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The U.S. Hostage Crisis in Iran 444 Days in Captivity.

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2 The U.S. Hostage Crisis in Iran 444 Days in Captivity

3 Background of the Shah  First came to power during WWII  Deposed in the late forties  Reinstalled by a CIA-led coup in 1953 approved by the Eisenhower administration

4 The “White Revolution”  Divested the clergy of their vast landholdings  Declared new rights for women Right to vote Right to attend university  Dramatically increased urbanization and industrialization  Exiles the Ayatollah Khomeini after he criticizes the Shah

5 Westernize or Bust!  Most Iranians did not want to abandon their rich heritage for Western Ways  Found inspiration in the sermons of Muslim leaders who denounced the material West  The Shah maintained control with harsh repression and brutality SAVAK

6 Allah Hu Akbar, Marg Bar Shah!  Demonstrations increased demanding the shah be deposed  Demonstrators demanded the return of the exiled Ayatollah Khomeini  The country was out of control

7 Exit the Shah!  Offers the premiership to Dr. Shahpur Bahktiar  Leaves the country January 16, 1979  The Ayatollah was invited back  Tens of thousands of demonstrators demanded the return of an Islamic state.  Dr. Bahktiar leaves

8 Islamic State Returns  Enemies of the Islamic Revolution are tried and executed  All political parties and organizations are banned  Independent and non-Islamic newspapers are closed.  Banks and Industries are Nationalized.

9 Iranian Revolution Escalates  US interests in the Persian Gulf are threatened. No access to Iranian Oil Cancellation of $7 billion of uncompleted arms contracts  Anti American sentiment runs high.

10 “Marg Bar Amrika!”  Sunday, November 4, 1979 the US Embassy in Teheran is stormed  Sixty-six hostages taken  mex/carter/peopleevents/e _hostage.html mex/carter/peopleevents/e _hostage.html

11 Oh Canada!  Six Americans seek refuge at the Canadian Embassy  Tense moments  Ottawa and Canadian Embassy prepare to evacuate

12 Iran’s Hostage Demands  Return the Shah for trial  Return the Shah’s wealth to the people of Iran  Admission of guilt by the US  An apology and promise to stay out of Iran’s affairs.

13 President Carter’s Response  Refused to send the Shah back  Froze all Iranian Government financial assets  Forbade American companies from buying Iranian oil  13 hostages freed

14 U.S. Reaction to Hostage Crisis  Demonstrations at the Iranian Embassy in the US  Record sales of Iranian flags, which were then burned  Iranian Americans were harassed

15 Renewed Sense of Patriotism  CBS anchor Walter Cronkite deoplayer/newVid/framesource_old.html?clip=/media/2001/01/19/vide o265570.rm  Hostages became a national obsession  Penelope Laingen and the yellow ribbon

16 America’s Frustration Grows  On April 7, President Carter announces the severing of diplomatic relations with Iran  Complete economic embargo  Inventory of financial claims against Iran to be paid from Iranian assets in the U.S.  All Iranian diplomats are told to leave the country in 24 hours.

17 Operation Eagle Claw  April 24, 1980  8 helicoptors from the Nimitz were to rendezvous with 6 transports at Desert One  Then fly to Desert Two to drive to Teheran where the CIA had arranged for several Iranians to help storm the embassy

18 U.S. Aircraft Carrier Nimitz

19 Mission Aborted!  The first mission for the newly formed Delta Force  Pilots did not have experience, flying at night, flying low, and in sand storms.  The sandstorm disabled three helicoptors, one collided with a transport and both burst into flames killing eight Americans

20 President Carter Accepts Full Blame  Little hope for a second attempt because the hostages were dispersed to various locations  nts/e_hostage.html nts/e_hostage.html  Carter’s popularity sinks  The Shah dies in July

21 “On Wings of Eagles”  Ross Perot’s hires Col. Bull Simon to rescue two EDS employees in an Iran prison.  Successful mission  Ken Follett novel

22 1980 Presidential Campaign  The Reagan-Bush team realized that the hostage issue would determine the election  Americans needed to hear stirring phrases of national purpose, and believe in the future.  Wins by a landslide, Nov. 4  Started selling arms to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, using the money to pay Iran ransom

23 The Hostages are Freed  Carter released $8 billion in frozen Iranian assets the morning of the inauguration  The hostages board planes  amex/carter/peopleevent s/e_hostage.html amex/carter/peopleevent s/e_hostage.html

24 Where Are They Now?  The Shah’s son is attended school at USC  Trained as a pilot in the US Airforce  Acknowledges some of the evil that his father was accused of  Is gathering support to return to Iran

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