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Homework Answers (1-2 Worksheet)

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1 Homework Answers (1-2 Worksheet)

2 Combining Like Terms Term: Part of the expression or equation separated by + and - Variable: Letter that represents a number, or a set of numbers. Coefficient: A number in front of a variable. Tells us what to multiply the variable by. Constant: A term with no variables (number by itself).


4 Combining like terms allows us to simplify an expression
Combining like terms allows us to simplify an expression. To combine like terms ADD or SUBTRACT (look at the signs) the Coefficients. The variables and their exponents will remain the same. Examples:

5 Try:

6 The Distributive Property
Objective: You will be able to use the distributive property to evaluate and simplify expressions

7 The Distributive Property

8 The Distributive Property

9 Example 1: Rewrite each expression using the distributive property
Example 1: Rewrite each expression using the distributive property. Then evaluate.

10 Example 2: Rewrite each product using the distributive property
Example 2: Rewrite each product using the distributive property. Then simplify. a) b) c) d)

11 Try:

12 e) g) f)

13 When expressions require us to use the distributive property and combine like terms to
simplify, distribute first, then combine like terms. Example 3


15 2-4 Dividing Real Numbers
When multiplying using the distributive property, the term on the outside of the parenthesis multiplies all terms on the inside of parenthesis. When simplifying fractions with one term in the denominator, a similar process is used. Every term in the numerator is divided by the term in the denominator.

16 Example 3: Simplify each fraction.

17 You try. Simplify the fraction.

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