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+ 3 rd Grade Back to School Night Mr. Croucher, Mrs. Gendron, Miss Grail.

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Presentation on theme: "+ 3 rd Grade Back to School Night Mr. Croucher, Mrs. Gendron, Miss Grail."— Presentation transcript:

1 + 3 rd Grade Back to School Night Mr. Croucher, Mrs. Gendron, Miss Grail

2 + Agenda Introduction Curriculum overview Daily Schedule Volunteer Opportunities Upcoming Events Closing

3 + Introductions

4 + Largest Topics: Multiplication/Division and Fractions Math Addition/Subtracti on 2D Figures Multiplication/ Division Data Arrays/Area Fractions Measurement At home practice: Flash cards Online math games:

5 + Structure: Daily Five and C.A.F.E (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, Expanding Vocabulary) Reading Goal Setting Character Analysis Research Skills Social Issues in stories (lessons/morals) Informational Text Mysteries Biographies Test Prep (as a genre)

6 + Writer’s Workshop Structure Teacher models-Students Practice Writing Conferences “Over time, students learn to choose their own topics and to manage their own development as they work through a wide variety of writing projects in a sustained and self-directed way.” Writing Personal Narratives Opinion Writing Informative/Ex planatory text Developing Story Ideas(waterm elon  seed) Good beginnings and endings Revising and editing techniques

7 + We use the Scientific Method: Focus Question  Hypothesis  Experiment  Record/Graph Data  Conclusion  Reflection Science Plants and Soils Changes solids, liquids, gases Objects in the Sky solar system The Human Body systems

8 + Our first novel study, Indian in the Cupboard, correlates with the first unit. We will continue to work with novels throughout the year that can be connected to the curriculum. Social Studies Native Americans and Colonists Civics and Government Geography Economics

9 + Schedule 8:00 – 8:45 Morning Meeting 8:45 – 9:40 Specials (M,W,TH) Intervention Time (T,F) 9:40 – 10:10 Writers Workshop 10:10 – 10:20 Snack/Bathroom 10:20 – 12:10 Daily 5 / Café 12:15 – 1:10 Lunch / Recess 1:15 – 2:15 Math Workshop 2:15 – 3:00 Science / Novel Study

10 + Upcoming Dates August 17 th EARLY RELEASE PEP/1 st Quarter Conferences September 14 th FROLIC September 3 rd LABOR DAY No school September 21 st Track Out, Report Cards go home

11 + Volunteer Opportunities Each classroom is in need of a room parent. This person would be the main line of communication between the teacher and the rest of the volunteers. You may sign up on the sheets provided for any volunteer opportunities. We appreciate any kind of help in the classroom or even taking home projects for us.

12 + Any Questions?

13 + THANK YOU FOR COMING Please feel free to explore your child’s classroom. You can even leave them a little note for tomorrow! Mr. Croucher Mrs. Gendron Miss Grail

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