BUT in unstructured format Get lost Ladies training Increasing needs Ineffective use of training budget Money spent on repetitive courses

5 Solution: E-learning

6 Samba First Experience 60 licenses obtained from Citi Bank 60 staffs were assigned to use it One year access for each licenses Each license give you access to 400 courses

7 Result of first experience Only 10 licenses had been used 2 of the two licenses were actually used 50 licenses were never used

8 Result of first experience (cont.) Accessing Citi Bank licenses were not friendly user. You have to long on to Samba web site using a user name and a password Then log on to Citi Bank using another user name and password

9 Samba of First Experience Cont.. After you log on to Citi Bank web site and want to access a course an access key is sent to the training center for approval Then a message is sent to participants telling them that they can use any course they want When a staff has difficulty with any course, they contact training center for help Training center will contact Citibank and Citibank will contact the third party for solution

10 Result of first Experience cont.. The whole process might take 2 weeks for solution

11 Lesson Learned No marketing or awareness was done for any of the staffs about e-learning Management support was not there Technology team was not inform of the e-learning project so they did not extend any support Staffs have a first impressions that e-learning is a bad way of learning

12 Lesson Learned  It was found that good number of the staffs had no PC to start with  Selection of staffs was not good  Arabic e-learning courses were not there

13 Second Experience Management was involved and very supportive as they believed strongly in the benefit of e-learning Good selection of e-learning courses was done by the training center 20 committed staffs were assigned in the process of selecting courses Marketing of the e-learning took “ months all over Samba

14 Second Experience cont.. Compulsory e-learning courses were assigned for staffs as a beginning 20 committed training coordinators was assigned to monitor the progress of the staffs Training center provides monthly report to all business departments about the progress of their staffs

15 Second Experience Cont.. Other courses were added in company with the compulsory courses. Staffs liked the idea of e-learning courses They started taking e-learning courses without coming back to the training center.

16 Lesson Learned from second experience In order for e-learning courses to be effective, they have to be linked to the staff career development Diplomas have to be organized like accounting, finance, management etc… These diplomas have to be recognized by the organization and have to reflect on staffs promotion

17 Lesson Learned Cont.. For in house e-learning courses two copies have to be provided Alpha copy, where you can do amendment to the course (usually one month is given from the vendor) Beta course will be the final version of the same course where all amendment has been made

18 Lesson learned cont.. Arabic courses or the preferred language by the staffs musty be used Technology department has to be involved in every single stage of the e-learning project In the long run a staff who develop e-learning contents has to be hired State of the art learning management system (LMS) and learning content management system (LCMS) has to be implemented

19 Conclusion Management Support and interest in e-learning is the key to your success. (People see things and say why and I dreams of things that never happened and say why not) Best wishes and success to all Tunisian people

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