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Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)

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1 Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
New ECFMG Certification Accreditation Requirement Characteristics of Polish Medical School Graduates Marta van Zanten, Ph.D. Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)

2 Overview of presentation
New ECFMG Certification Requirement Description of World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) Recognition Program Demographic characteristics of Polish medical school graduates in the United States USMLE performance of Polish medical school graduates

3 Current ECFMG Certification Requirements
Medical Education Credentials Completion of a curriculum of at least 4 years School and graduation year listed as “current” in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED) School recognized to grant the MD degree (or equivalent) by local government Primary-source verification of medical diploma and transcript(s) by ECFMG USMLE Exams Step 1 Basic Science Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK) Step 2 Clinical Skills (CS)

4 New ECFMG Certification Requirement
Effective in 2023, ECFMG applicants will be required to graduate from an appropriately accredited medical school Recognition of the accrediting agency by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) will fulfill this new 2023 requirement

5 Purpose of WFME Recognition Program
Develop a mechanism for WFME to “recognize” accrediting agencies Not a substitute for national accreditation Facilitates quality improvement and quality assurance Ensures trustworthiness of the quality of a medical school accredited by a recognized accreditation system Similar, but not the same as the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (NCFMEA) US DoE process

6 WFME Recognition Documents
Policies and Procedures for Recognition of an Accrediting Agency Describes responsibilities and composition of WFME Recognition Committee, policies, procedures for conducting a review, appeals, etc. Criteria for Recognition of an Accrediting Agency Describes the standards used by WFME to evaluate an accrediting agency Application for Recognition of an Accrediting Agency “Self-study” template

7 WFME Recognition Criteria
Scope of authority Existence and availability of standards Type / appropriateness of standards Appropriate accreditation process and procedures Site visits Qualifications and training of accreditation agency staff Appropriate process for accreditation decisions Controls against conflicts of interest Controls against inconsistent application of standards Due process Availability and dissemination of information

8 WFME Recognition Process
Accrediting agency contacts WFME to determine eligibility Accrediting agency completes the Application for Recognition WFME Recognition Team observes accrediting agency conducting a site visit of one medical school meeting to make accreditation decision of the medical school WFME Recognition Team writes a report describing the accrediting agency’s compliance with the Recognition Criteria WFME Recognition Committee makes decision on recognition of accrediting agency Process takes 6 months - 1 year Recognition term is 10 years

9 Implementation of the Recognition Program
2010 WFME Recognition process created 2011 Pilot project with CAAM-HP (Regional Caribbean) 2012 Recognition process open to other accrediting agencies 2013 TEPDAD (Turkey) LCME / CACMS (United States and Canada)

10 Characteristics of Polish Medical Graduates Practicing in the United States

11 Polish Medical Graduates in the United States
All physicians in the US who graduated from Polish medical schools and are listed as active in the current AMA Masterfile: 3,394 Citizenship: Non-US citizen 75% US citizen 23% Unknown 2% Native Language: Not English 78% English 22% Gender: Males 51% Females 49%

12 Polish Medical Graduates in the United States Top 10 Specialties
Specialty Number Percent Internal Medicine 731 22% Family Medicine 523 15% Pediatrics 256 8% Anesthesiology 204 6% Clinical Pathology 99 3% OB-GYN 92 Cardiovascular Disease 82 Neurology 75 2% General Surgery 63 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 51

13 Polish Medical Graduates in the United States Top 10 Practice Locations
Number Percent New York 552 16% Illinois 463 14% New Jersey 225 7% Florida 197 6% California 181 5% Pennsylvania 180 Texas 127 4% Michigan 117 3% Massachusetts 116 Wisconsin 11

14 Polish Medical Graduates in the United States Medical School Attended
Medical School Name Number Percent Medical University of Warsaw 676 20% Jagiellonian University Medical College 658 Wroclaw Medical University 311 9% Medical University of Lublin 305 Medical University of Silesia, School of Medicine in Katowice 301 Medical University of Gdansk 240 7% Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine I 230 Poznan University of Medical Sciences Center for Medical Education In English 190 6% Akademia Medyczna, Lodz 152 5% Medical University of Bialystok 145 4% Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie 86 3% Medical University of Lodz 15 <1% Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in Zabrze 10 Collegium Medicum im. Ludwika Rydygiera, Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika 6 Military Medical Academy 4

15 USMLE Performance (1993 – 2012) First Attempt Pass Rates Step 1 (Basic Science)

16 USMLE Performance (1993 – 2012) First Attempt Pass Rates Step 2 (Clinical Knowledge)

17 USMLE Performance (1993 – 2012) First Attempt Pass Rates Step 2 (Clinical Skills)

18 Graduates of Polish Medical Schools Applicants to ECFMG

19 Graduates of Polish Medical Schools ECFMG Certificate Holders

20 Thank you Marta van Zanten

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