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A Little Change Makes Your Life Become Different: Micro-Cosmetic Surgeries Members: Annie& Lexie& Sophia.

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Presentation on theme: "A Little Change Makes Your Life Become Different: Micro-Cosmetic Surgeries Members: Annie& Lexie& Sophia."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Little Change Makes Your Life Become Different: Micro-Cosmetic Surgeries Members: Annie& Lexie& Sophia

2 Outline Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Definition 1. The traditional plastic surgery. 2. The modern micro-cosmetic surgery 3. Three top parts in micro-cosmetic surgery. Ⅲ. Discussion Ⅳ. Conclusion Ⅵ. Reference

3 Ⅰ.Introduction 1. Background of the Study 2. Motivation of the Study 3. Purpose of the Study

4 Ⅰ. Introduction(1) Background The standards of beauty have been changing. People’s sense of beauty has changed from natural beauty into artificial one.

5 Ⅰ. Introduction(2) Motivation Do the Korean stars play an important part in the young people’s decision to undergo the surgery? Purpose 1. Why an increasing number of clinics showing up in Taiwan so quickly? 2. Whether young people can accept the micro- cosmetic surgery or not.

6 Ⅱ. Definition 1. The traditional plastic surgery. 2. The modern micro-cosmetic surgery. 3. The top three parts in micro-cosmetic surgery.

7 Ⅱ. Definition(1) Definition of the traditional plastic surgery 1. A medical major concerned with many high risky types of surgeries. 2. High expense 3. High risk

8 Ⅱ. Definition(2) Definition of the modern micro- cosmetic surgery. 1. A whole new terms. Laser Beauty& Botulinum 2. Lower expense 3. Have no apparent wounds

9 Ⅱ. Definition(3) The three top parts in micro- cosmetic surgery. 1. Lasik 2. Double-fold eyelid 3. Rhinoplasty Surgery

10 Ⅲ. Discussion RQ1. Do young people want to conduct micro- cosmetic surgery? And why do they want to do it? RQ2. Which part do the people want to change the most? RQ3. Is there any influence on their life after conducting the micro-cosmetic surgery?

11 NO 34 % YES 66 % RQ1. Do young people want to conduct micro- cosmetic surgery?

12 RQ1(1). Why do they want to do it No specific reasons 43% Others 2% Be affected by the environment, mass media, or Internet 3% Recover trauma 5% Be more attractive 6% Prevent from getting older 8% Be more self-confident 33%

13 Nose job 22% Double-fold eyelid 15% Lasik Surgery 21 % Orthodontics 14% Whitening injection 10% Tear ditch 5% Use Botulinum toxin to make your leg become thinner4% Others 8 % * Forehead * RF power * Lip implant * Chin mentation * Cheek bone augmentation RQ2. Which part do the people what to change the most?

14 RQ3. Is there any influence on their life after conducting the surgery ? Do not need too much time on make –up. 38% Spend more expense and time. 20% When the weather changes, the wounds may discomfort you. 17% Be spoken ill of by others. 12% More and more people pursue you. 9% Become more popular with peers. 4%

15 Ⅳ. Conclusion People put much emphasis on their faces. Micro-cosmetic surgery is more beneficial in many ways. Influenced by mass media, peers and trend, teenagers.

16 Ⅵ. Reference 王篤行( 2008 )。刀裡藏笑:整形專家要你好看。台灣。天下文 化。 陳美齡( 2007 )。眼整形美容全書。台灣。文經社。 朱芃年( 2011 )。醫學美容業不告訴你的 40 件事。台灣。商周出 版。 維基百科。取自。 維基百科。取自。 維基百科。取自。

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