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Learning the Parts of Speech Through Interactive Learning By: Justin Bomgren and Kristina DiGiulio.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning the Parts of Speech Through Interactive Learning By: Justin Bomgren and Kristina DiGiulio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning the Parts of Speech Through Interactive Learning By: Justin Bomgren and Kristina DiGiulio

2 Introduction Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a full knowledge of the parts of speech? Would it make it easier to write? Are you tired of learning the parts of speech by having to complete a bunch of boring worksheets? Today, everything will change. You are going to learn the parts of speech through a new and interactive way of learning. The fun and adventure starts here.

3 Task Your task is to explore and learn about the eight different parts of speech. These include: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. You will be immersing yourself in a wide range of websites that will help you refresh and enhance your memory of the parts of speech.

4 Process Use the following websites to learn about the eight different parts of speech. Your first step will be to find the definitions for all eight parts of speech. Use the following resources to write down the definitions. Remember, you will are looking for the eight parts of speech: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Harcourt Grammar Glossary &Harcourt Grammar Glossary interjection: Definition You will use these definitions to help you complete the wide range of activities that deals with each part of speech.

5 Nouns and Verbs You will be playing the game “Rats.” This will help you learn more about nouns and verbs. Please make sure you read the directions carefully. Remember, you can always refer back to your definitions. Please click the following link and begin. Most importantly, have fun!!! Rats!

6 Adjectives and Adverbs You will be playing the game “Bite Size.” This will help you learn more about adjectives and adverbs. Please make sure you read the directions carefully. Remember, you can always refer back to your definitions. Please click the following link and begin. Most importantly, have fun!!! Bite Size

7 Pronouns You will be playing the game “Treasure Hunt.” This will help you learn more about pronouns. Please make sure you read the directions carefully. Remember, you can always refer back to your definitions. Please click the following link and begin. Most importantly, have fun!!! Treasure Hunt

8 Prepositions You will be filling in a crossword puzzle. This will help you learn more about prepositions. Make sure you type one letter in each box. Be sure to check your answers by clicking on the “check answers” box when you are finished. Remember, you can always refer back to your definitions. Please click the following link and begin. Most importantly, have fun!!! Crossword Puzzle

9 Interjections and Conjunctions You will be playing the game “Interjection and Conjunction.” This will help you learn more about interjections and conjunctions. Please make sure you read the directions carefully. Remember, you can always refer back to your definitions. Please click the following link and begin. Most importantly, have fun!!! Quia - Interjection and Conjunction Game

10 Review the Eight Parts of Speech You will be playing the game “Grammar of Doom.” This will help you review the eight parts of speech before you take your quiz. Remember, you can refer back to your definitions if you need to, but try to do this activity on your own. Please click the following link. Most importantly, have fun!!! The Grammar of Doom

11 Resources Harcourt Grammar Glossary interjection: Definition Rats! Bite Size Treasure Hunt Crossword Puzzle Quia - Interjection and Conjunction Game Parts of Speech Quiz The Grammar of Doom

12 Evaluation You will be completing the following quiz online to determine how well you have learned the eight parts of speech. When you complete the test, please print and share your answers with the teacher. Parts of Speech Quiz

13 Conclusion Now you have a better understanding of the eight parts of speech. Feel free to go back and review the games and the quiz anytime you feel necessary. Make sure you think about all of these skills when you are writing.

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