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National School Climate Center Policy Scan 2011. What If?  What if there was an interactive web site where you can:  Explore all the existing Anti-Bullying.

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Presentation on theme: "National School Climate Center Policy Scan 2011. What If?  What if there was an interactive web site where you can:  Explore all the existing Anti-Bullying."— Presentation transcript:

1 National School Climate Center Policy Scan 2011

2 What If?  What if there was an interactive web site where you can:  Explore all the existing Anti-Bullying and School Climate state policies?  Examine the variety of Anti-Bullying and School Climate state policies?  Analyze the source and dimensions of Anti-Bullying and School Climate State Policies  Learn about quality Anti-Bullying and School Climate state policy options  Promote adoption/adaptation of Anti-Bullying and School Climate state policies

3 Anti-Bullying and School Climate Policies By State

4 Methodology:  Searched legal database, Lexis Nexis  Searched state DOE websites  Definition of Terms  Youth engagement  Bully prevention  Bully intervention  Technical assistance  School Climate state supports

5 Summary of Findings Anti-Bullying CategoryTotal Bully prevention policy.45 Regulation defines bullying.39 Bully prevention is part of the accountability system.23 Regulation is focused on prevention.34 Regulation is focused on intervention and punishment.41 There is a funding stream supporting the regulation.6 There is technical Assistance37 There is professional development.22 School Climate CategoryTotal Policy and/or State Supports32 Funding9 TA27 Mandated TA3 Safety Only TA9 Measured14 Accountability Sys8 Youth Engagement9


7 How to Share the Scan The National School Climate Center recently conducted a nationwide anti- bullying and school climate policy scan. It puts into perspective the gap between school climate research and school climate policy. Additionally, the scan is an excellent tool if you are in the process of adopting/adapting an anti- bullying and/or school climate policy, because it allows you to easily see what other states are doing. Kindly follow the link below, if you would like to view the scan results. How to Contribute to the Scan Maintenance of this database is performed by the National School Climate Center. Please contact Chiqueena Lee, J.D., (212) 707.8799 ext. 23 or with questions or comments about the database.

8 Next Steps by NSCC  Enhance website to include the capacity to compare state policies.  Continue to analyze data  Write briefs, op-eds, and publish  Update the findings on a regular basis  Engage policymakers with our findings and advocate for change, where necessary

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